_ "thu: that it this Government. has" ' _'"', Tai sir" "r V " '. " Pil,Tllller-'u':ir 'r' _ the slightest suspicion that any of our . F t nickel was coin to our enemies. you ' ' . _ . can rest W9: that any. attthtet.ttttyt: ' "OUR ANNUAL ACCOUNTING. its is in the power or. this House to , f _ _ F take will be quickly taken." Ontario's Public Accounts, brought down yea- Only Two Sources of Nickel. terday. show a material increase in debt and ex- tl Comm: lat,?", question of th e up Il)',',',','),',',',',','.' of of proportion to the growth'ot the , ning o no e n t e Province. the nee. grand total - C Premier remarked it was often said 076,461 for the past a 101', expenditure, $20, I that Ontario had a monopoly of lhe tr t sea year, topetett in con- 'tt,'t1,'lf, we Tf,','",'), It, in; present is" to $16,091,942 for the year previous. N 7 me n aro an ew ae onia con- rge tem in the differ trolled the markets of the world by trio Power Com . i one? is the 1ereleti F reason of the cheapness with which 0 0 miss on, which obtained 84,2't0,-l , Ili? glare able to pigdgce {the metal wgth as, new capital for extenSions, compared' w e presen me o o rettnitte $1 500,0 0. . and the plant now employed. But Att $8 746 687 It Out of ordinary receipts Gil nickel did exist in other parts of l ' , , A e Dominion Government col- '21; lat,', 'll"l fell "NW? bus it was 'tlt'",,', and paid as subsidies $2,396,378. Prom ues on o c eapness o pro uction. e sale ;He was informed that if all the nickel Lands For assets through the Department of amines of Ontario and New Caledonia ' crests, and Mines the receipts were tte, closed down entirely there are $2,340,657. The corporation tax yielded $1 - ample deposits of nickel to supply all ' 386,308 and the suc i , the needs of Germany and the other. The , . cess on duty $1,196,838. countries. Although a considerable great source of income Was borrowing. By proportion of the nickel produced did inscribed stock the Government obtained $3 902 go into armor-plate and war material. j 994. by the Ontari C ' ,- . a very much larger percentage went; T IO anadian loan $1,001,862, by , into industrial works. The other] reasury bills $3,413,042, and by the tredond On- countries where nickel was produced tario Canadian loan $206 906 Of were Norway, Germany, Austria, Bri-l ing $486 666 ' . this borrow- itain, and in recent years rich de- sur bill, was used to retire maturing Trea- gaosits were said to exist in Russia I ti Y S. The Provmce has now direct liabili- adagasear and South Africa. , , 68. which the Public Accounts compiler did not "lt Imperial Aspect, l 2t'h,ei/'/ a??? $40,406,000, and indirect, made A r. Rowen sub ' . _ 1 gay o 0 Mackenzie should have the 'J/,irtrtg1,/,,o/11L.ethis; $9,553,000. & Mann guarantee, possession of the Government whi El 2 The proce f . t,e,',gl' the precautions which ",'ld,'.'ll, , SS o Spending and borrowing can sing tak.en to prevent the supply of continue to increase even at the rate ot advance- In eke} 30mg to our alien enemies Th I ment established in recent ea . sipeaker also urged that the (Tommi: way endan . '3' rs without in any so" to be. appointed should take int , gel-mg the stability of the Province ? smegma" the Imperial aspect a: But the mere fact that by the possession of vast' . 1e commercial. resources We c . l c Premier Hearst-My hon. friend does not 1 tit an safely indulge in prodigalityi an rest assured the fullest inquir us y us in doing so. Beset by the; 'll 33313.36 gm" every aspect. Y necessities of extravagance, the Government will: : . .. owman (W devise . showmg'the interests ot ti? 11:22:21). th new methods of obtaining money, and will ipu1tedn,i,ctteuyri',l,s- of the Provinces tt,'l',1,t,'el'Ja11,"f1ir, diminish and finally end the com- - on at in 1891 n Ti" erca and industrial . t2/,11gfto/gn,,iie,isear,t,t,r of 1cro21nLa,,'2,-..,l through exemption 'i,i.e,,atdav,aanttp,,r.e [gig enjoyed»! . e passage of an o d i . 9 policy ot Council offering to the /,1"pefl.'i1%o,1l,l costly subtlety in preference to less burdens 'ti'i',l'llt1udiiiolut control of all the directness will naturally be adopted BMW", .. m the Pr . 7 . . . q , 1n heretofore granted. (r'l"lv"l2,c///, spite of the most craitlly devised methods ot hid- 1Tipgrt did not see fit to ac"; T ing the connection between extravagance and the P. . Mr. Rowell' . depression it inevitably entails, the links b t s motion was carried. I cause and sheet cannot b e ween Validating Patriotic Grants [ cealed e Successfully con- Hon. I. B. Lucas. At . ' . introduced the (t','datffird,etv-Gi,neraty, Tef-Tee-e-ether-ttether-ttttye.-. validate .grants made by munici to corporations to the various as Dal funds. . The bill enumerates Jd 11..c; ous objects to which grants have 'ban- 'Ptti: inch as the Canadian Pan-1:51: n ' Ianadian Red Cross . Relief, Home Guard . ' Belgian Ilives ot soldiers and '/elll"1'lf.'t lf, the: 'the aid ot dependents. It an _ir,.2,t,) tor the issue of ten-vear Lfl'itlfet.'l Ior a simpler way of issuing a n Utes, I cipal promissory note fol. five mum- with equalized annual paymentsyears In the absence of Mr. J C iiini (West Middlesex), Mr. rid-veil . iott duced a bill to give the 'm lintro- franchise to married women un mp"! property. The two leaders L/ir,',',',')' Sigmlle over this which seemed as? a 'C ' . - do?"e, Now, what are you going to , i, Al-------------,,-,