"-W""-"-'e'e'""-'T"'-'-"""""-'-"'"" W ' - -e"'"A-, ......V. _ -- _ *' _ _ . SATURDAY, ii"iiiitFtjjifiiir" 17, 1917. LIBERAL, IN Tlift H , 'A. S, . _" r', e.",.,..' _. MAN'S PART l-N WAR 5 T _______._. '_, , '_-.,..-,.---.,-...-.,-..-,-,---------' : . :e.. -- ': - _ . " P Englandr He was satisfied this would I C , . ' l be, of special interest to the member Mr. C. M. Bowman, . a. tor East gimme. The family lama-I a . T F moved to Pennsylvania, U.S.A., an Although Admitted); Jn'I then to Canada previous to the war} . . of 1312 or shortly after. l _" nece a Answers in! ' " ry, . I Proud Record in Ontario. ' I o . l Legislature, the Attack of in Ontario they had made a record; _ . . . of "hit-h they were proud, and the as- I Col. J. A. Currie In West founding thing:- to him was that MIX, public man would have the marge? . . . " and the hurtiihood to irnpugu t tt) Simcoe By election Set limit-r :lnd lilo loyalty of it descengant I _ . of people who for centuries have eet? I tlement of Soldiers g standing for full religious and civil! V ' ',' liberty." I o.------------. i' Mr, Boutrtati's statement was] warmly applauded, and after thel _ . , - . . ot'. , House adjourned several Cabinet . Mr. l . l HUWIiiiil, Libevai ll hip Ministers (Hid Conservative members In. th? Izegislatutut. yesterday com- crossed the fiooy to shake hands with Dietely disposed of the attack made . . him and express their admiration ot onihi's unci-stry- in the. West s"foi- his excellent qualities. coe by-elecrion M Colonel J. A! Helping Soldiers. , Currie, ALP. H, dill not feel ii woes-I Hon. G. Howard Ferguson intro- sary to wast" any time so far as de- 1 duccd " bill providing for the agri- fending his loyalty was concerned," or: cultural settlement of soldiers, Jr/GI tinything of that kind. He would not;' Will give the Government power to bother about what Colonel Currie had I st,tlpietr'lre,uatdl s'poJnathtrg,e,t,1egetrk.gf. said, but Premier Hearst and Hon. I. ( ing them and giving them a start with .3' Lucas, Attorney-General, had app live stock, machinery, implements, Jriitired on the mm.- platform Mid: eta! Wi11i P df H .'. . -. ' .. s, " 2.! _ P. - 1am rou . oot ( uron) in- 'e?,)',';,:,,"',:)', tct'),',,",,',',",'.':'""'-"" tho( done]... troduced a bill to allolmunicipau.. rec ass sta counts. ties to adopt preferential voting. Makes li'rlcnds hy Attack, . Nickel Commission Costly. "'From the personal standpoint tl A question by Mr. Hartley Dewart have been 1tlott than amply repaid? (Southwest Toronto) elicited the in. in connection with these attacks made I formation that the Nickel Ahmtmis-l by Colonel Currie And the charges) "(Eng was apphointed on September Mh'I that he practically made that I was! 1:1 . and t at down to the lst of! .1. ' " l C , February, 1917, It has cost the Pro- a pro-German agent. I have been; y/ner, $49,499. The salary of the more than amply tipaid for these at- Chéiiimanmhad amounted tp $25,500, tacks by'thc many expressions of rc- an rave ng expenses tad 'te"PH-i . sentmcnt against such tactics which id to .5314'694'. the ,1,i,C,',n.y.e,teioy. 1ysni-i . . _ . - ng visited several countries. includ-g [.pave received from the. Conserva- ing the U.S.A.. Great Britain, Norway tives of the county of Bruce, who ant, ite (galeglonia. S C I hav tr 1. " 'te' g I.' . o ons iy essrs. am enter and) e known me tot *'an' gears. Chas. M. Bowman relating to taxes' Man's Part in War. paid by the Nickel Companies, the .. . . , . urchase of machine guns and town- l leave the matter of: mv record as Eu .. _ es est'blis " .' to whether I have taken a man's part the T. IN." 'g'."r1at,ndy.tge,ggh,aop. in connection with the war to the ried without discussion. Conservatives of Bruce county con- nected with the Patriotic Fund, to Minister Touchy on Nickel Taxes. the Conservatives connected with tho. Hon Mr Fe ' . , _ - . _ . rguson. however. was 3392:. "ftif',1,".eC?,ytp,'dle,ei,sts',, 2/atf/d',' "'1' (io"hTo1,2,ntic'p,tdve when MI. Dewart .f,rite.1tvp_"haitjiiroii,, from the Colonel gate] gogiltiarii}: ft'ee't'hr.,iea,.1rpt, $','.11'iitatl,t 'huant"fei',t,a'y"'gt,ti: thtar and 1916. The Minister's actions able tii"d in ' fel', . ave . eon caused his most intimate colleague, i o o connec ion wlth the war Hon. Mr. McGarry, to giggle. Mr. _ s concerned. all I have to Say is that Ferguson admitted that he knew what when the real history and full record Mr. Dewart wanted, but he argued ot the War comps to be written T know that the Southwest Toronto membe . that my1record will not suffer by way had not put the question in plain girCfmparison with that of Colonel,, English. Mr. Dewart told him later I " re. " , . 3 that he did not think he was so "Duty to Legislature. I obtuse. . ',The main object 1 have in bring-I - ling up this matter is because of the I fact ttPttife,i,2,. it, a, duty which I 7W i owe. to t e egislature in connection, ' I I in!) the-manner innvhich my loyalty) F I Sequel to i i , "been impugned on account of my' ' I , ancestry, that this Legislature should} I Leaders Clash I 'ha'Ve the benefit of some of the facts 'i -......_._..._..- I in connection with the history of that , V anceistry lof which not only I ant ex-' I The hot controversy in the I fi",',i"2ntlt 1r'l?luvfd',uitsegrr,af,,escene Legislature on Thursday night) I _ , 7 " . I ' between Sir William Hearst I "lemmas to Orangemen. ' I and Mr. Rowen over the. point t The member for West Bruce note I whether the Liberal leader had ' , " , q d I t',','hidiit,v,,"'s 21?;th c,"sdPgte,"y notified the Premier of his in: I ' ' . e ' some . ' ' ' -very interesting .facts were brought I teption to 'move a aw.','"?,','..',") I otttaitrxcorttteetroh ~with his early un- suffrage resolution had a cuu- I cestry. "I?havo' no doubt they will I "ti1,','.eulli1, Gst2f"Lte, that -_prove- of interest to every member oil, 1 '1h 23:: a cop of the re- this House. I am only sorry the mem- militia 3to a age T, hand to ' bar for East Simcoe (Captain J. f.) so n 1 pt th 1 tt "d I Butt) is not here to fully cp-' the Prom er. 931' d ll a. letr in press-late the mtttrniticent ancestry' 1'i.e"/icir {eiu'tei lare (iii/ from' which I have sprung." HeI a:§39psrrte1;i hard 1:031; mg pointed out that the tirst Bow..i ti "Lt,a the House bostotftce, I man "of "itvhom, they had tut-95 ' paper [h, . rt of i"iA,',h'f'dt'i',f I was born in Switzerland in 1681,'andI $13111? c%rulpdd' not reach lf, when a very young man he, in com.. I destination untilrlong after it' pany with, his parents, moved to Hob. l was needed . land; when they had promise, of pro-I _ L . . ' tetltrr, from A _William, Prince , of! ""' - (gauge; afterwards William III. of] "r=T.=..'T.CT, PM