The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Feb 1915, p. 2

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t p. -- W. E, rr bt the great Dominions of the [7 "I Venture to think." continued the 'e? g I Empire, but it was the tight Opposition leader, with emphasis, "it x." t liberty-loving people on the the people of this Province had the I":', '? J the globe. .oppqrtunity of missing upon it un-, .t 'i38 a o not. know what the purpose ' taffected by any political or party feel? ;"1::;' r' Government is in regard to ling. there would be no doubt what- "r'.Y 'At ttt the deficit which has been ever as to what they would Bay." ' {I1 and will no doubt be increas- Mr. Hearst's " u ' Il I the war," said Mr. Slrclalr.' _ pport nity. ' a." prlvato member. voicing my own ' Then turning .towards Mr. Hearst . it"? only. it seems to me tho. people a and addressing his remarks directly to , 3?;- tis irtlvince are broad-mlndedl him. MI. 'tere." said: "1 Submit; to i":, Gun-informed enough to know' ,the Prime Minister that no Prime "on! lthis experditure must he mot in: lMinistor ever had such a large op- , , " ost "-nnumlcul. efficient and; . lportunity .to render a conspicuous 5 t w hl blo method. such as a direct , Ham." "WWW" as lies before the Prime ' "w ptax, lx-nmorury in its nature." 1 'Minister' of this Province to-day. fAp- 'CllBr. )luulmlm'y praised the Whit-' plans-(xi He holds a unique plare tdllf, Administration for what it lnul-t among ill" icatlops in this Province. Ri l on ln'lmlf of education, llydro- led, I 1.1'.Y'.it to.:'".".'" L0 my honorable itlttrtric (ll-\olopmeni. New (mturio.i / end if .1" ivxll .d" that, 1"or' every ' of woriirnon. Perhaps in no part) Hr91' i/yhat diretuior, he takes he will "tilirontario. ho sand, did the Work-3| have, Cor my path, "fl cordial and Al 'te comm-rsuiion act. reroivo more; "l'ffilrhpill'tll support." h\pplause.; iE ugh "itrntiott than in tho ridlnll'l . We m ":1y..'y,l? may yet be called a fad tln- honor to rt-lirosonl. l I',',',').-"' II,', 11is,t..iv/y,t,t'h)hiln We have _ (ll ', H: t MP. "We . in speaking . t the war "and l lrirlirss, ea s , " , ' . " stu tho people Ts" Rowell pp . F of C'unad:r .vfill cheerfully hear any _ , for SOClal Reform' .mrtlvn whirl) may he pm upon i when." Ho warned his hearrars that All llll'nll,'a.',ll his shown Mr. ltovcull', ;'h" Witt" )v'l,", tttyt nearly trV6ut', and that _ . . _ . .. tCt . I 'ilermnny had not. mnharke - V chewed am. mil} lion. in f") 'cm 1 tslrligg'lp without making may: Jr'.),,),.,',?.': Cf'newnoss that hud strut-l; the lur- lotion-f. "Nimrod as Ire in Fi/ici; Went Buildings. he said, he summsw "vol-r: from the scone of imtriodiat+ edvthm'r- mould he a new ("hairtnutt; incisnlnmr, not?) our coasts guaranteed , . ' l., '.. ' , _; t "i," {w jilisrt naxy, it was not phonen 10,. thu publn """""s/ om ', 'mut-h lo 51:. that "wood-o. should [5'3 mittee, but that vonmnttoc, without. morn than her Shili't'. (Applauseo the now lion. fl. Howard Ferguson,,: . with llov. T. w. McGarry or chief! Premier Forecasts sponsor r..- tho Government. could', Financial Survey never be quite what it has been. urd) "In!" fl . 7 . . ' . " " el eurm' o; ' S.ct? H _ A.. the leader 'rl Illa prosntion "as the lu-'luiutiun "f the 1C1y"ii'i",1h1iiit, 'll)-, only landmark remaining. (Laughm (101mm huu' own conducted. He did _ tor.) tlot itll/uid '0 1;ur inio u discussion on Directing: his tituurltr, to the Speech 3 :11" ' liHuor question at the present Help the Throne, Mr. Howell said the rank. In Inv Show}! from the Character of the other speeches did /J,,i/.':,'/)'si,1,)it,' t'orecasted not move him to deal with it in any; 111151: anon along this lino, and when controversial spirit. "lt is our desire, ll'),' w:us inouf-fht down he was con- on this great, and momentous ocouw tlt u vsri-,',r,l1.d V ahrvust of Public "on on tht: opening of this Logisln-l opinion. Ihir; Government hoped GG'. to signify to the people or" this, 'y/lc:','?'