The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Mar 1915, p. 3

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' | [Yi'flt"'l!iam: un\ -- remmnnng x: -- r* EPPE . ¥4 0 Eo omm e amrpmetammmecename ns e unc e --rung se ; -- Cb N " y e $oss % & ' ® & $94¥ize ',:."' & 4 , ,, li':?-i':'%'."'"'"' Yoaee esc in ne aly (fl orus of Disapproval From Temperance Workers, : f | in "ne o ooforan on' AheZ Cts '€ x + 'Eth the consent of ths committee. . Churchmen, Man on the Street, and Even | d | | xtension of Time. y es <* j s j $ 4 { ':81 Corgomt'on Counsel Geary, with o & es Licensed Trade ltself -- n : ;EP Adam Beck, Mayor Church and * & 3 f \ ! ngineer Couzins of-- the Harbor * amommmmm mm mm mmmstsmmmemmenememmmy j [ | POards 'objected to the clauses relat-- is | e | , 'B':xs.ut:ffin extension of time to con-- What do you think about the ,afraid of too much centralization.' -- !stan?i ofiimé'eag;a::i%e:h:hchhze »:;:; temperance proposals of the Govern--| How are they going to deal with a % * ment?" case at long reach. 'The whole thing | : \ ;a sort of a blanket charter and did not ' f strikes me as dilly--dallyin ith t ; ' 'gggine what particular lines the | "Which Government? _ saskatclte-- | business." yIng mili\ {08 pan roposed to construct. | wan ?----They're ; h+ * lsA.. a | | E '"The );itl;' h%s us in its power," said i"_ -lll f They're all right," replied 2| "&o Infinitesimally Small." | Mr. 1. F. Hellmuth, who appeared for | Ye!--known temperance reformer in| ... .. C ul | :' the"crompuny_ f !the city. 'wa-s'] thl:'c; oottitxyrli':\tt ot'd(l))ne A agytging."; > [ v€ ex= I y "bs ativ r 4 h 3 * k r. it 'rant' I E.. ¢ ~tenslo}rl|atbfisutxg: ?:ebgfldget%h':\gag}?ham | "\ vrepresentative of The Globe'the Presbytcrian Home Mission Sup--| } when the people are going to build a g"em around the city asking uny-,f_riptendent. '"'The thing is so infini--| &.. "nel'.l"lasked Mr. Geary. £ : body and everybody this question: ! ::;?(";::lclgp:mtallqg;at gt twotuhld tal;e & --~ _ "It is a very unusual thing to see a ) ewp, . inlte ; 3 j, | Mcrosc 0 .& wha ey _ have | f ompany adm{t that the cl't.vghas it in . | What do you think about the debut}done. The best of -- Commissioners | f | its power,'"' remarked Sir Adam Beck. | of the Hearst Government as a tem--'can do nothing so long as the in-- : i# He would likose to compare the dpro- , perance reformer?" ;spc(-torst ur%}:he sgrvaints of the Gov-- : ps posed lines with those of the Hydro. 1 sensus of ho Lai, sifaragd , | ernment. ey should have left the ' J "Tes, Ihey will have to ao/ that." | $ Thie '§(:nsen.uh of opinion from th"'shops and closed the bars; it is there i . NR said _ Chairman -- Gooderham. "You' ominion Alliance down to the man'!that the mischief is done. As for the ; f ~ {';ave me company ItJointtoufijusttiWhaé on the street was far from fattering |Soldiers, I don't see why a soldier |-- nes ey propose to extend and sen i marey ic . |cannot be trusted and given the same ; ' P a copy to {)he city and Sir Adam." % to. the Government. _ It might P®¢ Consiqoration, when hegls off duty, as . K So before any extensions are . se-- | mildly stated that the whole prograim |any other man." § | & +. cured the company must submit its| is unpopular. One Conservative, who: 'aj t4 & _ plans to the Hydro--electric Powerl has ho lime for *"Lemperance f:mzui'rhc Bishop Waits. ' | TK4 ¢ Conlmiss'inn. and the Cityt tics," very briefly described it as The T;ish(\p of Toronto said: "I re--| -- * Mr: W. N. Ferguson, K.C., securedl "punk." -- One Scottish soldier was|fuse to express any opinion extem--| } a two years' extension to cox.nat;efice bzird to say that the contingent : boraneously upon so important a| . C construction of the Humber a $Y| should "quit," and expressed himself | Question. .Careful thought is neces-- ; ' Railway. The company _agrf:ed 9| 'in strong terms against the '"Alli--'Bary before dealing with these great , 11-- a€ have the road completed in five y°eATS | jnee," which he seemed to-- think |UMO9rAM issues." [« i0 & from March 1, or forfeit. | was responsible for taking awa,v.'their pmmi Weakness, & 0o An Explanation Due. l freedom. . Y;, 5 # k es i , 3/ _ M s 1A € P +\][*. Mr. Ben H. Spence, Secretary of thne j poo 'Pigre the Shs moull Brofer 1j; iA Bitk on the Soglit~ Ontario Alliance, said : To those who 3 C ¢ | The Dominion Ailiance, howu'-\lr.!h"l'('d for a substantial pmgressh@' oi '?}?:eufi?; (::;.risldli\'(l)p 'éfe;:_': bullding of is very emphatic in condemnation: ofi imcasure the pitiful weakness of the| 4 We h'ad The Ssame tro-uble with the éthe'stigma that the'new law of pro> g-']'f,»gisleatn'm is m sore (l\s:tiy;):>1r}tmenlt.| [ < electric movement," said_ Sir Adam || hibition for gsoldiers would cast u'p_(m' he' (_,_(»\ ernment could not 'ha\e d(mel & & Beck. "I think it would be fool-- | lt_he man in khaki. The general opin-- '}?.'U\l"g and dorle less. _ The value' «) A hardy on the part of the promotersi'xon ('»f .