:s ~ > ~pip0eLniarc a --azvemmmwmi.fi un | tained in the of Mr. Jos. Ham | (South Brant) to lower t 'P"'P'"n? qualification of candidates . J'mi't i cipal offices to those Te red -- for. voters. 5 & ' «ameaeemameame en n . * 4 GERMANY NO MORE. Ontario Government Strikes Gel'mlm' _ Hymn From School Books. ' C 1t is "Deutschland Uber Alles" no more in Ontario schools. By an or-- der from the Department of Educa-- tion the German war song will form no part of the literature in the Gcr-l man reader used in the schools of Ontario. It is ordered to be (:x-l punged, and there is no doubt _ the| British instincts of the Minister of Education will see that it is. Hon. R. A. Pyne, Minister of Education, was not inclined to talk of the mai-- |ter last night. "The fact is perfect-- ly true. We have ordered the song | to be stricken out as a necessary purt| of our patriotic teaching." '"'Have any other selections or songs been expunged?" The Globe asked. ; "None whatever," replied the doec-- tor. : ) sTEAM ROLLER METEON wWoOUTLD NoT ALLOW WITNEsSs To ANsWER A sTMPLE QUEsSTION. | | l At the first sitting of the Public j IAccounts Committee yesterday morn--| ling the method to be employed by the new Chairman, Mr. T. Herbert 'Lennox, was disclosed when a ques-} 'tion by Mr. C. M. Bowman (North[ !Bruce) relating to the treatment of | the item of $544,000, not certified to . by the Auditor in the financial state-- | ment, was ruled out, and Mr. Wil--| liam Douglas, Chief Clerk of the | Treasury Department, was ordered | not to answer. Whatever the witness | _ _was present for, it was made mani-- | fest that he would not be allowed to | make any calculations for Mr. Bow-- man, and after admitting that the item .of $544,000, transferred _ from / the consolidated revenue fund to or-- . dinary revenue to make up the dif--/ ference in interest not paid by the T. | & N. O. Railway, did not represent actual cash, the question as to what actual ordinary _ receipts would amount to without that item was not allowed. "It is before you in the statement," said Hon. T. W. McGarry, who was gsitting beside Mr. Lennox. "It is perfectly plain:; it is a mat-- ter of arithmetic," remarked -- Mr.} Lennox. I "This committee is here to investi-- / gate accounts. You call this witness to give evidence. It is clear that if you do not include this item the re-- ceipts would be so miuch less," con-- tinued the Provincial Treasurer. | » "It means that this comimnittee degenerates into an absolute | farce. If we are not going to have any rights here we had bet-- ter appeal to the MHouse," said Mr. Bowman.