The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Feb 1917, p. 2

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l "t _ -- : ,5... tt s Teamwhcli '8s'l,,t?itc?"h'i2t""l'l'r'.') "irtii'5dllllllilllM.q'isri' er .; Fen" one e vompea " d' Mr." .' ". 't' . l ." _ - _ Til," ' _-.'- ' . newt. 'El'he 1'l'lllr& t Lands, V .' 1l'itttr'titti'rir:"::/r' . "gig: . Sam and Mttttrg,'temtn, spawn: in Sweden "-p" , ",'C't', ., 1100'!!!" outhwest Toronto. said he had a list Vorwa . . . . . . """" . . ' 30'," _' of shareholders in his oiBoe. T We r1ii um y "'""er""', ' 1'ii'.iiii .' have been curious to. know who these . i'l'l'ilLiiii, . . . . . . . T . . q _' l "hr _ shareholders were. We trust that in . Gonna , " .. . . . "et. -~ 'pr2 674 '. " the delayed report that is now being "China ny . t."'. .. . . .. {04'4" : . so greatly retlned---it nickel is hot betthi i/C, . . . , . . ' . . i/iii, 'i 'ihei't'iirllalhee'r,), ill. the honorable V at . . . . . . . . . . . I ' , l f n 6 er of it' nes w give a list of the . " shareholders as an important contri- _ Total . . . . . . . ... . . . 1.207332) I ' bution to the literature on this sub- Mr. Meigheu spoke of shipments mi . Ject. (A laugh.) Russia in Asia which had not been, B" , , ts'pecified under Russia in the print} ' Nickel and the Somme. . Rid returns. He was quite within his; The speaker diluted Mr. Meighen rating. Th"? mere 1,148,000 poundsl . q , going to Russia in Asia. and almost; who in November, 1916, stated that negligible quantities to I " 1 were; we to prevent the exportation ot' Canada. and AuHtralia D6313? qp22t( l c.'.. " a year to a year and a half ti . . Std _ '/i' must elapse before there could be resign-11% til: 3:2":le "firm; 1i','t,'Ciijrl _ more nickel refined for the use of to Denmark to s,ti',"h',Th"an/.."s 1dy"lld'/ our friends and allies in the war. He 250 pounds" Denm In: $5'3;?3._H. 3'1 suggested that if. than course had and ("liina ' 4 480 .a ' d ' 'OU 'poun ""'! been taken there would have been "If he coda lasgoiggxf'q r s-",, n! no battle of the tirttnrne. "Hut," com- speaking ml Torontn' "gum f "Inigo: I t ig mented Mr. 19ewart, "it the business give these mi "Hardy I autum hi lf l of refining in Canada had been un- formation may T, 'di:' rpm Tue its,' ' dertaken in the fall of 1914 it would nmain why ("it he n? gm." able to, t e have been refined in Canada before he. not. ndd'tliat the t (Efffvhb. mil .3 the battle of the Somme took place. , he had access ra,c',','sV","i,'Y B'i',l:l .)) It is a national and patriotic, THV'p,S-. , the United Rial!" t [ht p Parr": it?" 3 q sity that both the ruining and sell- 674 pounds. '),"/")"e/fldif"n"l,"l,'e, ot "Um-l .r,r2 ' r tug of nickel Ishali he under Catt- of lilo. and m 312 78 n (1'91 in Jill.-! ':i " ladian control. ' 'is-ui/ici?.;',','.,' /'//l, "r', , pounds to the ' " Z Why was there I'm coliti'ol exercise.) a? 19'1" Tiles." "cu rr,'t seren "'9th t V H" 1811? That 11a.c1 u time when (02' the. use of Te"1'sGt etc a'z'ailable; I gentlemen oppositr: were beginning to He must in to be '0'1nerkys; . ' consider war conditions and n time thorn lvl . 's', een cognizant fr, 3 ' I when bis l n fri s . . . . * -, . . )5 shotrld the Shipment to "al 'iN it i. riendrs Oil the um ern- humanly have hogan . . o , I» ment benches had control at tiv: sit- V 'suppressed? i I All nation. I DeutschInmps Capacity. ', f ,9?" . . i "r a . . . _...' q M" _ It' '3'" Minister TOO Busy l ow'r',"ci,,j//'/rT',edthh'?r,,ts,'.imir,t.'.-t it up; I _'m, "T,it I that the , g. _. "tl. 1 r. ernp,l M, "e.' to Serve Country, rry 1c',o,,t't; mini". "i,'ri',il') _% T The then Minister of Felines was Statement based on knowledge; f; it"? is too 'nrsy in ly11 strving his linil'tv 'C,' Editor of Thu Providencs, Joni-nil ".0! seernhis country. too busy helium: "mating the second shipmnm d '5'" _ his political pal. nourassa: in his _ti-'t"i'cTly.e figures in the 'lfen/aratt, .7r, T missmn work of stirring; up partisan- at Tvashlrurton prove that ther menti . ism undjacial feeling at Sudbnrv. lite a shipment of 376 tons in J'lle' "as; was so incapable or so indifferent to 1916. There could be no air , b ut.. l . national needs that not one effort roboration of Mr. i-d/tl/etc?,',"'"",":,"-:" ', was made to control what was vital' 1nen1 in Tho Providence If] "state-i ' or even on the lower ground of party: Referring to Hon G "r, fyyy,u1i., , V policy to iusirt upon " m'eai industrv trutio11's Sheet-h in wild Chard PM": . being established ll) his own Irro: characterized Th}, 'i1'.'i,",h the LIimster. ' jll/fg when machinery and niant arid las "a vollnw . " ence Journal ' . hm Iniii might be erected and lillll- "If we), id a J15' Mr. haunt suid: , dreds of men protltably employed. oms in the [in'l't r302: John It. Kathi , oid Nickel Policy. not have needede 'vi?'