The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1915, p. 1

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V . "WWWWWWWWW" l """'-_P.RyeP'P'"7'"Cr'ct%bw' n c, _ .-....~ . TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1915.. _ , " Mfleeofifldfie' "hit iiWi; NllIiiEllillESTllfil otthe ttigt3ret1 T?" ttointrto Germany. . .' . on They Ttesttne Here? i?,T . There was another question which til M' m had come up, whether the nickel _ j - could not be wholly manufactured in ., the Province of Ontario. and on that matter. according to the press. the Government is about to appoint a _ . Commission. It seemed to him that . it u Etmntmtitrally Refined the .question of the manufacture of ' . nickel or complete refining of nickel 9. . in Ontario ? into metallic nickel was larger than . I ' an industrial proposition. It had Im- ill ' l periai significance as well. They had . iit , ---------"'- i a considerable nickel supply in this ii, Province. they had it relhtet1 in a cer- P. ' as TO COME DOWN t tain degree, and when it reached this _ stage it was shipped out of the Pro- " vince and the refining was completed ii., --- in the United States. If the United ia:" States tr",") a law pmibiting the w ' . export o war materi from the Phi Howells Motion for Information States. or materials which might be 41.3.. Adopted--Powerfu1 Place of On- used in the manufacture ot war ma- "ht', , - _ . tenals. they might prohibit the ex- nit-.110 in supplying Nickel for the port of nickel. He did nottuthink the , A": --a, l r's Assurance . American Government was icing to ' _:'P"r'd e s do it, but he was using the illustration tii,, only to point out the importance of 3'; the matter. the major portion of the proceed- gilt Keep it Front; Br:tain. sh' at the L 'isl' ture 'erierda was If that were so t e s tuation might St,,', up wig? .rll'/l,'u's'.f,isol? ofy the ajrise ("gigs r',"gh','lig'dfrg, if: the . . ." b9 United i es pro g expor s to take! question, which arose on the! great Britain. Supposing the British l otion for a return by tho leader of e,a','"y,i','t or tlhis f,'p"",'ga,t" 'deli,' the Opposition. Mr. Rowell, in the ,ro e Fe guppy o me e. ey house of his speech. wished the 'gp',.1C,T,1e,'nti,t in}; 'ttet, 'ie,'ith1n,C1tTrgt Manse to be put in possession of in- duce the refined nickel in this Pro- tohnation which would give conli- Vince BO as to make It valuable for lice that none of the nickel pro- 'Rt 13:23:? df/pn/ple; thisrdgguhlzg; 'tttsed in Ontario was going to Gcr- should he really available at all times per: He also touched on the web for Imperial purposes it appeared it leg of the complete refining of nickel, was essential that they should have It", in reference to the appointment 2,'g',e,P,'A,i,t,htu1C,1/anet: 368:}: int-the Commission, urged that no tario. If they had not so far pro- wl? be lost in getting to business in duced metallic nickel there were two far that the report might be aVaii- fi"g.'",'.t'g,it'.lg,ht had the: profess ""5 ' N , . ' . . er way---- 1e oniagas om any an Washilc the House was still in the De Lora Company. 'hemier Hearst stated that the in- 4 {I ion of "I'.'"'"'..: T t atio ti 7 'r, ent had was When the Question first came be- "Wald" l? t,',vernam ' tid ti l fore the Legislature-about 1890 or w e as 0 a con en ta 1891---the production of nickel in the I cter by the present Gov- Province was on a very small scale, .rt ent at Ottawa, who had in. fat": Se, ilndustliy Tti/lt beglini _ .: ', in touch with the British lung o eve op. n . e no e "ri.Mr_ produced In the Province was 3,640 . Vrnment and the Admiralty. The tons, and tn 1913 the figures were ', "ttrance was that no nickel was 24.838 tons; in leg words. more irming the enemy. than six times as muc nickel in 1913 " y .e as in 1900. The expansion had kept l n! muting for a return for c0rrcs- pace with the increase in naval arma- . ence passing between the Gov- ' merits among the leading nations of e . ent of Ontario and the Domin- 2163203": It higngfgenbtold by a": 'rYr"2 . . . n a e in e n usiness a l . , overnment and other coP"yPt conditions were not so dissimilar in t", T relative to the use of nickel the Province of Ontario or in some ttA' ' Majesty's enemies in the pre- parts ot the Dominion ot Canada, to l". _ "war. Mr. Rowell remarked that those obtaining in New Jersey that I , tl constituted an essential part the refining could not be carried out " success of a navy in the neces- here without serious loss and could I F equipment of the vessels. and be carried out at a, profit. He thought f'. in connection with the manufac- the Commission should he appointed i. i. of projectiles for both at once in order that they might have ( . ,- army and navy. As a mat- a report while the House was still in my fact. he presumed it would not session. . - b'lllliWputetrthat if one country had " 1 i a "f " l of the nickel supply. or had No Nickel Going to Foe. ,! a??? p, of it both for the purposes . Premier Hearst said he_had no ob- l i 1; army and navy, and another Jection to the motion going. There, '_'38l, . could not secure a nickel was no correspondence between this M, Eh" at all, the latter would be de- Government and the British Govern- Sllll before entering the contest, ment and the British Admiralty. ' t 'Salt"""""'""""' being equal. That naturally would not come to a ' IMF: . . " t l t 'Ir-' Supplies 80 no. of Nickel Provincial Governmen . -- T4llgll! . "The information we have," l SI, F. matteri was one not .o.nly. of explained the Premier, "is infor- ( - .econom e and industrial my! mation of a. confidential ctuirae- " '. $3.32" are" S',','.tg',re,t't,"d a" by the g'or'ti','t, "if???" it im ,' , e production, twa,wo ave a enttbr- - .. .. . and manufacture of nickel tei'tain charge, and who have i great military significance not ' been in touch with -thtt.1?rttAtt . , f Canada, but to the Empire Government and the British Ad- 1 l' lea Ontario, the French miralty. I can only assure my l e, r "ony .of New Caledonia, and hon. friend in that connection t _. A . sustained, so far as he knew. that the information which has -. r present time the nickel sup- been given to me is of the most at, y the world suitable for de.. satisfying character in every re- Td " nt as a. large business and _ spect. It does not seem there is _ , ial proposition. He thought any matter of doubt that no : ' emenbmade by the member nickel since the commencement I 2t,ttmlgr that Ontario pro- of the war has been reaching " . per cent. of the our enemies. , Igplzmgf fthe world was in "The Dominion Government, " I l. w . act. . At a time have stated. being the only authority l fi'i1 enzaged in a life-anu- that naturally can get in touch with M, . e 1'li" we did not want Can- the Home Government in the matter. Li f e to go to our enemies, is the Government that must talk.) ovoid that the Prime Minis- the responsibility. I am not at libert l " l, some statement that _ to go beyond what the Prime Ministe . YR A" e or in the papers stated in the House when the matte " ld 'ti come down as a result was up a, few days ago. I can our 'Q on, would put the House 2 "r, ttnot such information _,"

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