_ - -'""'""e'BeryeeP. FV , """""rterl-l.- I" "lRrl8lllIilll- t Ir, ' . i ' , . . '_'s- i. " 'm "bean-Ht!) air - H T. to R" _ y _ '44 T V in the Province III/On o L.". _ ' ' . ti-', theft English "While the C " '. l veiling language. When French pre- . . . , r _ t valet-they. operate under regulation " E TA fifft is. ,They have the right; it is not a l . ., question of toleratlon. If it Were . , . . possible to plant tturettttreCrrremm' - t 1.tHtyYAtiitar somewhere isolated- ,by - -iue1C.the. word 'hitherto' would ap- I ply, and then it would be, designated . . . , and come under regulation 17. The Interpretations of Bilingual; idea~ls' that as rapidly as they can . acquire it they can get a. knowledge Regulations I of English from the teacher. lacunae 1 . . they hare not the opportunity in their l ,,-.._____,_,_ t surroundings and every day life. i l Where there is an entire French com- _ i munity the only way to learn F the POINT RAISED IN HOUSE. languaze is from the teachers. and ', We require them to devote so much , , lay to the knowledge of English." . . ' -- - ' - t Answering Mr. Rowell, Dr. Pyne E "aid there were about ninety English- Mr. "ttctysrme, Asks Government the; French schools unable. to secure quali-.. . . 'ied teachers, because there were no ' " , - Meaning at Word Hitherto l teachers available. Scarcity ot' Competent Teachers for ; fiz'::1:;.:1;71:1:;1'f:;:7:~.:=fi I ' 'oreAtch.auuutitst, Schools. l Wiley. tho House, was in (Hamlin-i LIKE BATTLE IN BARS , fee of Supply in the Legislature late , _ last night some interesting; puims' MII STILL N" RELIEF emerged in a discussion of bilingnnl- e ism.l Thr. Iriirircicics ot the sulfuiet-ti were handled by Hott. G. Huwardi -.-------,-.----. 1 PergUSon, who was Acting Minister" i ' . ' Education viurine Dr. VFW)" ubswree I Toronto Citizens Not Helped by m Enclnnd. - l With Wren-ore to rluuro. l wt" remi- I Legislature com- I iution 17. whit-h Sidit'r. that in schools i . I where French hitherto has been the , mittee aubjm't. of sluux and provides ('Ondi- I {ions for instruvtinn in French rend-I ir.g, 'r"l"f1""'"l" fwd 11'y,"'i1ritn' [',','rl, The. city of Toronto's attempt to "ropd .'HLV'T'W received Firtlti? "Help. get better street railway service was Tttrt). ' - ., l frustrated by the Private Bills Com- Mr. vulva-me tNorth Igssexi' said, mittee mf the Legislature yesterday. he nould like In get an txrl1natiop of The city bill, which was dealt with by the word hnhruo at it referred to .. _ . the schools. "supposing that to- the committee. provided for the put- morrow," he Filiti, "in some sections ting into service withln three months if the (hunk) of Essex or other Warts of two hundred more cars. The. bill ot Ontario "he": in?" T?uld be . also contained a clause providing for say twetttr-ftNe I"rvv.ch-ripealtiug pu- fei f - 0 . l; . . th ' t oils and as many Jcnylis,h-speakirtl a for eit o $50 " "Y m C. men ouplls, and that were to be a new l of the company refusing to obey the school. under tho present. luw_ Would , act. It bt, 'fgu'l to ten) French m that Mayor Church stated that the school ." . . Hon. Mr, l0siocuson---Under 'section clause 1n the agreement under which 13 it says where the French now pre- the company was bound to give ac- -'uils it may he» taught, St) the posi- commodation had become practically .10!) my hon. friend 're-vibes, would a dead letter. He blamed the On- "ome within that regulatimr tario Railway Board for allowing the ' , " v, 'company to do as it pleased in this "rolertrttogt or Laxs , matter. Last, November the board . Adv. ioucharnae--1 understand the had ordered the construction of fifty \linister of Education to answer more cars. but as yet these cars had where French prevails French may not been forthcoming. andthe boa.T.d He taught." Lhms that word "may" had not compelled compliance with mean tolerati- or is it legal under its order. :he Paw I' " r . tea ( . Hon. Mr. Ferguson-nr- is certainly T ted Like attle ~recognized to the regulations the The committee "relented the clause vittht.to haw. it taught. It is not a on a vote of ten to eight. T _ question of mic-ration. A clause providing for fr" r..i.de Mr. .HUWOH (referring to the. illus- for soldiers also caused some dis- xration used by Mr. Ducharmer--. pute, while 'Mayor. Church referred Suppose. you haw got an equal num- to the overcrowding of street. cars. Her of pupils in the school can it be stating that to say people were pack- said in that vase the French language l ed in like cattle was not properly ex- prevails so as It) make it within regu- pressing it. This clause of the bill itrtfon tr, ? will be further discussed in the q ' . . . House. when what remains; of the bill in Independent Ollicial. will come up for second reading. . Hun. Mr. Ferguson----, have not the Another decision by the. commit- regulation, but i think it somewhat l tee means that if Toronto sells water depends upon the report of the in- to the township of iork and trouble spat-tor. Tim idea of this regulation. develops the dispute Will'have to be I may say in a word. is this: that settled Before the Ontario Railway 'lltve must Hz,- some. independent auth- and Municipal Board. . . I only Ur decide these matters. and the The city's representatives favored department feels the best authority private arbitration. in demde whether regulations should -""'rTe'rrerere"errIrt"rrerrr ' apply and .how they should be worked ' out and the elasticity given to. the regulation Would he in the hands of Yom? otf1cial whose duty it is to see t_.' that kind of thin?" who is trot mused in the matter at all, and has no reason for treating harshly any- body, and hus'at heart the education- al interests f" everybody, It is left to that otticial to decide how the school. should be operated. English to Prevail. . Continuing, Mr. Fergusmi, dealing _ f.eLhty, word "hitherto," said: "We .mume that where a French com-I