. THURSIDAY, MARCH 16, 1916 \EXTRAVAGANCE CAUSES s P ; T ts Aataim ',-_*_--'-----------*-- > «in which he an? the Government | » &# it should travel was in the line of econ-- Mr. Rowell's Severe Arraign o isy Falhen--than in the linc of in creaged expenditure. "Wa hope that ment Of Government www once having got started in the right & e direction, with his characteristic abil-- Censure fOl' Lack Of Detall ity and energy. he will pursue that o course steadily and consistently, and in Statement--Hon.r Mr, he will be whle next year to present a more satisfactory statement -- even McGarry Promises to End than the one presented on this cc-- Hydro Audit Dispute Entitled to Balance Sheet. The remarks made by the members remonn cmmn mm mace o es for Woest Bruce and South Welling-- | ton that the Province is entitled to 6« 5 eopre P the Auditor's statement of the bal--' 190:" in close'of the fiscal year ance sheet of the Province would 5, the first year in which the commend itself to the members of Government of Sin James Whit-- the Houso and the people of the f ney had the management of the -- | Province. _ Even if the Provincial Nt onl e Profetey there > 2e uy 'of Snuing a surplus When was an excess of liquid assets over | £he Auditor could not fird a surplus, I liabilities of $1,220,563. From . | he (Mr. Rowell) was sure that in the 1906 to 1915 they received in-- | interests of accuracy and fair dealing creased revenues of $53,4103,744, } "gthldtg" P';'Vi";l'g tzf;tenfgfi?%e A shou e made a a c «-- and 1 ind at .the cloge of th_e tained from the Auditor, fiscal year 1915 there is a deficit P 4 of liquid assets as against liabili-- Xo Fpetails of Hydro. ties of the Province of $8,346,-- Turning to %he'publicla.tclcognésbflle 838. I ords, sta speaker said the item which had been i 'n Othir v',m'(?"' starting ten taken objection to last session was T rara 260 W th a surplus of $1,-- not the only item which had not the 220,563, with an increased gen-- | Auditor's sanction or approval. He eral revenue during that period | alluded to tho copy of a minute of i nles an ie omee h ibe pecive S BM se Tast deioions selves at the close of the decade Mat:c";l.o: con'si;ration rof th:sreport of t with a balance of liabilities over the lgonorable the Provincial Treasurer, iquid as r i dated the 29th day of Fobruary, 1916, ],;:u,d mt aagh ie th,,e "ron,g side of t;ecTrea:ury Boa:i goth hereby order the ledger of $8,346,883, or a | _ that pursuant to the provisions of sub-- difference of $62,971,000." |\ _ section 1, of section 3%, of the audit s | act., Cap. 23 RKO.. 1914, noinanc;s These figures, which were exclusive | f&ic}f:(}a;ltzt:,:,};;rt ,::'a:ub:&?,?d n con? i any connected with the Hydro and ln;'-«;ition lwlttrln thlgo e:peng;w:':is:ifin U;:: &! .ms _ Alearstr s ro--electric wer m P. & N. O. Railway, furnished cne th}; public accounts for the year ending of the most telling portions of Mr. 31ist October, 1915." N. W. Rowell's masterly and pene-! People Want to Know. trating criticism of the Budget in the i ""This order in Council indicates," Legislature yesterday. The leader of | said Mr. Rowell, "that the Govern-- the Opposition, in addition to 'hu,vmg | melent fc;'r rea,sonisdbest known }o thetrtrx'- something to s: b (ran'u | selves have decided not to give e t & to gay sloul the Audilor's full information in connection with note regarding Hydro finances, made that important department of the a strong argument for rigid economy, public service which apparently the and maintained that had this been Auditor thotuhgihf{ stl;lould _be given.bl.l »ractised i + + venture to n ere is no public i id s t'he past the war (a* service under the jurisdiction of this would not have been necessary. The Government in which the people are Liberal leader also made It clear that more deeply interested, there is no had it not been for the economical fl}:blic 39{""09 neareri to lt'he heiart of management of the Province for the pueblllz;eogefivi?:g ?Em'ifi'icfi erteheys at;g first t.orty years after Confederation more anxious to have the fullest in-- Ontario's credit would not be so good . formation than in connection with as it is to--day. Hydlro-electric power developmenti. p i inb re mt "I turn to the accounts appearing ; Hon. T. W. McGarry, Provincial on page 555 of the public accounts in Preasurer, affirmed that notwith-- connection with the Hydro--electric standing the claims of the Opposition Power Commission and I find attach--| there was a surplus last year of $271,-- ed this note by the Auditor; '"The, 000 If his r cA# foregoing statement was prepared by o e is critics were to ask the the Hydro--electric Power Commis--. Provincial Auditor his opinion on ex-- sion and does not represent the ac-- penditures on account of Northern counts of the, Commission as audited Ontario roads, Orillia Asylum and by the Audit 'Office. other public buildings, Mr. Clancy "I venture to think," commented would tell them that these items were Mr. Rowell, "that seldom has a more Ero?erly included under the head of ! remarkable statement appeared in F:pt;:aél :\-'Jflgfintz'ltgutl"g. With reference Ithe public accounts of the Province Provinclal Hydio cCommisslon" us \than that statement appended by the McGarry said this S'Zgnrmtlizogovelrrr -- }Provinclal Coe Bebtle seren important{ 4 « *# ment had determined to have a final ' 'branch of the piblic «ervice. I avdit, and officers of the Governinent Compared With Ottawa Method. | ','f;'g ;'ffgrf Oi':ig tihrpugh the books of ' Mr. Rowell drew attention to the' months. It w;é ?fe ifi?finu?'" ¢ t;'}'iw 'fact that when the Provincial Treas-- Government this ding ¢ 'urer presented the estimates to the| ds 1 on deaiine" Acan ""imk |House no real information was of-- down legislation dealing with the ifered as to what the total expendi--| _ vna.ttter under dispute between the 'ture of the Province for any given ?',';'g ors of the Hydro and the Prov-- |year would be. The estimates did M § r | not include the statutory expendi-- o ture, which was year by year in-- P OWGe" Attacks lcreaa!ng. He had 310 hlisl hands the 4 ? i estimates for the minion Parlia-- Ovel'nment S MfithOds ment brought down by Sir Thomas Mr. Howel!ll. who spoke for an | White during the present session, and hour and a half, congratulated the | |a member of Parliament was able to Provincial Treasurer on the manner | see at a glance the total amount to in which he had presented the fin-- | be spent on every department. He ancial _statemen}t _ to the House submitted, in view of the great in-- Am;ax\reasons £ Histaction crease of the public expenditure, they s yers THe evidencas in tha Hoaanatal should have a statement, according to i r'e\. ences in the Provincial the precedent in the Federal Parlia-- f 4 His Tac address that he had turn-- ment, which would give the House o oime Tespects ;th';'e;:'fh; "g":g""in . and country full information on this * , &n e indi-- 4 cation that he believed the direction iimporiaht_ matles: f f Li dn nsP PR on n