The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Feb 1917, p. 2

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- "rlrlillll '. (r, m; William "?ty,ff,iih'; . I k ', -..'..' , _ "r,.73'.',',:. ,mxfg-ur I I Huron) supported "otitttait .. the rut.- irtlttie House a deny i, " =' J.' ' Mr. Bowen and wound tho Gil Fit's per amendment to the rhotuumr' _ "a , merit of twins to steal the policiu of, ,i8 wh6pr 'uumtntednm. .utiFtp " "dl ' F the Opposition. The Premier was uké 'repeat my honorable: friend 1:"th a. tr, , in; the Speaker to unite a. precursor ttnd precedent- for anythinx .of the Mit KY whereby they were coin: to prevout . kind in Parliamentary, hutorsr.'t, 'egg, the Legislature from properly dismiss- T The tgpen1ter.ruled In-favor of the '"% - I in. the Speech from the Throne. Why Premier and declared tho moudmont "tll did not the Prime Minister seek to out ot order. Mr. Rowen-appealed alll; rule the amendment out ot order [from the ruling of the Chair: but on a M?" when it Was introduced instead of two ' being taken thr 1spea1rtst'tr r1114 'J25'thl days later? "It is an afterthought." ,mg was sustained on a. straight Ittu'ty [1,; commented Mr. Proudfoot. "It is an ,vote of fifteitrht to twenty-seven. t"/i)tlrfit' attempt on the part of the G'vern~ "ITtrrter2"f11"rtTfre111e"el1e _ "it. ment to prevent discussion." rigid" Mr. Ferguson Reads The Globe. M'l'illlll It Tu HAVE _ t, Hon. Howard Ferguson said it was. I' ", admitted that any member of the} w't Legislature had the undoubted right| P MUNICIPAL lEhlll'flliBl'l' . to rise and make any resolution upon! any subject. hut in an assembly oil ' , this kind there must surely he. l, ------ methods of procedure adopted relat- . . ing to the conduct of affairs. i))) . maintained that " motion "as out " ' of order if anticipating " matter; DIrGCtor to Have Bank Of P standing on the notice paper as an! . . order of the day. In " notion of motion _ 1 Deputy Minister , or as on atlttt-tldtturut utnmintml for " i I futuro day. "Sotnuhndy ,cntrgcsteri," I ----.----". said Mr. F'crgrtoson. "that thorn Wyts' an ante-m it to until-innit» tho t?ilrt"'b' l [ Silon of (ll?,, of tho Unpaaition. There To COLLECT INFORMATION , is no nor-owity of nnticipntint: thnt.i r"' . We read it ovary morning in The, ---._--r_--.._ t 'r Globe newspaper. Tho husinc-ss of 3 z _ '., the House must he conducted along . . . h some sort of dccorous line and in iii') ' Hon. w. D. McPherson, m Legislature, v cordanve- with the, procedure laid Introduces Act Which Covers Wide '. down in the rules." ( , ,' my. l Range of Civic Affairs, Including 1*? Two Fathty s Of l Operation ot Laws Elsewhere. 3 s,," ;: Woman Suffrage l _m_____' . T l j": Mr. J. C. Elliott an»: 3iiddlcsvx) , '. ' [ characterized what thr Premier pro- _ AI.' act to establish a oranch of the I ', _ posed us " most serious invasion of' I . p. ' gt _ 1 .. rights. it Win; " serious rrrer'rsdetit to', 'pUhliC Serbsce of Ontario, to be known . h , i tollow. nnd hp minnittt-tl with vnryi us the Bureau of Municipal Affairs, tk '.",rr- grout rusirtsct that. it was. one whicht was introduced in me Legislature yes-. - If"; could not he /y1ti/it,l'y/f".T any of; terday afternoon by Hon. W. D. Mc- 'r 'h .f the rules on the douse or any other , V ,. -. . rv ... ir,' , . xvi; assembly. _ . I herson, l rOvirsC'lal 'Secretary. The l . "r/ MP. J. w. Johnson wrest Htint- bureau will be in charge or a direc-I L': "d, ings) repudiatod any question. UN to! tor, who will he assisted by such en- 513'». - w." 11i:'ra1'p"itC1,ir(,l,ii1/t":'t)1itstai!/f Iii' 3:13;. ginoors, ."ysvectovts, auditors and ' .. present a: "its birth." With the us-l other otficials as may be necessary. I V, slstam-P of tho Govtttirnrrut h" hoped? . Director a. Deputy Minister. " _ l . t . ' . 1 u l "i' -! 2:19 /'/"C"1,",/d':,'. un mlmw'l" 1mm i Mr. McPherson said the legislation! Bl m5. Allan Stinlholmr- mist-ti some: Was introduced in response to the re-. k" . . arnuscmrtsttt "11in in» 'ltaclutiil that 3 quests' made to the Government some! BI . . . 