Ser -- s oiX > e Aemna enc o es C L . " _ Bc csy ol ; PE ngh ame "A dn C TEY es e hn C sig4 > M s ie ... ,fif!'-wnz o ee firfir"} 5 * »fiBIDAY, MARCH 2%6, 195. . * 'mm |.N m ' which my honorable friend (Mr. Tol--| J 9i f mie) myroferrod into such a condl'-' + ¢ : tion that they would carry out the| --ONBILINGUAL f IsEutiona Of the department . and. t to accomplish what was the unani--| % s mous wigh and resolution of this Le--| * ' 'cieatimeg rrinicaine Siibrceniinds gislature that the children of the Pro-' vince should be taught and _ should| acquire a knowledge of the Emglish | Hon. Dr. Pyne on the Ottawa language. They bave seen fit to shut the door in their 1!a.cei or tu:n the (.'hll; i i 'dren out when our inspectors wen Sltuatlon ithere. We have tried by the: estab-- | lishment of this training school, by ; pememeamngne ssm on aneemmmncn mt I 'holding out inducements of -- extra i assistance, _ to enable these poor| ORFElT AlD | schools to get teachers who would be, 190 SCHOOLS F | | qualified, and to do evyerything else in ' \reason to accomplish this result. \We! f 'propose to accomplish that result, but . we do not propose, simply because £ there hnas been a refusal to allow in-- Will Not Admit Inspector and Are spection, to pay Government money: Pra Private. for schools that will not obey the, ctically 'Treated a€ * regulations." (Ministerial applause.) | schools--Some Feeling Shown in Mr. Hugh -- Munro (Glengarry) ; s thought the use of English was Debate in Loglslature. spreading among the I'*l.ench_(jan_! adians. | "Ceap. Hopes for Solution. 3 A question of Mr. Rowell, when the pI M"'} IRO,V'."'tl}ll said xil.nwo?xl]% ii'(i:}\ is(ijnev;' a 4 MOraDie 1 ere / as € C 18 d estimates of the Department of Ld'L among the people on this subject.! cation for 19186 were under consid-- He hoped a solution of the problem eratiorn in the Legislature yesterday, n};izht be foup«(:lj. It"was desirahl? * \ bili al that every child should secure a gooc precipitate('i * 'e"'f'a" <'>f 'the mg"'\'lh English education, and _he thought cor.@rovers of two years ago. 'Tha every member of the House desired Liberal leader asked Hon. Dr. Pyne if that a way be found to accomplish| the supply of teachers for the French-- th:'t result. h411 ced | English schools was ample and if the : 'he item was finally passed. | Government proposed to do anything Wil Have Fresh Hearing. l regarding the situation in Ottawa. The promoters of the Forest Hill ! Hon. Dr. Pyne replied. that there Railway, who sustained a defeat in] s .. m ity 'of teachers for thess the Railway Committee on Wednes-- was a scarcily o *t y o day in their application for an ex--| schools. It was the old trouble, he tension of time, will have another said, that the teachers after trainirg chance. _ The mattez:l was h'x;?ught 1(1]p , ce Jucrativ i~ in the House yesterday by Mr. Good-- l?" 'to fake ip.more jncralive bos erham, and, on the ground that the tions. : | company, had not been properly re-- In regard to the Ottawa situa-- >| presented by nnun:qe]. .thP.'-' will be tion he stated that some action | given another hearing in the Ranwayl would be taken, but there would _ | Committeo to--day. be no change in the general pol-- l jevenFumsrersurcve iesd ravm ie ie uenc feaud icy of the Government towards | the schools that refused to com-- _ | ply with the regulations. | ; Mr. Mageau (Sturgeon Falls) start-- | MUNICIPAL AMENDME T & €ed the ball rolling by askirg that the | 3 ¢ department do something to improve ' the grade of these schools. Major NUT FUUND PUP"I AR Tolmic (Windsor) wanted to know 1_' how many schools were not recetving | N3 a [( grants. } t f s $ . BUT PROSECUTION FOR sMOKE 190 schools Not Inspected, ' NUISANCE ISs MADE : '"'Approximately, I would say in the | EASIER. neighborhood of 190," said the Minifi-' s ter of Education. | % Sm y on . wor opont s | Feceiving.. granie*"" _ persisted -- the | hn i IOe neeting of the MuniGipall M'a'jor. C n h * Lommrxttee of the Legislature yester--| "They are rol complying "with the day several ambitious amendments to' regulations." the municipal act were quietly -- but} "YO;II knto'i: whelre tho}.1 non--compli-- effectively squelched. The first mea-- ance has taken place; how can you | sure to D s ols rlgck get a report if no inspection is made?" | 3 .edob C %ea""',"th e uoy bill intro--| answered the Mirister. 1 'nced by. Mr. w,. D. McFherson to! "Why not inspected?" interrupted | limit the borrowing powers of muni--| Mr. Pinard (Ottawa). M cipalities on a per capita basis. This! "I don't know. The -- inspectors Wuulq hr'mt the debenture debt of a can't get in." [ city like Toronto, exclusive of sinking Major Tolmie then proceeded that fund, to $200 per head of population.: whoever was to blame in the matter ; This amount could only be exceeded| the drift of the presont situation was | on application to the Ontario Railway]| that instead of Erglish being taught, | and Municipal Board. | a large number of children were Another bill by Mr. McPherson' & T erson learning French. He understood the fared better, and the law with re-- policy of the Government to be that! spect to smoke nuisances will be English should be taught throughout ' changed so that a company main--| the Province, yet there were 190 | taining a nuisance can be progecuted schools without inspection, and for all | at the end of four weeks after no--| they knew Frerch was the only lan--| tice has been given in The Ontario' guage being taught. i UGazette or a daily newspaper. | e | Mr. Gooderham's proposal to re--e Practically Private Schools. | quire city engineers or those in« "We don't know anything about' chargg of civic undertakings when that," said Hon. G. Howard -- Fergu--| tendering on work to include the cost| son. "They are practically -- private of repair for the same period of| schools, and there is nothing to pre--| years that a contractor has to name, vent a private individual or church in his guarantee received favorable running a school along private lines." | ';Og'i':'dem"on' and will be brought up| .--_Mr. Mageau said the Government, g,m_' A B. F | was not rightly informed in stating. Tax Reform :fmfer, representing the | that the schools were not inspected.' orm Association, opposed the | The schools had been inspected -- by, measure brought in by Mr. W C:| the qualified oficers of the depart--| ("}mn&l?ers (West Wellington) provid--| ment. It could not be argued -- then| fi at ten--acre farms in towns and , that the grants were withheld for| villages might, at the discretion of| . that purpose. j the municipal council, be taxed -- as| Mr. Pinard was more militant, farm lanL____ l and declared: "We have a right *asmant----snansustnan amenaemnte to study our own language as we feel we ought to do." [ The Government's Efforts. i '"'The Department of Education,"| declared Premier Hearst, "has been exercising every influence they pos--| | sibly could to bring che schools to; :