Vv,..w:vr{f CoF. "*x' *--th 7 " _.." f Py > " k45 Q" & " en wC y WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1915. _ -- _ | Em REFUSES (terms of the amendament as it WaS! 1 ¢ | 'read by Mr. Mageau, and pointed out } that it was the same as (the Oone 1 : which had just been disposed of. a ! Mr. Mageau held his ground, an ' £ caused some amusement when he: 'told the Premier that the difference | se l l between the two amendments _ wWASs| * that Mr. Lang's referred to,tile drgrl;'l- | = ; ing and his to open dra'in ng. e! Tlme NOt Opportune and COStf member for Sturgeon Falls said he} P * ! knew a great deal of low liang :]n tihe district he came from require rain-- | . Too Great' Says remier age, and if properly drained would s be valuable. csnls Second Amendment Rejected, NEW ONTARIO CAN WAIT Regarding this proposal, the Pre-- mier said that the presént road con-- struction under-- Mr. Whitson was Nib ce Ai ie es i inircegrae providing open drainage of a charac-- ¢ ter that was benefiting the settler. i The drains were being installed larg-- ; Malcolm Lang's Proposal to Raisc, er than the road conditions required,' $100,000 Out of Consolidated }{(-'-.i and from these lateral drains were ( ¢ | also constructed. New Ontario was enue Fund Rejected--Member f'"'l + a large contract, and care had to be W, Northumberland's Criticism, l:rli(:: i"A';"t':"if";:%gP "3;3"&225'2;:: | * tion was worthy of consideration, | Mn t auaaaa se The amendment was defeated, } 5 A Ne l ul Account s | Now Ontario figured to some extent Neeqd for Caroful Acc u ing' | in the Legislature yesterday, when: b'_?':;})g?mcg,l:;:{fmg(\:f:t B:'l\(;)gréltmcm: the bill to amend the act for rals-' bate for the Opposition, admonished Ing money on the credit of the con--| the Speaker that the members to the solidated revenue fund was consideredl left had suffered in thp past, in one' in committee. Mr. Malcolm Lang,| :;?}';:rf'f'"m aA nb&l(xlldi't;(ro ta"d in '}_1"' the member for Cochrane, initiated | hey h;g:;; D etter thi;"ag'sn of one w)}':; the discussion with an ;unendmcmj was sound "physically, morally} and that the sum of $100,000 be allocated! intellectually." (Laughter.) HMHe also for tile @rainage to help the settlers| a_":w ah S"L'fle f;'0m theh Premier, in the north and northwestern dts-; lheOITrrn'?n(':é. er'rI"e};ist?va.gsat"em:l?rc'-tu?ef tricts of the Province. While he ap-- Province when its representatives in preciated the $100,000 which was[ the House should use all business con-- being set aside-- for seed grain, he sidlglr'lati(nn possible in dealing with thought it would be an exceedingly Si'séiocnr?xitfiegfmffi i)lll::d '-;1: :\;:Lyvt'l;: good investment for the Province to tax was necessary he was agreeable give their settlers the advantage of to it, even if the impost was more} assistance in the tile draining. The fllan one mill on the dollar. '"But we | demonstration farm at Monteith had ;(','1';; .%Ohl(:"';:id"'hf{"'fo"':}:n:'w""fzr is 17 p i4 recict e 4 *&. * ev '% shown the value of tile draining, and thing earmarked for England, Be)l-' ! he felt satisfied the Minister of Agri-- gium and France--for the allies; we! ' culture realized the good that always es } had been derived from this method.