'Mt'. Johnson was not the father" of) time back. The bureau 1.3 to be at-), i "this child. "up mm, li. dreaming"? tached to one of.the, cxlsttns: depart-i li" .r Isaid Mr. A'ttldhaylrsirs, "1 Wat; in this: ments and the director Wm have the E iHousc, in too]. and il member by the: rank ot a, Deputy Minister. The} c {name of Smith. vepreseutitiq Per-l.' municipal and school accounts auditg , . was the fuihu' of tho child ut that} act will be administered by. the' it} "t _ it"i)'i"'e.1 i bureau and the Provincial Municipal! 33 . . . . . g Auditor will be an othcer of the ig lAntiripation ol Legislation. bureau; also the ottices of the pran.' ,; ' Mr. Hartley Dew-art (Southwesti age Referee and of the Omcial, a Toronto) ovisis.rved timt the zit-gin. trator lr! connection Wit." the munici- f ment that was urged by the t'rorulert pal arbitrations act will " attached to {f lwith re-fcrenoo in this anticipating: the bureau. "ll returns hithertot ;* ' ilegislution was used in a sense in. made to the Secretary of the Emma"; t N which it "as not intended by the of Industries Will now be made to the'; c. lruleu of debate. The tintia'inntion of: new bureau. The board will tsuper: I _lletrislution must be tht. anticipation' i.nten.d the system of bookkeeping aim/1' is ." of 1egimlatio.'e that was contemplated' keeping accounts ot the tusaets, " . T by the Government or contetnrriatedl, Lilities,,etc,, of all public utilities': . ',in tho Addn s.-, and unless tho 'leuri:s- - which are Operated by municipal cor-3 o . . _ lation was in surl coutetirplutiots thy porations or Commissions and may_re- l , " . rule the i'rc-t'nim' hail urged lint! no quire returns from them. Municipal ll 'y: application When tho Speech from electrical power canoerns, however, I. _ r ' . it'll" Tl,trtrt:tr "With t'otvcidsorvl hp fuund 'ure not affected by this. i it was Fix-s: from an) rvart-nwo to itllV , 'e such subject. 'u tinci it dtsiilrc withZ Collect Information. . ,. " s"."" nil til" tiirovont ':'sitnrvt'ts. 'conditions "(k The bureau will send to tlerla .011 I l 7753* the I"vrrvint'sa----tia1oqhtert "in! othm'l municipalities bulletins dealing witr, . ' "s si'iv'vri,r,. rututers. but tlrt-rr- is not out" r-rursres-l the administration of municipal 0.71:7: ll r' s,,s,.ii'iai,," tion of any atlant zit legislation' fairs in order to secure Isnirty:mi'rspi. (firm along the line indicated m the cmciency and economy. " will Tyi, ' csc-Ci':,",.),: ly,m'y"."t"'-tt11, or men any hithtt'lllCilt .iect information concerning the a": , '03 that it was " matter of Pontemplav 'fairs of municipal corporations and) , _ii1ltiBlllilt tion oi the Government." Desorilt- consider and report upon the opera-II I _f,,5N. ' ing the.'iovermnont's attitude. he dv- tion of laws in force in other Pro-i 93H" Claret! t.1 Wits: n mattt-t' of jockeyirus viuces, as well as in the mo.t1tr1t,ryY ' 3 for position. and the Conservatives Mid foreign countries, having to": t' ti,r'iiM I felt they had been out-Jockeyed. their Obj"; the '?gfi,rtl 1,tte.t,1tteli.n" - C.,,c,l',/,'t3.e5 . . istrution o mun c pa CO ' . 733;?an t' Opposition Leader " will report upon petitions or sug- ! . "i.ri"'di. l . . . . 'gestions tor changes in ontario laws. ' " (',all1llll1 Within His Rights , relating to the powers and 'i,iiitji/it.i, i Mv. Howell pointed v-nt that Liar ,11yif,i.r,e,i, ff,',",": tf,itnavek,rellit. I I!" ' t iih1ytrist..eretyt:rii1ied retort-now to Youth; 11.11_1.11leli.r., -----------r===t" 3 1r,t'N iey soldiers, lo cut-operation and mo -w------r-r-_r-r- MN. or three other matters now notore the t.-.r'-i'r'aB. Pert,' anel ii trie. Premier's point was, "is" 'all ly,i,1"Jt.et1 it was not in order to ',',rdll Li d mo ion to thank. ltits Honor the " cu 1Pfyf?"rernor tor these mat- " . tors because it was anticipating action 'ta, by the House when the bill wouldl . " come up. "I submit further," said _ _ ll , _ Me?! P/,'evt,l,l.: "it the matter is pro-3 i'iN P y {More the House, as undoubt- I . edly it IS, then it is in detianee of all

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