.:,",'),"",. tr, LC: in the forefront b ' , ht'1t . v. " I) ' 21m HI evc'ry good legislation Province: noon: due in" .p/1,rti",t"it,; as tlyp' bad been in days gone by. that We on um e in. mug f in in "0 did not intend to My"... a discord- mment. so far as it concerning the. ant note that afternoon, he said, but [Nit crisis we are now facing. MM)» he taunted Mr. Howell in asking a plum.) 1 vote 12f the people when only a low " y .. , mont :9 ago he impressed umn his m of [out FNnanctng. t partydhai "on the ground aria. party While 1.1mm: that attitude, he) question than great questation should Med it to be understood that, he; be solved. mam, assent. entirely- to all the pr'o- l, The Rcvonuo Situation _ ans contained in the Address.! , . . ' . reference to the deficit and the: t1'talyPe with reference tn the. tin- Mty for increased taxation was:' Ir/ie?' ot: the Province. the Premier I " due entirely io the war. and? lel they hull t?j,"ta,1vA',lii'ia,',1 liieusures ttit the o ortunit _ would come 0 have, a. hum-0y. am, with the clear tdire on' o",.'":?,")','.?,,,',!,,',',, that, vet in: loge-"and 'Judgmen{ 'l) characteristic .3 d mom. t " m' -. . .d 1 I'- M: rovmma reasurer. they "Mite: was ill; i'i,oe'eitei1,d'",rlr,',5tter" "quid mop out the proper course to a . h l' hi .1, h q qu'l . o F guide lin- iinancial aflair.s of the Pro- 'dt gator In w " I l e Name-8 of, Vince. The leader of the Opposition . rminLc had been managed by; had said they wore wrong in uttribut-, 'the Government In recent years. 3 mg the deficit this year to the war. 1 more were questions touching the; Mr. Rowen Would have been wiser' social and physical welfare of the! if he had waited until the Provincial poople that had to be eonsidered.l Treasurer hail made his. Budget H. .pprovod of the appointment of; speech and brought down his figures! a qtynmismi.on. to investigate the un- l showing the tinaneial state of tho Pro- tr1tt1tt,vte,rrt, situation. and hoped the' vino? at the close of the last fiscal m igation would be thorough and! year. But for the shrinkage in re- p titlve of results. i, venue due to the war and the action ailiti" the Farmtrs "-, of insurance companios who had f '. " . -- _ failed to pay the assessments. which I W was the campaign for greater,) he would 1.tEsur" the Houso they vi tion necessary only on account} 1vould pay irt one way' or another be- at war. In recent years (hon-i fore the year was much older, they MJ'Men a diminution of food pro-2 Would have but} it cmnfortahle gut-- (I " "I Tho invronso in food pru-l plus instead ot .iavmg a deficit. g 'm' Shonlld Rae!) lrat'P with trt-: Increasing Production. ' . eve Opulent. The great mf-i, _ w..- ' , . _ _ . ' _ tte ',R., _ _eonft'ortting the farmer along, tonnnenrlim, tnt food produution ttittir1 he was luck of suitable labor l Sampmlgn' the WWW" put m a plea in BC hoped the Government Jiri/L': tor the man behind the plough hav, = Il , some sohoinos even of fi'i'ir ing the co-operation of the bankers. 5.?» ers to erootwhouses for "bi transportation companies. and every iiililitl, (or some other assistance that! other organization which would help iiiie relieve the scarcity. ', to solve, this problem. The farmers, l re] lit . in increasing their output at the pres- . 'N . 0 Step in Temperance. t out tune, would he performing a pat- _ Sl " '_". of the factors impairing: I riotio duty, and he also thought that . "Sgr" money of the life of the .wir1/lef.rtasy,f productionol products ")) is the liquor trtittie," Mr. ill Europe the agriculturists would k, ' continued. "I submit. have good markets. But, apart from ",t'l, baker, it would he greatly that. he appealed to the farmer as a it" jun-pest of the Province of Unnadian to do his duly, as every maul "f , {and all "tasses of its should. at this great time. it A. l the Government as a l Province Gives Million. 'l _ . ure would close up all l _ . rig" . places until the end of l The Government had tried to do L. " and if the Government what it could to help in the struggle. K; , C y. as the Government They 1uurcontributed in flour to Great I . . . "e, gt very properly say, 'We Britain. cash and supplies to the Bel- - , ammm to deal with it glans, and apples to the sailors who: " r ", a War measure,' the" are fighting in the North Sea, these ,rtj'? . mil it to the people ot i, 'gifts. aggregating approximately one - in. nee, and let them pass 1 million dollars. ', . 39.3?" upon the question of l The Premier's speech closed the de- rf' / .5". the bare shall remain 3 hate, and the House adjourned till .rst' u Mill . -' or he ieopened." Monday afternoon. The Budget will _';, ,ii'ial 'come up early in the week. . _c,T,% _', ' "------"""""""" "is w" ----__ ---r-------" _ __..- -___

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