é. . "r'r L'f'IT2E T , ., " " .1 I." 'd' wager "Tim H w , Te o caverns "c.'..,,......".;: . t "tl -.. b' a 'c'18 . . e F . .... l . .. I I O NORTHERN ONTARIO overnment ill lhe thel 'ment of New ontario . Money Left From $5,000,-l What North Really Needs. . ' "Lieut. Malcolm Lang (Cochrane) 000 Loan to Aid Settlers-- was very pleased with the announce- Eff ti s h b l, ment of Hon. Mr. Fercuson. He said ec Ive e l the hill showed the Minister was try- R I . p 'e e; y Mr/ ing to work out some system whereby . the people of the North country would owe I and Lieut. Lang of; receive assistance. He would like to Cochran see greater powers given to the'Com-' e missioner who is to administer the act as experience shows. in order that ""'"""----- i the Commissioner might work out the _ scheme in the best interests of the; PT, . i people of New Ontario. _ ' - , I'he Ontario Government plans mi "One great thing we need up there devote several million dollars to the', just now," said Lieut. Lang, "is further. development of New Ontario. Inti- aid for 'dtoo/e,'i,','d'ldr,"',1t sectioir:s the million to this effect was made in the 12,t,',1att,c,co/Jd""t'ht, '"lJlff'atie,',' V'li legislature last night by the Hon. Griii/iiri"rd'iriar'. Another question Li. Howard Ferguson. Minister of that should be taken up was that at ,Lunds. Forests and Mine "h h s medical, aid. There were. too few charue . s, " O a medical practitioners in New Ontario, ' K V ot the measure introduced and the result was that if a settler gem: daily-e. ago for; the development had sickness in his family it took him . mm. "tst'.."'), Ny/ Northwestern ll?- something like twenty-four hours to ii'. 'l't'it . :1- Ferguson and not definite- get a doctor. There should be a doe-' )3" a e t e sum. the Government DfU- tor in each settlement. Lieut. Lane thafstho set 1tyt:. but DP. indicated contended. It was a serious matter t . e amount would be in the with the settlers it they had to wait neighborhood of two or three mil- li " . . twenty-four hours for a doctor to one. Dealing with this point he . .. , . come from the next town, which, said. n here is no limit to the extent might be twenty miles distant. E of the work we anticipate will be done, ' I under this act. We purposely and Estimates Presented. advllsf'dly avoided putting limitations The estimated expenditure of the' in the act that might prevent us in Province of Ontario for the 'ryutpip1, carrying out the purpose of the act." l year ending October 31, "lk e $9.21 . . t, 686,741, according to a sa emen Two or Three Millions Left. 1 presented to the Legislative Assem- He added that the Government' bly yesterday}. The following is would use what was left of the recent' a summary: Civil government. 8909.- $5,0uo,ooo Northern Ontario loan and! 992; legislation, $320,900; adtpirtirt.ra-: that the Government might find itl tion of Justice, $841,711z. education. necessary to ask the Iu'gislature to! $2,298,488; public institutions 'iiiiiii') 2ei'lci;rt,e ,t."t"ht, /oag,i, lie /tkd they ti'lh"yfi 11,;,1e'tltr,',7,; and"g,'e,1itgrt'.l, . '0 or ree mt (ms e . . ", CO - In reply to a point raised by y,,) t'/g,y,"ltsgf,.' hospitals and charities; Allan Studholme (East Hamilton) he $527,254; Maintenance and repairs or: said the Government expel-ts to make, Government Byyyeiry,,rty.t10.,HyL: pig»! arrangements to loan money to set-- lie buildings, s42§.476, public J'/'l'lfl'.: tiers So that it would not cost the $80,300; colonization roads. Pl:, ' settlers more than six per cent. in-, Highways Department: $65,770: gm. iterest for the money they borrowed.) 1r1d,,Pme,riit'y. $146,800: f,,Ntfd'i,'ltiri, er;- :'he 'tl',',)'"','::,',,"',",, they: land been able; ir§1158200D¥raegsr31€3tbep$tsr$ieenatnerglils'l 0 ga er Was t at 5 0 would ini 1 , l . ' - ',',,rlt1i,ct,Pt all cases meet the require-) fellaneougieggi-tfiglinpFoxggleflaggggz:I m n . . 's , e s ot he settlers. I t$a2rlys'"5; charges on Crown landml Loans May Reach "so. 1 $623,750: Refunds account, 892.500;I "It 8500 per settler proves made- try/tre/thu/rue"""'"'""" 347500,; Quate we will see to it when the time, total, " ' . ', comes that the settler Will get Pole.:."; I 1"lre'll 7~-'--~~ .- - said Mr. Ferguson in reply to a sug- gestion by Mr. Sam Carter (Southl Wellington) that the limit might be} _ raised to $760. What the Government: f I intended to do, went on Mr. Fergu-i May Allow Larger l son, that to assist the settler in any: P f Al h 1 Fay. a wou d materially aid him in ercenta O o making his home and developing the. ge O c 1 [county They would help him to bu.vi -.------....,, , 1,lvtrht,tik, 1',flt'etmhe,1i,ng1atg.' intrtall ' For fully two hours yesterday WI . noon the members of the. Conservative h - _ IS :21: 1:: House Elton: party in the Legislature were in 0811-; a nuncemen 0 Mr. Fergu- (:us, wrestli r " ' . . tr, , I son followed timely speeches by? itl a ng damn, It Is understcod,l vMessrs. N. W. Rowen, Sam Carteri w, 1 the temperance measure. There} anduMquOlm Lang, in which "ml is stated to have been a, drift in the; het) "12m glznngztu} carat", as they last few days towards increasing the! Mr Howell obser ti' i, I _ alcoholic content from two and a. halfl more. in the speechvtff tttttMU',',",',,,?:), to four per cent, but Ministers tspoken Lands, Forests and Mines when the jt"eotl as subject have nothing defin- bill was introduced than there was in 3 Th . y}. . ' . the bill itself. He thou ht th L l ere its' likely to be a change in 'lature had got too muchginto tone $5331 }t'he. "umber of memoerte ot the On- it 01" leaving important matters, par-i liliXeIthdmmge "it/rl as outlined in trl/i1,1arr2rotdtt',nlcgu? the Lieuteniint- :t. a 'Ciyv,/ie,ni.'vvufr.Hty,1/t,,/ninrete, I J a _ . ' e ' that some limiting: monleiye J,"d',elt/',f ,House last night, stated that for the i, '2tf1 to the purpose should be specl- (J", year it was probable there would a, n the bill. 3 we ive members. The act at first mMr. Roiwell said there was not onlyl 'i'""pit,"",', three, . . :tqufsionhgt clearing that was im- 'Fl 1? will mean that Messrs. J. D. p: an ,"n opinion. but there was! l lave le (Chairmani. Dingman, Ay- _ t e question of draining. Another im-i 'edrst, Dane and S.mi.th will continue portytt thing would be assistance thatl [to sit on the Commission. would be required for schools in the, immIXW new districts. The roads of that re- ' ft,',? upon Which several million dob. ' t "3 tad already been spent. should also be Itrrpt in good repair. Mr. Rowelt hoped the Government would "hunch out into tt large scheme. They WNW" be ' helping to bind together My!!!" western Canada by settle-