e e n s aet _ M &,; 4 ou ve e ty -- ¥ ® e C O }33« to three years. The >ple: in 8 mfl'ther g:'::\' t:lirfl"l;?gem A would have an opportunity of judging e'}g::.t He -- had alreadyy stated whether they wished to continue pro-- tha Ne + t t to be ti hibition with the experience they had $ Ts iig a '{"Dh& ressee.' gus Ts 'had during the two years and nine cce es Un the Covernn tp ith tm" months it would have been in opera-- sFos o the a Governm:n hw i hre P5. tion. On the other hand, if they Neneripadp ob y t wheni tetflo u% y pro--' wished to repeal the prohibition act hibition should ©0M8 220 T. tho P com they would have experience that not his intention to divide oys cogn-! would enable them to vote intelili-- mittee of the Honse # s Ailtcr "lhe! vedily. (iEgH S tss poraien. ". 0.' wi 0 + Protect Old License--holders. l "The a.%t is so important and so far--| "If the act now before the House (t;eaching C 'tt; fi"f'ifiof,'}gth:"f'él';,ii?f' should be repealed we have been ask-- t gtel i;: mignigl dgsh-e to mar the fepling. ed what would likely be the jaosition ?,f' ha,?,?gn?-o prévailing among the' ;.fmtt;!e Go»('lernmen} of \ thaf s dgy-~_ members by dividing the House on the ch no doubt wili be the Govern matter at this time," said Mr. Rowell.' ment of the present day." said Mr. "I would favor some other method of Hanna, his last phrase creating laugh-- providing relief to the ligenseholders ter. "I have no hesitation in saying than the method of extending their li-- that unless some substitute for the censes for a consideration. However, present order of things is found, and I hope the licenseholders will accept should the result of the referendum' this relief in the spirit in which the be that the Province will go back to House gives it, and 1 would ask them | the license system, then I think in not only to carry out the spirit of the l the name of everything that is fair . act. but to consider they have re-- and right in regard to these interests ; ceived fair treatment from this Legis-l (the present license--holders) they | lature." | should have -- the first call on _ Mr. Rowell thought that the exten i iny license that might be issued as sion of the licenses to September 16 | 1 result of the repeal. I would ex-- ) would enable the hotelkeepers and ; pect that it would be a strange thing | liquor merchants to dispose of theit | indeed if any license board or Gov-- | stocks, and he thought this should :'rnment did not give these -- license-- 35"'"'"'" them. uy t f is 'we¥ ucl'::;: ?r'" s:h;?nes\lg:-]rfi?ion in iesuing ;Powt-rs of the Provinces. ie | When the temperance bill --was | Re--enacting Local Option. |reached in committee Mr. VW m. Hv-% Mr.-- William -- McDonald, North 'Donald (North Bruce) quoted the * Bruce--Why should not locai option |Hon. Mr. Doherty, Minister of Justice, ! places go back then?" If care is tak-- |to the effect that the Provinces al-- | en of the license--holders, why not ol }ready had power to prohibit the | local option places? | manufacture of liquor within their' Mr. Hanna--It might well be tha« | boundaries if it was found to lead to | tho Legislature at that time might & i the infraction of any prohibitory law | enact that the liquor license laws now ! passed by them, but had not seen fit ' in force should be simply regarded {to exercise such power. . as having been suspended, in which | Hon. Mr. Hanna----The matter is | event the honorable memhber -- would 'not regarded as suficiently free from ' find that everything would go back doubt to justify embodying it in this ; as it was before. legisiation, and then perhaps jeopar-- i Mr. McDonald--Will things be jusi dize the whole bill. t as they are? | | Mr. Hanna--That might be a gsane. Wholesale Druggists' Views. | sound, reasonable proposition. Consideration was then given mi Consideration of Leases. ivarious clauses in the bill. With ref-- IF. John Allan (We C atnl § erence to wholesale .