The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Feb 1915, p. 7

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. a _ a. J [KY Ire , ' T .. _ -- ' = ' -1."ir 1016 "" ' V . a C D. ii , _ ' SLAT . v' I, . URE OPEN :1." ic', I _ ' NI LITARY SPI E "I' 'r'""" ' - 4t----- - New House . Much G - _ l Elects Dr. Janna. round Covered V _ son s e i F F p aker ---- Speech H n Speech From Throne! tom l Th . ' It' Hon w the rone Filled fg."t the Tgfogge: rfeaid the Speech} . . peak" ' , ouowr. ith and Gentl 3. S the Tone of War ---- nt','),",' A"enum- em" ot the Lezl- l ordg m . - econd . . the d'schar e Pleasure to th Contingent Men In 'leg, of, m? 12,232; (tum. 2:12:13"? you to nee. I a Legitrl naulrur- e Guard we?!" 'i','imhrl"'lt trrntitied I',"",',',: of thui 'ldl2 had the pri thitt Houtsa "To" turain I 'ep/It"",': ttttd te/rt for your: whom I l ------ --------.. Benn"! feeling! hcl,'" tststiatttd to! being 5mm nued and au- no Hahn..." hat the I With Il T1110: of tuetton entrthened in our wilt M " t ' . ' , , e . r CE'I' .' nu (riiriitslltci'tto'r,i( It ", Logiaiatu a one whose Venom PmomuL tnilit -.c ir', 5mm» In, tln " 1 cannot absence fro and .. . _ "U "WWI: t.' Gl', d it " wt refrain fro m thltt t social "mp," .. lamina" 's'h"no/,t,',t that It? {the 2'e'ldrto1u1,t,"2e,- "'21s 0})an ' A . . int' lll'fl'isl-n ' a 3 " of thi e or to th rrow and F " "l Vet; ter ' . ' HI!I nee WI 5 Provin e tate iwhic'h uill rs.',',",','..?')".)'"',,': l'ins s.wc,c,iirn, 'i,i'tr5,'tir,,lttit),t,t,iyF,r,e,i, My": 2,dt',Ti, ', by hrwrltt "1"": " m. (-hul'HvIo-l'izvd 'l,r,'d'i/"12it 12flulor"eeeit 'l"d,g'ttPf, mm; 501nm"- . ... I twrortltatl U.4 t'fh .., _ to Gi m: remarkableoilh'd purity yo'rto att-, _ p, the "NW: o'/ (y _ PIU'-, "Id ht ttere: "few "In" with Char" the shunt Him-m [lt "IN-1 "up . power of " tho DUbll retrard' T ' ""1 prvSf'lei l _ Dubl' The death oontgtruetiv e Welt"... he Spam." hum ti I ry 1m. wur. 'pr',',',','),',,,'."?,,',"," is J",,',',',,',", a 1iitniiiiiiiiii' ttt'tsrenct It' 'l'ill'nn,. t . he _ e, but all on, not mtuiattm1 . ' In ti , nude " no " O to the only to _ stan. m IIC "tr/sit), .4... an, hm» 'lt/in/if,,',' and a Mmpire to "M. Pl under wlm-b ti Id lllll- :an Place In hituey has 1','i'tht,',t? an??? we". Htlt t IH- u..." I tlsr our" our hi Wed l? e . . . "'HUHDH' . tN' l Hug b of the Story " in end - m the Inns-p" ' , H t'_siIrrt"sr:i'il with: 'lu/tl',,',','," as??? and 'ld"',',,'.,',',", in tugs and the p- nm: Ihui Yin Dmnh' D. "on: to com6 ntmiratton to??? Mit' I"!!! f :mwnvn In"! 21"," l Him Finn" Condition. od for , tt "nnrrirts C (t (tlt' tom . . , -,. ' . "HI! n.7, " ever , 1m... H, "my 111,": mmu.' an", un y point o I iisted "I the l'mmixium Bttettt I. "a" which t view the . I T . HM? "N- tong): Oversgioua and 'io,,", $urtrembte Circum, l"A " . . " Em t adow t1ll o ttmtal Ith.,',"", Of an Yrt' .. Ctr P" " ther s th _ "|0ll. 1'3:ng in ita hfn'a'cd 1"coiiiiue?,'utlt/. TI l 3 O "of 0- . _ ita Owning Wrl:s' ' r,, other but. the sump:- Hitherto 'we Perhaps owittp, I /l "Hum!" HIT"; 2"folt by 3'99." 2"l'lf'd't'ed'"',M" toned.