} He pleaded for thoss in northern| : Ontario having a privilege similar to ¢ what the settlers in municipalities and counties in the older parts of the Province had had for years., Demand For Drainage Not Urgent. | Premier -- Hearst admitted there| could be no argument with reterencel to the advantages which could be de--| rived from drainage. Unfortunately | the farmers and settlers could not al--| ways get the things they would like to | have. the things that would best: equip them, and they had to go on | with the equipment they had and 1m-! prove that from time to time as op-- portunity offered. He pointed out that the cost of draining was con-- l'lder&;lblel. a.(rlxdi put the figure for til-- ie m onone ng the land in that section at from i oo c o) Ah P No ce T o -- o B a 3 mc l B mE & & l ba s 1 :o _ $20 to $30 an acre. There were many 3'.5'3:22%'5'!'%38% 823'5;325253%2"2:}8 things in the newer section of Ontario s P 4# * G 28 * 4 4 _ =a _"* E ~so &R @sSLi~ i more urgent than tile draining. The € t A»o 1 s o 2 $ tz 8 2 °ut LR= ' $ Es 8 "~ S . .2 more pressing demand in many parts 3 > 8 : gfi:"E..n.gca adoazg:.gg'uuc:;gfi._ was open draining. His information w 9 L 8 3 4 4 4 9 * C 4 " a § W o m o A .. "~ L L 8 , I 34 atio =.na Em(flw 2 o °Q==°°flc e hi m O ag e was that outside the organized muni-- fl,nu £<¢3§5 * ng SE gso.,,-n.."'s"'O;'.'S:-;:.S cipalities the demand would be very -- § hss ho Fisf a d $ & L " § 0 g_g o s H = £ " C . small indeed at the present time. The M 3 & & x gBE:afl'_,ggdcfi i Nol -- "Pelr ETA R--R matter was in the hands of the Agri-- [# o B 3'4.aswdflhg:',G'Sathss'é'"'8'»'5".2;».5 cultural Department, who were giving iE §"8,ai 6 "w ~ § B L* = ILSs° sE mg 1 f."@s all the information possible and ailso| -- | ,scg,c.",ggg.C' ,gfiagfisgsonhss"o%°é'u". | demonstrations. _ When it was pos--} g "Ly ° 7 ® gu"gnuoga..hhggc;";'-o':?'Ssm**C:% [| gible the Government would not fail| t u'gacu'°g=8 "é'*'g $ $ & ° h B & ay-- $ t "a ""-"c}-' in this as in everything else to en--| -- |m@ $ ~ C " 9 . f£ m z2 Y w eC * 8 2 agwwg';fifiug'afiac courage the development of the north | > B '"g)nw'-'"305=32"="~.¢w3'50d°-§ o,_é-:.. s | conntry. '.F?~=g33-cgo_==="g=¢°§§:ggoggaggggcags; ww $3 2 CE <3 l 0 5 he Amendment Defeated. g4355-0-3@53-32'59"3835.:§g§§"°52gg3?-"5&?!' * ul wat = k +wee Und <ad Ja o ,,: , ': Mr. Sam Clarke (West Northum--| ;5~g§"uag's"sg-"-'gg'snffifisi"gaof'"'2@&5' berland) advocated strongly what| To "dod"'gwg'nouh'avfifif' 8 m , # § _ 2 0 "=~§§= _was proposed by Mr. Lang. _ They| s _ ® ,,2.:8 "5:33303233dz'gsgeg.'-w;wwa* had land galore, he said, and they fl.uo'aiaazsg,gu~hvuna'iaa'°«52-8"35f°955 'h°"ldd'-'everythingpossiblemhelp? 25330§=¢"cd=53-°m0ugg~','vgg'co'q;d_g the man who was willing to work | hvsmn°§;w°'-¢38.9-=n-='é3 °%g°fi«°3;gf§" in its cultivation. -- Alluding to the hb rue"tif"®"Lllanirs" sefi gl.f:'ft cost which had been mentioned, he | 8 e 8 s 6 2 > E 8 8 s 5 § 9 iz & * M --< 8 g'; "** 8 ; $8 .T § tavlo:ed thedGovernment affording | y esf°" 1i" ts1fi " l ._m:'33 :':3='c ,;55'25 Assistance and by proper supervision ; 4 t A o a# o & e« T S 5 a = 3 bringing back to the farmer two dol-- | 4 5.2 .h A£ R 2 m © q @ w m 4 A4 §¢faa t 8 s falcct T lars for the one expended. ' ] Mr. Lang's amendment was de-- | feated. + ' | Open and Closed Draining. i | Mr. Mageau (Sturgeon Falls) then]' [* moved another amendment that / ' l81()0.000 be allocated for open draln-i | ng. _ Premier Hearst misunderstood the! l