«Irugg:;\:f:':' }:-l Dbserted thar there( \\'azt (:'g:m-:;;g,' ;;(?nse'a. Mr. Hunrnaisald a. dcputatmy}' fhat might be a hardship if the ()r: | .ta_d é':}(}l hny:thut :;]ftf:rnu_ . and hm.! tariov temperance act is passed. Tkat 'ét"tmeg :1 nlldged- \t *4 tl'w--v prgsem' was in reference to leases. A number !:b a"u'. t 1(')'u 'mi[ . mter'tm.cd e | O moteimen had -- leases on' '"' oit | 'I.nma_, xm l;.c:a out f»f place to say | hands. some of them-- having t'v:'o ih?m', he'. .,Nfld' n l a ce e on sronuiy fhree and four years to fun. 1t L l. mggd thi: the wholesale end of :hoi not be fair to put them out "f";ou f2 § business would 'be better taken care | ne's; and keep them psrying re-m.'u?\le Ezi}fuhyt;-i(l'?c"{::rt 330'1».:"';'3'?&St:fig;ngtm | sald. » t 3 ado lt é s e guarantee | hMr. Hanna said that was a subject ;%fx ;hi il:?d bt\n"}lfl D 'u":ser\'edl'; Je ! "Hat was receiving consid2ration: | i | had ASKk hat number would be fact vzfi')'mhiixt\ln 2'2;.:::5'(?;&}1'5"'-' in | justified, having regard to the trade | tAought and care to l: It\("W;.s E'T;:'.)tl: iser\efl, and the reply was that it | easy subject to dispose of. it wow;ld | ?" mfld 3 .p}r})pably e ar unpromame, be easy enough to do it in some cases, | 'busnfeh& oo oprd T ons . teu \ P ubun other cases it would w«')r'k' ;\111' | : M.x. Ffrou.dtoop C est a{ur.un)--ls g the wrong way. I mighi be that| 't'hcr.e any intention. of charging the | fhs solution for that again m"?g'n.';»el |retail druggists a license fee? j left somewhat to the discretion -- of | | _ _Mr. Hanna--If there is any chargs . 'the heard of three provided for in the ' s hy a.ll' 1 ABink 1 sghould fe" strict1s Som "In attempt to make a law to fit | honjinail--~a dollar . .or _ Rereabolle. ' all cages alike might work 'n:xr;i:'.iih: There are those who refuse to pay a | in' ohne direction greater than those , dollar, and not because of the amount. they were attempting to cure. _ lt } It was also proposed, he added, "'! mment: be that tlhie License Board | r31ake the wholesale druggists' 14-- wmixld hte authorized to make appli-- | cende fee only a.nominkl one. l cation of a law that wo f f / t 4 e the present act bvfo:;dt}'\):vd(gl\i';gi What Constitutes Intoxicating? I through with it. although ther had | When the clause was reached as to l not fully deocided on thai. 7 t what '1'"'1"'3"5" mean, Mr. Hanrna said | f o aprpa in reply to Mr. Rowell that with reo-- Form of the Referendum. f:ard to native wines it was Dro;})xoé:d i In reply to Mr.. Rowell as io to z!}e the License Board abso--l whether the referendum in June c ar, Aoae 1919, would be submitted in the Mr. Rowell--The alcoholic eontent | negative or the affirmative, Hon. Mr of iuors will fe defined in the .act" | Hanna said the Government had not _ Mr. Hanna--I think if we can do yet reached a decision. in. in the case of native wines that we Mr. Rowell--I thought perhaps _\?(mld have the right to do it with the form of the referendum _ might |regard to any other beverage. have been drafted. _ _ Mr. Rowell--For years we have Mr. Hanna replied that it had :%md a very clear deftnition under ouz: but that it was safely locked up up-: ; lco'nse.act as to what cnnstitut.'es in -- ;t:irs, and the gentleman who had the ;:2:;'13;%'({ 1i would be a rather | thzn.was not in the chamber . just liFat deflniIZ?OIztx?re to move away from i k This was evidentl; Mr. Hanna--We have : i the Law Clerk, whojo%e;eet:rft?ce 5T of puiting a little joker h:otth:-hougm» and ente he door Mr. Rowell--The act. itered just as Mr. Hanna was f ; 1e _real point is: are answering the question. we\fi()n;!li;gastaltte }:hat in the act? Date of Enforcement deierhfined u'.--- as not been finally f + pon. . *"I regret that the y j _"'---'*--'--'------------fi__' not seen its way cleaGrot:r?nr::'e" p':fif j vision for an earlier enforcement of the act,"" said Mr. Rowell. "Per-- sonally I would rather see prohibition put in operation on July 1, in view | of the fact that it is a war measure." --.Mr. Rowell would also have pre--