- . each hump." ', '.' me ltf'Hrt0'y,s "n In 'g,ge law 2,P', ",fa'l/llgL',,"d.' Councils: ! .' iltt' "mum, . I rm "Sequenc "slice, an I. by 1 Pt "USU all INT! 1 ll sppn's lft raintts 'nde of the " d by trood tater. It, lrluzs, I f It Grosgm's. In" it"! . aggilzlud and obuIltlon. ',",y"tteo',', of :33; t "f I ' 51' rnri,-ty Hm): l W,'ts' Th tttug been ur"Crupulouig e pursuit I u. the foul-i...Y , II thu up..." rt . British plunged t ambmo ot . , uh I so'r . _ IIS'. compel, Ireopt nto 3 n. the Irs. ion "PNJIm-U xi- h ed to t " have "Mm -" w h , Br' 1a! wiil onor, aka u ' there Var, 1/,/tiuv),'iiai,, J',)))')",",'., rt-ul. "irrr) l 22w nti'tt,",',f,T,ef, H.222 M222. tttl',', . ' r . ' l m ' a n e 'i,1,",1y','","/,11s; the "<2. hm": i'irniiriiun In 5:31ch nd to J/','i'llt"hU1't,tt If tum 19th H'nl'avirudu. ol' honor (rum a??? LI"",','.":,'.,",',' ot this d mpire . . " l . . i 5:215 'l',"2f/1,,,,'r",l,',1t'1iii,,r, tho "V"'Hnl n r-r 'gu',',f,tlt1 We IC.: :1?" £1?" '5th ex- 1e UG'tdt ' wt ihe otti l __ all port and ten n wit l 2 . tF'Cm , .. "'u . lo than, proud 1 khaki wurr' --* Mm _ (H. sri to th "a of th "than of th ' {hero .. ' l In 'l'!'\' , h 6 Call of e Ethyl, M with _ ty Dress (hp J/ "m "xerrthin I "U " there b King am! e tttive " hlch . " " ' >01- . l . . . . . p, lo i ve the een Conn Bpond a ('.y,'1, Messioli 3" ihol il "Us to I}... tJ',ut','pge,o/', ofrz'tmd'enl 'ir'?',;,,,',')';',?,?'?!,, , k . , . h b n l I) /,r usual, the MD." . . he ld',,:',',',',,'"),':; The h,Mf, in mu"; in ( as (w tyr . .. ..' oi tl'," .- ' Hence am mus - l "L" at," (,lhl.\('d( 1"." I ' l iliitll- ',',',1'il,1'if,',' of Cum?" ent, am!" tuho 'l'c't"io,','T, , ' " of tin-o '. ' "n: in-r ' thi tr the S at th " an t everv possirr H "no", _ . mp 5 s "ban ' tradition 0 front v he " .' b'. lo, vn . . _ . "irproiit"t " "In! . y-lovin R and a ttliars" cupieri it . c "nge troi 1 " F we will . people spirntion _ :"' W tli2' . nl Witic . ability i support ' make . of electirl,u y ii' U) llH- , '.'" l" - F, n men to th 3 " el I TIN', d F'Iroul, ".005le ' impire wh and me e tttmoat ear WeedingS l/i:" "W In. for . " trt mumn ieh is th an ths ca of our l Usual. 5.15"]? \SUI'HPwhm' Inuit? "W" n will}? a: ltr/d I,,,',',,'!.""" t1tl",p,',', le four wlr Va" two . r' Ji' ham r tain H Um: . n- rne I.. Itll l an} te T _ (n his Ilonor ti 1 "2111.11... m fail to "Lists allies Is 'J,','h','y,? of c, [Xew Speaker 1.} Hall) rolitt1l. '.",'/f, which Cf' r,',',?,',', Je",,fr,.'itaip,. we cf',,",',',?,," I WI _ i1swtpd. Dr's]; Jun-"d; "29:1"! paid to the 'l,'no"i'.l,"J,'/,,t,i, I fronllg-l Hon. IV I II to Us: so ho 'vg.p,f,'.,'.e,e,td. at 2;:h$Ve that: 'd carer . .' ... Gnu... 'Ir _ a A nanoial . - each] RP ha _ farmed the [luoili',i,Ti1'y"i,'il ',.r,/:1"i.,yi' ""12; I', '/l)'/'e/,:'"eTig7, s',',',',',' JJ, additizfel; ft alrsence . " , tliul his f ' Ill- "PM". nemmnymen "we be . tutu". " . -t " . . .. t en ' acquaint th>"l " Flpealier .1011"). [tt wur Den which has .1? Fome 'iiiiiiiiii/! son f',sv l tnemhers ."' Wuhl Hot Ne. given Brave ndustruii . fCl Sllmm" . -e ti with tho . ' lawful. concern t tHon. W If I) 1tlrip,' then, tt t'eu-: Th er laid."0n 0 , '. . 71622 Cf..] cout', ht. ' e . t,,h,.'i,i'rg,l,i,.na,.t),1'; 'c),))",)'".',"..'