The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Apr 1915, p. 2

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in eonraureng mm . strain differing from"that & n Rill _ _ -- S B m C ah'is' colleagues when he said Pafl of I;lceflse, Bl" tm 1r=a t gli:to ':':u(l': he had hoped tc;rra. l't;'o:rll' & t e n | emperance reform EffecflVB at onPe -m:&ggsei?rfn:entp;e begeved lthsiltt g:e f # a e good results e Te Anroods conim licer';!é b" flanng | blmh;W lc('?rl:g g;'org:g ";gas appointed. He' going through committee, Mr. Ha.m};a, g zlieved That the Premier was sincere | 'explained that certain SeO4UON®" A pitce. in his desire to promote reform and act might come into operation at once, g'as prepared to accept his good faith . while the remaining sections or any in that directfon. one of them could be brought into n ue aerremndle e teleanicmtion zocms operation by proclamation. The bill wnaiacmepamameaesmmmans provided for the license year in each AN"THER wnRI] ST" district to commence on a date to be l named by the Board, but it would be f preferable if it could be worked out to have a uniform date. There would } be no delay in bringing the new Com-- & U+ i. mission into ofice, said Mr. Hanna. R It would be merely a transfer eantranscarey Political Influence on Board. Considerable opposition developed ; over -- the Lieutenant--Governor _ in Mr' Rowe" Wants to KnOW + ncil having approving power over «.x # ; 't:l:): suspension or cancellation of a About Domlmon SUbS|dy license by the Board. Mr. 8. Carter (South Wellington) said it would be impossible to relie\jei the! Bo:rd lfm}\m o local' influence,. while Mr. 8. Clarke (West Northumberland) said if the SOM'E SHAR'P R'EPARTEE Government wanted to convince the | people of its sincerity to remove thp' Board from all suggestion of political | Ne nntiheieg smmomnrcome tss influence it would remove the portion of the clause relating to the approval Discussion Raised Over Inclusion of glfl the Lieutenant--Governor in Coun In i-- Atfount in Statement of Mr. J. C.; Tolmie (Windsor) as--| Receipts and Expendita Efi'ect' serted the Provincial Secretary said | rcs | this Commission was goipg to be, as of the Item on Treasurer's Deficit. | far as possible, a non--partisan Com--| | mission. i | "If it is really non--partisan, and is S se to have big men, such as some of the . 4 s Judges of the country, independent, The Public Accounrts Committee of large--minded men, then put the mat--| the Legislature yesterday -- morning ter in 'hei"'ha"dsfr '?;"' .fl:"""t """rl-" exploited more of its energy to de-- freedom and see i will not work 4 o out good results," remarked Mr. Tol--, termine. Whether--or not the inclusion mie. of the item of $544,000 interest from dent Drosu. bie" mon t id -- o the 'T. & N. 0. Railway in the state-- endent, broad, big men cou do i y s ?usticc to this, but as long as the men}; of receipts and expenditures for clause stood as It was it was a farce, the 'last fiscal year affected the de-- because the Government of Ontario ficit reported by the Provincial | were still the bosses of the licensees.| Treasurer. Mr. Rowell got into a Criticism -- was also directed at wordy di o . clause 15, which set forth that the | ordy discussion with the Provincial Lieutenant--Governor in Council may' Treasurer as to whether or not his appoint (Sluc?t .I'rovixtwla,l. ("Stl'i;'t-i examination of the Provincial Aud--; «county and city inspectors as may be! k & be o geelr;lg'd necessary; a Secretary of the itor with respect to the disposition Of; board, such other officers, clerks and the $2,000,000 odd subsidy received | servants: of the boardd n:s;T ma(y tbe' from the Dominion Government ini deemed necessary, an Mr. "arter iss | suggested that the Commission should 1913 was in violation of an a,,ree-' have the power to appoint their men. ment made with Mr. C. M. Bowman: Tying the Board's Hands. as _to _the privflege. of opening t.hel- " 1913 accounts for this purpose. ' Mr. J. H. Ham (South Brant) de-- eclared in a business concern the man Mr. Lucas' Contention. | was going to be responsible-- | 312oforema$\ or the superintendent-- Hon. I. B. Lucas .a,ppeared before ; was the man who hired the help. That| the committee to give his recollec-- wa.lsI the nnl,\'lway to get satisfaction.! tion of what transpired at the time r. Sam Clarke declared it was a q it ws ; pectof, Mott,te appuing pee men and Tavee on tial explanation tat Tod io tie their hands behind their backs. l the discussion. Mr. Lucas contended Clause 15 was carried. that if the full amount of the Fed-- In angswer io Mr. Rowell, the Pro--| eral subsidy had been credited as cur-- vincial Secretary said the figures he ; rent revenue for 1913 there would had in mind to pay a board of rive[ have been a much a larger surplus. would be between $20,000 and $25,-- He resented the imputation that the 000. | Conservative members were trying to . Mr. Rowell--Four to five thousand | burk the inquiry by restricting the dollars each ? questions to the items named. | Hon. Mr. Hanra--1 should expect & | it as probably $5,000. These are the Receipts and Expenditures. | figures estimated in our calculations. "Now, if you were preparing the . Mr.-- Carter (South Wellington), statement of accounts," asked Mr. . with reference to clause 19, moved an Rowell, "what would be the .differ. i amendment to the effect that in ad-- ence between receipts and expendi-- | dition to the shops being closed at tures?" 7 o'clock, the bar and club licerses '"'That involves an opinion," replied should also be so affected. The Mr. Clancy. i amendment was defeated, and then | Mr. McGarry said that question was ' Mr. Carter moved that bars and : not in keeping with the understand-- ' clubs be closed at 8 o'clock,;, but was | ing with Mr. Bowman. If Mr. foweli s again unsuccessful. He then tried 9 : thought it was honorable he was at ' o'clock, but met a like reception, liberty to go ahead. ' which was repeated when he suggest-- "We are not learning rules of Ronor ed 10 o'clock. from my hon. friend," retorted the Liberal leader. No More Reforms Allowed, 4 -- A suggestion by Mr. Hurdman mount for Capital Account. (Ottawa) for closing on New Year's Referring to advances to the T. & ' Day was also turned down. N. O. last year, Mr. Rowell asked ' 'Mr. J. C. Elliott (West Middlegsex) what was for capital account and ] moved that all the bars, clubs and what for the operation of the road. ! shops be closed on Saturday a.tter-| *That has nothing to do with the noons at 1 o'clock during the war. subject," said the Auditor, who point-- A proposal to make local option | ed out that the accounting of the rail-- county--wide was later brought up, but | way was complicated and advances met the same fate as the other| were made by the Government for amendments. The motions were only | cop'sfruction. formally made in committee, the yeasl _ No amount appears in your books and nays being called and no countl in 1914 in respect of this item of The bill finally emerged from theI "No.' committee stage at 1.20 this morning And then to get the real differ-- ' after a wide range of diecuasior; on al|| :nce between receipts and expendi-- | clauses. Major Tolmie _ (Windsor) ut;'_o;e:v.'? must leave out that item?"| oooooooooooooooooommmmappppnnnnnnnnneIIIISIIIITmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrmmymmmmmmmmemmmmmmmmninininimmmmmmmnmmmssnnn d

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