The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Apr 1915, p. 3

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} Here Mr. Ferguson took up e ound | ANNUAL mlmn ' amination and went over the m..w | R V T in e es ho Tou Bc < O BOARD IRNE that the item was only a cross en D. ; | in the books of the Treasury DG%'& i-- | s i ooenane ment. It did not enter into the } itor's books at all. ' 44,000 | LEGAL COMMITTEE OoP LEGISLA-- ray o io i ie s e Pliick TURE REFUSES CHANGE FoR e » aiso take If away ront the amount BOARD OF EDUCATION, of interest on the caD;tadl gido'; both ipamepmanaa es '"'That should be exclude ; § sides," said Mr. Clancy. | When the Legal Committee of the A s on | Legislature met yesterday afternoon Me Mcgan'y's Explans y h 1is-' to consider the proposal to elect the| Mr. McGarry here took up t 9](]0'", members of the Board of Education cussion and endeavored to show in Toronto annually instead of the item had been treated in the 0 9 y instead of every books of the Treasury Department. two years, Mayor Church took occa-- Mr. Wm. Douglas, Chit'if Slirg'-p;':;' sion to remark that the board was i that in the colum # f;::nx:gd statutory expenditure of $2,-- one. of the most. extravagant bodies 233,.70% included payments of all in-- with which the city had to deal. The terest charges on loans made by the committee reported against the bill, . Province. The a.motunt Ne 3}334'1'496" and declined a suggestion by the city * f.'\crn' tbhe Ic&r;}::alymve'gl;ze%'rovificc hnad :hattl the ?uestion might be submitted s s & _ ine 11-- o the ratepayers. received only $250,000 frogxlltggeraof Mr. 0. &. B. Brown thought an an. way last year, so the LIANCE nual election would be a great mi $544,491 had to be made up, which take. The members of t%le b(r) was done by transferring from con-- served without rdemuneration ax{d solidated _ revenue _ account _ that elections cost money. In two amount and charging it to the bal-- & mart "had a Detter chancgv%tyeais ance of the $2,000,000 suysédy'liet('}e(;zz ting in touch with conditions. get-- ed a year ago from the Federa i1 Alderman McBride said the Board ernment. In that way, deducting the of Education had always been a item of $544,491 from ordinary re-- municipal football. He didn't think ceipts and ordinary expenditures, the the members of the City Council ~ difference between these remains the were all in favor of the change same as previously stated--namely, The Mayor said Alderman I%II(;Bride $697,000. didn't represent the whole Council.l sennneamnmentenemennmennmenmemtmeneememnememenmme cnnemenemanenprnmenmennemmmmmmenacmmmmennnmncemmemmmen, ;rhe Co;mcl,:lil hfid been unanimous in | avor of the change. '"Unanimous ?" interjected Alder-- ERAL man McBride. . | '"Well, not quite, but nearly so," re-- 3' plied the Mayor. } The mention of extravagance by the Mayor brought the query from bbopmemmmpnmmmmemmmmmume Hon. R. A. Pyne: "Is the object ofl AT 3 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING this bill to curtail expenditure on the DIVISTON CAME IN THE gi(}giation of the children _ of the LEGISLATURE,. ;"'l"he city cannot stand all this ex-- , (Wniis ie ane reieryeien ie teci nc penditure," said the Mayor. | T tee Hod ': It was not until 3 o'clock yester-- the rgist::eha(;) tgasl(():np?rimt%%u?sl:ndsthg; \|day morning that the Legislature acres of new territory since 1900. In | 'reached the conclusion of the debate | that year the rajte for school pur-; 'on the second reading. _ After thel ggls;s GWérlr?il(l);"ivn BI%IFIIIS'E?;gt;t w:g ' \Premier had finished, Mr. Allan Stud-- cent. of the expenditures had bgeng 'holme (East Hamilton) took up the forced on the board by the city. | | Y |discussion and criticized the Gov-- mss | ernment for being half--hearted in | |its proposals~ If the measure was | |worth while it should go farther. He advocated that drinking in clubs 'should be restricted, along with shops | and bars. He disapproved -- of the } \clauses in the bill making the de-- i cisions of the board subject to order ir Council. "You will not get any body of men in the Province able to administer the law impartially _ if they are subject to the Cabinet," he § said. '"Make your Commission wholly independeéent like the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board." Mr. Proudfoot's amendment -- was | rejected on a vote of 69 to 23, thei ; division being as follows: For the amendment: Atkinson, Bowman, Carter, Clarke, Davidson, Evanturel, Ferguson (Kent), Gilles-- pie, Grieve, Ham, Hurdman, Lang, f McDonald, Marshall, Munro, Parlia-- ment, Proudfoot, Racine, Richardason, Rowell, Studholme, Tolmie, Wigle-- 23. Against the amendment: Allan,' _......__._____.____-----------------------:-;--'U-;T--- Armstrong, Bennewies, Black, Brower, & e _ g x 8 L 4 C C u 0 2 o ~ g Calder, Cameron, Carew, Cargill, "4 E'E To * §§ §: ;Efifig '252 Carscallen, Chambers, Cook, Craw-- 2 is ~-- | is, o RLELEZ o Euw a~ 2 5 T * ford, Dargavel, Devitt, Donovan, Duff, «. 2 0 . . f d 242 Y ay ® o 8 'g ag 2 Edgar, Fallis, Ferguson (Simecoe), 56 & c Ts e f o B.g.;'} 2 # 4 Eo o «_ Ferguson _ (Grenville), Gooderham, i E8° f : A_ §°. saxif "}:m. l ' Grant, Grigg, Hall (Lanark), Hall bcag% :4 2 .+ ."am ::f"s n * n _ 1 ' (Waterloo), Hanna, Hartt, Hearst, *--<--@ 5Pss § C qanrruiasgke flce Henry, Hook]) Hoyle, Irish, Jarvis, i 1 * a o 9 ® 3 g 0. o0 9 EO 3 oé 9 Johnson, Lennox, Lucas, McCrae, Mc-- € E 3 £ B 2 E 0 4 ed,ds,g o 2 £ 2 EE.'E 5 _"* 8 E Elroy, _ McFarlan, _ McGarry, Mc-- . {4 * , _A * paeu § 422 "~ § B 32-- o 28 ! Keown, McPherson, _ Macdiarmid, i | t scus sb E4ss 82 0e Sfinc " Machin, Magladery, Martyn, Mason, k.' s 4 1t a 3 $ -"v A dsg Eq » & ® e f Mills, Morel, Musgrove (Huron), D 8 E 5 0 C q u--€ o0 86 ::E ®a 7 o 45-'-":"'v.'g--2 Musgrove (Niagara Falls), Nesbitt, C A$aA ~© 3 Er5E® gg £u8us! $2] +«Owens, Pratt, Preston (Durham}). a $" 0 l ffrs wa"fifi"gmgg I Preston (Lanark), Price, Pyne, Ran-- 3 & = 4k 3 -';é?@ "_g' x E .2 5C . A kin, Regan, Russell, Rykert, Sharpe, m Lrissis,. f 5 28.3 §%="~ s 4 Sinclair, Sulman, Thompson --(Sim. *@ _ sfi *R EP 'w" kR z 228 s ,g:: y# ece), Thompson (Peterboro'), Tor. 4 ¢ ~E a oR A Et ign . Ffus® RL _ 20 rance--69. 3 ~ 3 2 2 se cEgp5hk4saees »fu Pairs--Foy, Elliott; Gamey, w iR a Ek --S$-->@Ma@sg 3 v 40 o i3 geau. . «omm nmmmmemens &: R d *

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