The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Feb 1917, p. 1

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_t - ,4 T .'. 3.5 P Fr.. 'im, , Pl may; t v,'.".." .. . "6 j ,RF.,'N ,,- " hr. .», a 'v-tilu'.' r,,', _ _ 3 My "tri, , -. V . . l 'sir,""' >1 'ihN, Iii; ri" ' : . .. _ . " vhRlitl' "dat: a ' _ '. . - " . , l /:s , '.r: .' . at) Br),',' 'ii/ , a _ . t2 C. I . ' . l l, . l "ji1 "5.' ' T Q i ' a I." . V . _ w x r', ' rT ' _illl ""' 'ss. a ' _., 'N, \ 'iegll!lP " ie, ' "-"r-T"-"r.-tT'"-"'e're.teet . __ , , . , l . f d l u. 4 . _' TOROIVTO. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, M)1'i SIX -e-- P'----------- x ". is _ I. i ,, - - ' l, ', i" - - . - "------,-, -_-- "A ------- _-_---- «a - i I .. . Th: F. \Vellington May, the Liberal u . n . member for North Forth, and Mr.' Dame Fashion Still Holds ll. Hartley Dowart, li.C.. Southwest. . Toronto. were also introduced, the. Sway Despite Appeal for rat-"w by Mr. I'. M. Bowman and . ur. J. C. Elliott. and the latter by . o o l , Jt . D '" ' _ Simplicity -- Five New Ir,,)),',,",',',?.' Prrnu1toot and Mr.. G. c. q " 3 Atr . Members Make Their Bow lit-ply to Speech Thursday. . .. Home formal motions were not " Premier to Move War through. and Premier Hearst mood . final. the Address and Reply of 'the] Resolution i Struer-h from the Throne be taken, t up Thi'rsdar. The House then ad- --_---e----- -. i tour-nod until this afternoon at 3 o'clock, when tributes will ho paid . . to the into Hon. J. S. Duff, the later Though as: a. society rttnctior, tne, lion. J. J. For, and the late S. H. opening of the (hilariu Legislature Armstrong of Muskoka. ' .v'"stcrduy afternoon did not compare slump}, From the Throne. t 1" splendor with that of pre-war The Speech from the Throne was timcs, more was sumo comment, on! In the (o'owing terrnsc . 'he spectacle in viow of tho: statement I Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the recently made that simplicity would, Legislative Assembly; rule. (if course, as is pointed out, Sinvo this House was last in ties- F "Cyst N - , At tl6'W. hut ull the! Hon his Royal Highness the Duke of We muses .were n" I ' h: ' Conmiught completed his term of "'alrle tho new was entertained that office, as Go-nor-Cromer-ai and took ..fte.-rnoon vtttluetvthan evening gun"H his departure for England. accom- would have been better if there was' pani;zd hy _sinr-ere appriegtiatioln Of'fhl: si.., _ , . .. - in ,3 grcat services. as we as iearte " Jesipc to keep down '"y"y Th: l good wishes for the future welfare of restrictions placed on admissions heat: himself, his consort and family. F Near, following theottawa tire and the| it has been our privilege to receive 5. t .7 1t thereon, were yes- another distinguished representative care consequei . ut F " ' mil of our Sovereign in the person of the ttwday removed to "veii'jtic'ifi1,e"1it, i l Dukn of rtevonsihivc, whose practical the galleries were practically t 'il' interest. in the industries of the coun- I'he thoor of the House 1Pt."ls0 w.('. trv and don-tint: to tho Empire will taken up with notables. Cabinet Milk wit)": vers] "helpful at the present ie,ters. tltuir. .wiyys, "Uri" dignitariefw time. We. join with our people in ex- 'ticunbcr.e ot "the Jy1icia.ry. ;lliPitri'/,') tem1inttto his Excellvncy, and also .Llld others. (letterul'Logle and sta I to the Duchess of Devonshire, the standing on either side "F. the "bi daughter ot a former Governor-Leu- proud: to the '1 hrone summed an alt-t eral of Canada a cordial welcon= to propriate military aspect to the I""",! the, Dominion. , cecdings. g , q . His Honor the yeettla!t,-pov-; War Situation Improves. ernor attended Irv "ol. Alex. Fraser.' In th . . . . . .. . "'.. r : 7 . _ . "" e gloat. tlimtie ot Wat Great A.D.C., motored from hose-ruining, Britain and hor allies have materially House. Pt,ttrrrot:t being a mo} dorl improved thrV Position. while pre- P.e Royal l anadian Dragoon? 