«:.hurch 'officiuls is that suchi o ~ & ogxtral. Commission can be| C of &is railway to get another exten--| |'discrimination is unfair; that it is better determined when we know! [ e sion." ' practically placing every soldier (,n' egactly the personno:l and power it! © "we have been waiting for the city (the Indian list, whether he be a will possess. It could be beneficial; it | | J and Hydro to do something for three' drinker or not. mlgzbt be a'dlsastr.ous evil. I]n.rega.rd | 3 vears," replied Mr. Ferguson. "We| ; The strongest condemnation of| to the soldiers, this is unquestnonably' 2,,~..:, % have been quite willing that they | 'this form of class legislation -- has| £00d, but by what line of reasoning l;' e 4 should build.'"' f come from Major--General -- Sam | the conclusion has been reached that' |aP ~M The Eastern Ontario Electric Rail--| Hughes and General Lessard. Thal what is bad for those in the ranksl 'way Company will have to make @n| Minister of Militia said at Ottawa| Of the militia is not equally bad for| 4 'explanation to the committee befor®! yesterday: "I think it is very unwiso | those in the ranks of industry, I ao | . «M its request for an extension is grant-- | 'to make a discrimination in regard | hOt understand." o ed. to soldiers in this country. The sol-- r * 8 Mr. George H. Gooderham _ W@aS| gier is a citizen just like any other what, the Trade Says. | j elected C:;ai!'"t\gflHOf fl'::r (I"_'I)g;l?t};*etee' man.'" As to the effect of the eariy closing 2 in succession on, MLr. * & e of shops while the bars are left open «omm omm o=~~ An Invidious Distinction. some shopkeepers believe it will rob SV ifi atmeines Major--General Lessard said he them of their late trade, which will * was in favor of dry cantsens, but be merely diverted to the bars. There 4 elaimed that the soldier was entitled | are fifty shop licenses in Toronto, and to the rights and privileges of civili-- | two of these have been closing at . e @ns. "It is an invidious distinction. | 8.30 p.m. for some time. It is argued : "The soldier himself should uphold, that the people who patronize the ithe honor of the uniform," said the shops would get all the liquor they General. wanted if the shops closed at noon. / \_ _ Other officers seemed to think "The closing of the hotels on Laborl that the matter should be left to the | Day,.'" said Mr. Geo. Wright, President military authorities, and -- that the|Of _ the _ Hotelkeepers' Association, | "drunks'" should be weeded out as| "Will certainly drive thousands of 3 * unfit for serviqe. There is also a Deop]e out Ot the City and over 1nt°l ' fle;eling that many sober young Cana.--| the Etates." . | ans are kept from joining the con-- | Gets Nig [ tingent by the sight of these bad Cete Nights Of NXow. examples of the life of a soldier. The owner of one liquor shop ex-- % s pressed some satisfaction over the * "The Mountain Labored--*"' changes. He figured that his sales "A mouse," was the reply of Dr. each night after seven o'clock aver-- Robert Haddow, editor of The Pres--|age4 $37. Half of this he thought | byterian, when asked -- what helhe could retain through earlier or-- thought of the program, "and a very|ders. The balance of $3 per day he ' small mouse, after all the labor it has | 444 not mind losing, he said, for he i' a taken to bring it forth.'" now could have his nights off, which g." "What did you expect?" he had not had since he entered the . § "Well, they might at least have en-- | Pusiness. ¥ orced early closing all round.'"' 'a Critint & Dr. McKay, editor of The Canadian Labor's Criticiem. t «K -- Baptist, was trying to think calmly Ex--Controller Simpson said: "It is a _ @bout the matter, and _ said: "Thel good ilea to close the bars on Labor ~C" i more I think the. madder I get. It| Day. 1 wish they would close them * seems to me that men of the calibre | altogether. The Government has R x 'of Mr. Hanna and Mr. Hearst have | shown lamentable lack of backbone. & 3 been taking up the thing as a joke. It is an exhibition of moral cowar-- <. c 0 We were led to. expect something | dice." @ *3 worth while. Other Labor leaders said it would . "If I were & soldier I would resent| give the bartenders an opportunity to 3 *. & the thing," said> Dr. McKay, on the| parade on Labor Day; that they | . ' 5o 19% part that applied to men in khaki.| should . have applied the same to ' * T "The soldier is supposed to be a high--| every holiday. And it was suggested i ? ly--disciplined man, who should know | that the 12th of July should be in--|' . o (% it}l:e importance of 'r'estrainthetter cluded. _ than the average citizen. his is § s --4l 'where the Government give them-- Ministers. Will Protest. lselves away. What is good for the A special meeting of the Toronto % 'soldier is good for the ordinary man. | General Ministerial Association has|| _ The same applies to picking out La--| been called for Friday afternoon at # o 0 bor Day. We are glad to have an--| 2 o'clock for a general discussion on C s e other day cut off, but why mark the| the new liquor lHcense law. It is ex-- s labor man? If I were a labor man 1| pected that thero will be a vigorous should resent that." As to the Com--| and concerted opposition to the new mission, Dr. McKay said he was'! measure, nen en ce dn e e ma on 5ce he ue es on d s t us neaiimevone e uen m on use mt e esn on ons meeniapes mm conecneucopenmcrpngeneremmininemenioentinintrenmmnamnnnmnnmene [ #t 2 h pts® § n---- 4____________________"

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