."":',':'.,:':,"?,:,,"?.-"' , . - _ . it l e . ._ C "When Sir James Whitney died." rtl/.tdg,"t'u:tt'1)t of the Jtuilway My . Said Air. Dewart, "there was in the 15'000 g? ,"' 211ra. on gnarl, and Cabinet a man of knowledge. (creel ithe \x.'?'ret S'ervice men, to whom i and brains, with progressive ideas on , .9 A "'35"? of Mines has referred n _ institutional policy. But the master of "'6, .tr,1,at none, of our nickel 'u , ', J the Administration saw to it that his "1de "Qt . .' if appointed Minister of Mines became L . . ",r3' Premier, and we have had continued ands Ill Nickel Belt ' ': Elgar ke, present Minister of Mines to Can d if," c, ormer and wetu..estato1inheA *" '7 nickel policy. The Premier and his Hindi a Ian Copper Co. "ji' Minister of Mines may take either eta' to Hon. Mr. 1"crguson'.ea 5-7-7; , horn of the dilemma. It thev did not cnt on fth. of January' th 't ,/s'i "t see and did not act they were grosslv oht {me acre of nickel lands had be a a". if negligent. If they did not see and ,' y/yy' by tht companies sine. "5" (ir M, would not act they approved their '26???» Governmcnt Camp "c.trle v. , incompetence as Ministers ot the . J,',.',-',.').".'.!.": Mr. Dewar: stated that. into V ' Crown." . cecasion to go to the Registr he had . .'rhe Government had time to act di-tSlld0ury' and he found thyatumce 95 i since August, 191.4, contended Mr. $2.8.nts- regarding mining land i six . f ' I Devrart. Attention was called to the d f,', mekel belt were given r',','. this 'ri, ' matter in the House as early as Fe} artment. over which the H 3 the v, , _ .Ftlyyyarr, 1915, . l',.y/,fly,,'.01p,r,, to the FD"; Mr. "g: 1 "Was there ever a plant ol such tlopper Company. t'"rlh,er.t?ad,i/1,e. _/ii'; l telow growth as nickel refining in On.. p 'lrtr, ap- 'ry,ig" 1 tario?" asked Mr. Dcwart. "tt de- " . e ??tey dated 13th of 1 " stii. l, liberately trying to delay their l'/'f,r,.1,,y,5, signed by "W J I {GWm- '33" patriotic duty they could not have ("rounciul Secretary, and Janna," "A. trone about it better." {3133- Deputy Minister ot La fubert '_iii'il ' Resenting the attack that has been 'CT,','.,'),"; bearing the stain nds and (ig) ' made upon their lack of action and ""fmc'al Registrar of 1:9 of the "fii lack ot patriotic instinct. they do not cemoer," 1915. recites "that th Pe- t like told that they are permit- ' adian Copper Coinpany h le Can- " ting the conditions to still exist tracted and agreed for thme con.. L ' which. made German bullets and :UTChase of the lands andet absolute 33' German guns and German armament ' trti,ry?.tter. mentioned and enements i ' of Sudbury nickel possible. "I Tininty lands under th t.1et.scribed a . Sh] ot Ontario, at and to e mining act ral pments of Nickel. ', Snail of $117." r the price dhd ', 'a ' Dealing with the " eec , . 1e patent grants " _ I} , Arthur Meighen at ',aif,itr,'.1uf. geo,:) glam Copper COl'npanyttin the giana- tal . l art save figures showing shipment" a; lmining lands that parcerfe Sln'iple r of nickel from the United Status both ot £1116 and premises in th Ot' tract 4,7 1 to allied nations and those which.I ir ezard, in the district 0: tyvmsmp "c, l were not allies of Britain. He saidzl in the Province at Onta . sudbury' l Taking all the allied nations in tle-, ng by .admtasuremiGi rio, contain.. 'ca. l "ait, and taking those that are not', agree, being the southeast thirtymme , Lour allies equally in detail. the hirurdsr' t e smith halt of lot te quarter of I . tare as follows: "i 103325;??? of the té'w'nnslfpe tlrat I 'Allies (Jan. to July. Inclusive. 1916.): Ienema-axiom Egg: 1.50:1: five per? cenotr a 3 fiance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.960.880 i ))on'list1eyitityi"sa" feet t,tlt, a geyser?" a " y ............... '17 P. T, " N th "at Russia, in Europe. ... igig'ggg l, ¥idnway for oiface I'itht,,n Ontari: ii Russia. in Asia ...... 1 1 ". l in all patents the ti only. A l'?' ' 48,366 seem, ' Pine ttt tt " Japan e . . . o o o . o o . . . . 3 96,S' _ t ' n 112 of the minin resogved. 9 Canada to at .3....... ii,'iii'ii ( NI? is printed in .tull tr act 0? Ott., 'all Australia . . . . . . . . . . . 'iii; I ot the patent. itttltleP cthe back 'a' L. ,' if . . . _ _ ...C.LU2'..'. lthsi'hogi'mal Patent. ndoraise upon , ".' .1 "s' o ': e . _ . re at . i tat warts .......19,039,357 of Parcels. e {heather rettiat, f

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