7\'« '3_\ P ng q' 20eR s ineg 4 V Yerk y e 4R is B * __ _ --| -- Just what was c% in the bill | mlPENS ATI"N BILL ' f -- to amend the liquor nse act in-- . | , é A troduced by Hon. W. J. Hanna into f AMENDMENTS the Legislature last week formed an | |interesting subject 'of discussion on | I a | |the orders of the day being called en j' i{:" th: dLegi?lature yesterday. The TWO -- GOVERNMENT -- MEASURES 4 | a only -- been printed for DE & TNX & LEGIS-- { | distribution a short time -- before UNDER FIRE IN 'leE LEGIS 3 the Rouse met, and Mr. Wil--| LATURE. | liam Proudfoot (Centre Huron) said | io dnbvengresicermcommmntfutions & | that the bill did not carry out the ex--| s planation made by . the Provlncial,' When the bill to amend the Power | lSe('.retfarfi'i w:)\it;n moving the first read--| Commission act was in committee in | Wl ng o s bill. . Mr. Proudfoot said | tI Legi p ig Mr. Sam-- a ' the bill as printed: did--not contain | ]T (l' egml'atuxe rakge ~n;;,'htA r). welg " &. lany mention of probibiting the sale | uel Carter (South Wellington said 'of liquor to soldiers in uniform. | there was a general feeling among' C 1 _ Mr,. Hanna replied that the bill con-- | the municipalities that they slmuldl * + ' gllienedlan ta-?ilple provision to cover hbave a representative on the Commis-- } A sale of liquor to any class. si . r ; al \| ' hM:. lPl'Olefoot wanted . to . know flm'?h:' \:'(]lt'i't!llll 'll-:.}xti(;:):lf)dtphp: lu.)mpn ' $ ' what clause. seclion reisgl B M § 5 f M "Clause 9, sub--section 'B'," replied §ition of the Commisgion in cifies over | ; * Mr. Hanna. 100,000 which have a contract with | % Mr. Proudfoot protested that the the Hydro--electric Commission 1~aised¥ bill as printed was not the one in-- / some discussion. _ _ § ; :)r_oduced. that a material change had Mr. Rowell thought the mnnicipnli-t y ?en mgde, and asked for the ruling ties should be allowed to elect their 4 o "the ..'peal'('gr. Commissioners. HMHe moved an amend-} On what?" asked the Provincial !mm)t, that two Commissioners be ap--| f Se?'retary. | pointed by the Council and the third | On the matter that has been \ member be the Mayor. Mr. Carter | C .__brought up. This is not the bill that \ seconded. The amendment was de-- o wasI lntlx;odiuced." | feated. a "I submit it is not." said Mr. Row-- [ : R , ' ell, taking part in the discussion. pPhe Price Of MONCX: | P "'The bill has in it every provision Mr. Lucas brought down two im-- ; that we suggested to the House," de-- vportant amendments. One gives th('! j clared Mr. Hanna, and while perhaps I Lieutenant--Governor in f,'mmcil not in the language he used, he add-- 'anthm'ity to raise the rate of interest * ed it would no doubt suit the pur-- '(;h:'.rg.:ed on advances to the municipal-- ' pose better. { ities, The present rate is fuiur p;;.l', $ i I ! cent.., but as money is now costing the j - Bill Had Been Changed. Province much more than this, to pre-- { | Mr. Rowell said that when the bill vyent loss the iplm-est_ rate «)ll»flf_tl'll"ot s was not available from the printer advances will be 'adjgxste(l' n'v'c.mm'n,"i the Provincial Secretary had sent 1") the {)rtllcg ?IE(',';'L':.Ch ns wovyern Mess( i word to his officc that he might see fal £os MA c f M FepnE 4 a draft at the office of the Chief henifeeranitles. the act 14 i9 hs. many | > f | municipalities, the act is to be chang Clerk of the License Department. He 'ed to provide that any surplus real-- 3 did not have it, but had sent it to the ie'/te(l fn-gr'ui the operation of any public Law Clerk, where he said it was. "In utility may be turned over 'to thp} ~ g;:; ?'faft_flvlvat;a pl]':;;'isl«m ,i}fia:im'z ex-- municipality for the credit of the gen-- | A sly wi e soldiers. at clause Peral ¢ ' ' i is not in the bill. Ti was in the bill \erdl S § nernames which my hon. friend (Mr. Hanna) | Compensation Criticisms, gave on the first reading to the t ring for & T > 'or corre-- f y In moving for a return for corre 4 House.' | eP C 1 & s Rprkbugh % | spondence with reference to the ap /R We are protesting."" continued Mr. !n%iutlnem of the workmen's «rompen-! & $ Rowell, "against the (Government | sation Commissioners, -- Mr. Carter' & dealing wit'h a bill in the custody of i ;(South Wellington) thought at l(-?astl the House." \$5,000 could have been saved to the Mr. Hanna said at the time the bill | Province in the salaries paid to the was introduced its terms had not been ;(',(unmissi(mers. He was opposed to settled by the Legal Devartment. |\ the patronage system, and particular-- ' Pressed for his ruling, Speaker | ly criticized the appointment of Mr. A Jamieson said there was no _ actual 'A. w. Wright as Vice--Chairman, at 3 | bill before the House. "The bill was | sixty--eight years of age to. learn & k introduced in blank." 'new business,"' as an outrage. . j ! _ The Premier replied that while the * | Premier to the Defence. I| | pregent Government was n;,tull-es;()'ons- ' | Premier HMearst then took a hand | ible for the appointment of the Com-- | in the: debate. '"We are not going ; --« _ {mission, it had no a""log;e,s to m_e;ggi' | into a discussion as to the recollec-- 'l Sir James Whitney mfdttgn't?(')lndvtg the 4 | tion of the occurrence,'"' said he. "My | df?lal t(')f 1h;;,"gcl;fufi:?m': ' | recollection is that the bill was in-- | selection |C o l at'a hi ake | troduced in blank. A blank sheet of t / 'The An.une_\,-(,,enera.l s bill to 'Pdk- E ® "his is dons necessary amendments to the wor paper was handed in. This is done 'in's eampensation act received some * | every day ; men's comp d es | £3 | e mon y discussion on the second reading. | | | The matter was then disposed . of, & Suggestion by Mr. Rowell that a | _ | o second rexame we the hi _ __-- fix*st-él(%glwrovisioix be adopted . was | t_h_e seigr{d_r'ewaili'nxgggilleifill q sy{npathetically received by Hon. Mr. ! e m en e e in i n ioi it ons Lucas. [ f [ [ » \ .y-> e & $5% 4x 7 is $ . y + :d fltns it . a Lo Gidas Tufiue ul io o t Te c ce d hn B s