The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Apr 1915, p. 1

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f ' '(";":".% A * j ---l.. "-" m _ , x ""J« :'1<_.'£ih'?= + & - FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1915. _ j f C meect Cattention to a measire you * @ ' l ~'upon municipal corporations to grant : f ald to t!'I'e Patriotic Fund, the Red m "NAL ASSENT 'M iss Association, and the Belg:an' m ¢ [| Relief Fund; to equip organization ; | 'for home defence; to insure the lives ( i of soldiers; to provide for their de-- | pendents; and to send food and cloth-- | P a * * ing for the relief of war sr\:ifter?rs. In i making such grants at this time it ublic Interest Lacking in Pro--.| _ es ne 1J Aecoosaly for any maunt on | cipal Council to submit them to a vote roqatmn ceremony otp the ratepayers for ratification. 2 Information from various sections menpaaame es f of the Province points to an unusu-- ally large yield of all kinds of food-- [ : stuffs during the coming season. This | SPEECH FROM THE TH RONE is the outcome of exceptionally favor-- | able conditions, as well as the patrio-- i (am ib cevuenteeiie : tic appeals for increased production c proes , 'addressed to the farming community. | In view of the possibility of a food ;War Measures, Liquor Legislation and shortage elsewhere, it is t°ub§ h?pfid i __ _ Other Topics of Session Referred to :'}égltizégese expectations will be fully | __--Public Accounts Matters Will be $ ' 1 3 t;:d Next Sessi S¥i}1 The Liquor Legislation. nvestiga Next Session, An --important advance has been } | !made in the manner of temperance ; i § | 'leglslation, by a measure plzi.]cing thei | control and supervision of the liqnorI t It took only about twenty minutes 'trafflc pnder a Provincial Corpm}s-i | to prorogue the Legislature yesterday l;;;)nhr'i:tr}s} :aii?npggfgfi f&l'ugssfr!l';(';lgte;l :afternoon. The Prime Minister, his soled; for the suspension of its sale,| | colleagues and a score of members and for imposing other caonditions and | ;gathered for the final ceremony along roslstrictsiong in cormectxo;lml with suchi | wt 55 asnrink PV '6 a sale. uch a measure will prove very .'"Hh a sprinkling (.)f ladies. O'.n t far--reaching in its nature, and it is.l 'purcd with the opening the galleries the earnest hope of my Government | and floor of the House presented a d¢-- that it will be met with generous pub-- lsortcd aspoct, and beyond the usual lie sgpport 80 tba.t it may _ be an Ithrom; that is attracted by the ; %f(figgxg 2'r$3-"'}u£(€{'erp';(;r5"?g;;'§ t'*&'; imounted escort, the guard of honor,. evils of the drink habit. and the uns, public interest was| By the adoption of an act estabh-- f §T e Lieutenant--Governor| lishing a Department of Public High-- lacking. h g j | did not take advantage of the. war, ways you have taken a necessary step : ispirit afloat and_weau even a mi!ir_m"yl towards riving effect to fl?e rc,w-n.m-} | uniform, appearing in faultless after--| mendations of the Commission which , 'moon dress, although there was a fair j recently went very thoroughly into ; | accompaniment ot ofticers of the || this important question, affecting as | Headquarters Staff. i | it does the material welfare of all The familiar face of Mr. Fred J.|| classes of the community. M feannacarme, was misaing."" lt | Efficiency and Economy. | Glackmeyer was absent on account of ; Among other measures sdopted are | ilIness, which is the second time ho acts giving further power to courts | bas been away from his post at th*'*l with respect to the recovery of money : opening or closing of the House since secured by mortgages; setting apart n,l his appointment after Confederation, | fund to provide seed grain for the| the former occasion being in 1874.| relief of settlers in Northern Ontario; | Mr. J. Bruce Macdonald, Inspector of | to amend the corporations tax act; to | Division Courts, acted as custodian of | amernd the Power Commis.ion act, the mace, and performed :h" duties and for other purposes. with all the facility of a veteran. 4 , I desire to thank you for the lib-- After prayers the only ':c?}l' Ofret);l)ls:'l' eral provision you have made for the ar Tho Print re(:eptlon y }fiq }'Inn-r various public undertakings, and to of the Printink L('"m'"ttede' the bills | assure you that the supplies you have or thgn cz:imeelr&, ta}fesegp:e(,"tlofm:n the | voted will be administered with a passed and rea ® * j view to efficiency and economy. Throne. / In conclusion, I thark you for the spéech From the Throne. !l beneficial legislation you have enact-- s 'g? e, re-- ed, and commend you and onr coun-- .The fipeech from t'he ," "f"-' A try to the blessing and the protection viewing the session and dismissing ko & the House, reads as follows: | of Almighty God, which have been so Mr Spealier and Gentlemen of the! bountifully vouchsafed to us in the Legislative Assembly: i past as individuals and as a nation. i1 desire in bringing your labors to Public Accounts Investigation. a close to express my appreciation of f ta, the careful and expeditious manner In order to faci.htate.the_ closing of c f s s he the House, the investigation by the in which you have transacted the Public A ts € itt 4 ut public business, and the spirit of pat-- h" 1c Accour ¥4 «?ml:l{ ee h" as cu riotism which has characterized your short on an understanding that some | deliberations | matters that it was proposed to deal Since you assembled our brave | with this year should be taken upl Canadian soldiers have come into ac-- next session. These include the ad-- tual contact with the enemy, and ministration of the liquor license have distinguished themselves in a | ll:'und l'n conn'ectfon with the visits of way' worthy of our country and the | nspector Snider to Huron, Peel and j source from which they come. It ml Welland counties last year when the | with feelings of pride and satisfac--| Canada temperance act campaign tion that we have read of their was or, colonization road grants, Gov-- achievements in defence of our flag ernment House, and the T. & N. O. and Empire. Our hearts and our Railway. prayers are with them, and our con-- en fident hope is that the complete tri-- umph of Great Britain and its allies in the near future will insure to the world an enduring peace. I observed that you have approved of the steps taken by my Government in the direction of aiding the mother country, and that you have made provision, by means of a war tax, for such further assistance as experience may show to be necessary. During the recess my advisers will secure all information possible in order to de-l R termine the manner in which further ald can be most effectively given. War Relief Funds. The public response to the various appeals for funds for war relief _ purposes has been prompt .ua,nd generous. I desire to di-'

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