-'),:.:),]:,?,",. '25:" to 't'ti'e/2','teetrioy, RN well I icr's , ' l ta . ' ' no er ' . , as I reteren reniarlis (me 1tuesum PM" our:inns nttentio country c',','.,,"",'.", obUratio ith T.ce to the his 'yed will I i "t of the l" of, "W M e received " ye ottice of bs' l, 11Pyt place 1 a 'd food Wan war a .,1'i,rst;l'/'t'e,te,'t: 'x'i. the'; time in 15 .si."?al.ift' held F, that "rhalt, and made to G mm cont (, the' House of 'ff In EDEN" l from tho fond for than" n l'nn;;;':t Itritain 2"'vt/,e.i' - Ajt' . . _ r " , ' _ Den e You ution " you the Clot otuls Wm . when tho ple. To at of t in CIS r _ _ Tttttr . ., F H») " " . - snag rell . he h ' sh an . had bee ye1 s"tinij' Us Ta.tud fron; Was" upon our eve the and?" 1391:2421 .. n d .'sutttsssi Itt tilnp t ttiven th people " on an, , fd First (ni/nh/Cl','):"','.",]") oi' didin "WWI PM}? to Day" this Lezlalputhuc tdl,r','y,,",il1,1.l 0 Peprese ' srsthi, IC.' guisih- o t e on F an "at . a ure Ir'. "0e, . . K, ttt ' . "I v. x w . I l _ urts w Shin would 'tstil',,',,'),?,'.,),) "If"?! J','rf"o; J'/i'i', "(Nth-"i ttlL,',',"',,'?",',',,",,:", l,?, ',7t'il'ee,.ct t: 1:113:11" INN-2:! .eresti .w .i. . "Um tli; - ""'itiivo w . "Deena! er tstmi " Heeur tives mt" tl,",',"',?,,',",).','":: it; IS." son", "-3 "it; CAcih,'iiier1?r,1v,',?:,ie" "Flam; gutters ff/ tt.1Jfi,sonoslidllficif,'")//i/iT 1113'}. I).l'vl'0g~d_: Aartotion lt; that 2m? 1?" 'l/h of tttoi name of tin ii,' und in i'r/,l,?/,1't; "H"! lawman"? b; ::t:"0rlty to??? womanly:- to the H . 2101mm]. . 7"ng ti l er, and c hodi e exp.) 9 ' Unto ' ', _ 101's l 7 lt' Mini to rel " tor ndituro best tl'uditirmqm J?I) ".l.,,Ci,.iu?j11l1 (hwy tion a???) have 915:: ih,r1V,'Jt,,'Ittt? Dun' upheld Ci,' ot thc, "mm 'lhul the as ln i,,2/,'.c,r,g,e,'d 'ld'i'"t/', the 02%. My! the Drum, ' Ir. ll. I. Pym, \zimld m. 'tgl'," ot il'ftt"Jiydg"'it; 'ndagnailmn "Nita." "pressed 5&1. and Mr N' founded 2r,',t,/,'ff IT,hu,ti',ti in Jagged a: The Spe as; nreurrence. IWe w. Roweii Q'," We: .31 t',r,rtl'i',i,'iifti,'t,'ee,.,tl'." 1','gl,/%' 9. " . . 0 . After not» Demand. lT,"mf,','lag,',',' ti/iii"',','!,",)??,",)':')," for 312;); him"! "all. IP, SPeak J/,'llld'l",',','l,'rtff Eamon; tn ave appotn 'tlp-i rat "I in Cap er was House. "d "pom 'heel",','), and a ot 'an' to 'er,', gown hd""r't,enre. DPS". of the nu... , . " ftttdintra 3032'}; 6 lo vised ' ' onor mtnt an Duck: ed for th use. Th of th ' tion ttation i " probl c fl e Chou, . We ha A that em: or and ac e House " tipeaker de 6 gratitude " ream of food the m to n in Dro .' all Jfffl,'t to Your freedom of a and- harvest of 'td'r',',2d/sn,,ce trim- 'l,",.',',,,,',',')":",')',;')" onatle , Honor's Peech to produce f e must year r tho boun't op' titles," Demon relpona _ ood Din ' and o iful at the "rility to " Cert, us unde ur abnity ' 2f,,"t,'e,"t', of the}? every "or", "New P our f u been ea mpire wqgllat to keep Amen" populatt when in Grd/ii urs with exp on by the Med upon wi a, and my G .ellent Pros ininter of L ' In"! the Damian omrnment 'dede of good _ "fl trr public up: authorities, /,f'f,',',lhrd,t,2t 1': "a and '/,id.W'2'1", to mung 'tttd-ttr.. to, mm!" Gov tho, produett Sm to, 'ttr. 14 tat " In i'/lpiG'fl) has on ot top4. _ _r1t 1u'l'C"e'"itf,tt,',t.

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