1'l on" Pat"ationr,r for more: decisive operations laieut. Steth'ain. A guaxd 0 or?!" have been"advanced on an enormous from the 208th Battalion: unto I scale. .Thc proposals for "n incon- Capt. J. Skinner. received hits Honor' elusive my, obviously temporary in from: ot the Legislative 11,yii,,n,e1l, peace have-been met with a firm and while an artillery salute was "frag united refusal on tin; port of the by the Tttit. Battery, f,."",",,",',',',.?,'?' if} ulli'cspvho have t"e'uftirnoed their de- Major Burg'oyne- Sir "lllldmI. iii: tortnination to establish ll lasting Hearst, Premier, received the "8"? peace by enforcing adoquato redress tenant-Governor at the entrance to. and guarantees for the ftsture. In the building, and escorted him to tho; the fnce of the sar'vitFesnnd dangers Legislative clinmner, where proceed- entailed by, the struggln the confl- Inga began at 3 o clock prompt. 1:20! dance of our pooplc remains undaunt- reading of the Speech from e. ed and the credit of our country un- Thron.e and tho other format businessl impaired. As. Canadians we glory in occupied a little over twarty minutes. the achievements. the valor and the There Since Confederation. _ patriotism of the men who .have gone - and am still going from this country Mr. F. J. glackmeyer, tSerge/etch)-,} to fight tho brtttles of the Empire', arms since Confederation, r.librttlfhrd whilé we recognim' that we are under and courtly, again made a splendid;' a heavy and lastim: obligation alike impression, and was wearing the 1m- to them and to tin-fr dependents. In perial Service Order medal recently this connection r desire to specially conferred upon him. '. emphasize the fact that those of us The new members since last session. who cannot give military service have; were introduced to the Speaker. Hon. a solemn duty to assist our fitrhthur) " Dr. Jamleson, and given tle: rlrht to men by the practice of tho utmost take their seats. Hon. w. lo. Mc- thrift and economy individually and Pherson. the new Provincial Secre- as a people, to the end that the full tary, and who was re-elected an strength of the nation may be ex- Northwest Toronto, was introduced erted to bring the war to a speedy by Premier Hearst and Dr. Pyne. Nr.. and victorious conclusion. T CT. W. Eccleatone. the new M.P.P/ .' L. was introduced by Hon. G. Howard Patriotic ratings. , Ferguson and Hon. t w. McGarry: l am glad to observe the splendid; There was a ripple of laughter when] response the people of Ontario have), the member, not fully acquainted with t made to the various appeals directed J the formalitieg, made to turn backll to thorn for War funds. Their contri-E instead of gomg forward to the hutlons to the lied Cross and to the; Speaker after H.o.n. MP. Ferguson patriotic funds indicate a widespread) had introduced him at. the table. - desire to assist intrspecial manner,; Hon. Mr. McGarry came to the rescue these: admirable undertakings. Be- ' _ Of his ttrttried friend, caught. him "eving 'that "H: should help as al, I by the Arm..and with an Irish smile PIovinety.i.n 'tln- beneficent work car- gave him the hint to march {01'2- ried on '-byil,n: Canadian Patriotic. ward. 'rr. W. T. Allan, West Bim-. Fund, my advisers have made a grant coo, was Introduced by Hon. T. B.; to this organiza- Jmcu and Captain J. C. Hartt. -

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