The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Mar 1915, p. 2

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e , " r ._ 3 3 - _ _ "C ... _ i ,' , / V lrrR8BM.Rtlref "ray, "i ' 3. "'0' - t.' '. -. r T. RTit the saloons. Why should women TiiFiiimtiirr= COW"! to _ use _ . not have a vote with reference to over the 'irriiii"rGGiFii m the Pro- ' more than one vice which was toler- . portion" this!" mail"!!! them stroll! o" .3 ated? enough to stand heavy triadic. _ ",i, mt the Vote. A Matt Called by Mr. MCGW- _ 'q, Mr. A. E. Donovan 1Teroe,iiville) Ilere Mr. McGarry stopped ":31? 7t! declared that women's suffrage pro' discussion. "There has beenicgts of ..3 V-alled in only about eight States in} erabie discussion about the r! For t" "A the Union, and it was strange that municipalities being taken aWB-lgment 3"? (d Mormonism obtained in some of the past fifty years the Gover and 'd 'f'; these. In one Mate only 27 pct has taken over these bridgesd has ' g cent. of the women had voted when maintained them, and not a WC: the _?; a given the franchise. He did not be- been said. You cannot ".1"'f: hi h- "i ..3 lieve there was any place In the! Government to contribute to " hg'tni 'f (c, World where the laws were better way of this kind. inyolv,iPr sulc (to ' r" than in the Province of Ontario. "ifl expenditure. unless it is ab; tent . . the time comes," he declared. "i: clothe its Commission with sin" c T hope we shall have manly. whole-3 powers to administer the road. hearted courage. Instead of dealing": . Object out. in piecemeal, if we are going to: opporttutits to " ", I give the women the vote, give It so Mr 'T. Herbert Lennox, as a. rate- that all shall have the franchise. "AMI raisrd the point o,(,2firfi1lTrr a', _ . . . . C ., - ' . . . " 3 . l having to has for thc re "I . . [The Opposition Leader l a bridge that had been up only a 3 Mr. Rowen thought the manner fcw years. .for South Tl0rllington very mildly! '13 was finally decided that beforqu c. .Characterized the ()/,"-.'yy,r1,'f?f,,ntTr,.t,rti' bridge could be rebuilt the munic- . Iview by saying it was a Conservative polities would have NI opport'unltg view. He (Mr. Rowell) would do- to object to the Ontario Railwa} an scribe it as the good old Tory View Municipal Hoard. . . of the situation. Dealing with Mr. Wm"- was found with other 5:39- [Lucas' assertion that. property hath tions. The restriction of cattle drir- _h' :nothing to do with the vote. the tip-i ing raised another protest, but Mr. f Eposition leader drew attention to thei McGarry again assured thc rurahre- A , ibill which had given corporations 8: presrmtativr'H that pron"? rcgulations e vote on money by-laws. Alarriodl only would be invoked. [tii! women had the school board vote.! .. . , . . , , 1 r I '33." and unmarried women and widows-i Provincial Treasure: bets .lai. p, #3"; had the municipal vote, and would} Reeve Portct" of Trafalgar .drew l r. anybody say anything but good had; Mr. McGarry's ire when he insinuat- _ G I come from it'.' i r)(i that that township did not con- ", wit the municipal franchise i sint to "u. $4,000 tiev mile towardsl were extended to married wo- tho cost of the road. men local option would he car- l "You say that you did not agree tol 3 ried in municipalities where it i Iray the $4,000 pm. "lilo," queried the was now defeated by only a i Provincial Treasurer, "and that you small majority. Then there ' were onlv willing to pay the lump would be something done to the l sum of $13,000? Now. why did you _ shops which the Attorney-Gen- I allow the piurrs to get this far before era] opposes when he talks and i 10tl said anything? It is because you ism favor of when he votes. i wanted to gm Mr. Morden on the "tr-Ter-TIT-T-ttire" l Commission and failed? . you passedl t a, resolution ir favor ol thtt.$4.,i.)0? , per mile. You also mentioned in that' ', resolution that W" would like M"; l ' Morden to be a member of the High-' ? way Commission. Now that. you havel ( found that Mr. Morden was not given ' a place oi; the Commission you come Milfl' T" (llulTl) here and raise Objection to the $4.000 ' ' )cr mile." T i i I "No; that isn't the reasons Wel , were ncrPt' willing to pay $4.000 as! l provided by tho, 2161'." . d tl t. tl I . . The point was a so raise 1a to Further Debate Over Municipal cities: of Toronto and Hamilton should: ' o . . boar u pot'tion of tho cost, if any». a i Rights Pertaining to Highway above h'600.000. and the entire excess: ' 'I . . . i should not be assessed back upon thei Bill In Legislature i land alone.- the ...gh_w-..y. . l l The committee will meet again on ') I I Friday morning. i i Municipal rights have suddenly! loomed large in the Legislature since; the Toronto-Hamilton highway bill,' was first introduced into the Irouse.l For the third time the select commit- l tee appointed to consider the measure] met yesterday morning. and for al third time representatives of the; municipalities argued over traifitt reg-f . ulation, apportionment of post and; maintenance. and now the bill has to) stand over' until Friday. without any} . .chance of being passed this week. : ', The power to he given to the Corn-) (mission to regulate traffie seemed tol, ibe the most serious obstacle. Conn-i ' cillor WaldLrook of Trafalgar. speak-i ing as such, did not intend that the? ,rights of the municipality should be; itaken away. i i "The act does not take away the: !rights of the municipalities," said Mr.) Gooderham. "it gives the ("oininis-i' _tfton power to construct the highway; ll, .':and maintain it in a proper way." i it i "It I wanted to take a traction en- ti' i,r,ine over the road 1 could not. do it I (without the consent of the Commis- , sion," Mr. Waldbrook replied. li m, Apply Tin-ouch Local Council. 3 Hon. t W. McGarry endeavored tel 'make clear the intention of the tratTlc' clauses. and said application in this instance would be made through the local Council to the Commission. _ Reeve Pugsley, representing the , York County Highway Boards, found municipal rights again invaded. by; ---"-

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