. . T I. (" I',',!,',','"-)?, 2','8lFi:i','i!, x no. a..." fhirirhave given. tn their untirinz 'dt _ mm and "Oli." 2. i would torts to nurse back to health can back with the f. ". "Whtttt the wounded soldiers, more than 'ld','. l 'itf'l'aJi't', vote there will be no more . nurse has laid down her life tor er ( painted horses such as there were in country and now lies buried in a for- i Peel " eign land. And when we are rcel',1ifd','.'i,' M}. Colin s. Cameron (North Grey? _ ing the question of votes for "0""? said he was willing to give credit to u do not let us forget the gallant nurses l Mr Howell and members of the Oppo- I ' who have gone "at?" the, sea. and Simon for their advocacy oil women's,; , given service which Is 11yt,11v deserV- franchise during tho last few years. f m, ing with that .9f the menu Sir William Hearst, as usual, had on Mr. Rowen also mentioned the this occasion done the right thing tyt, splendid work Women are doing. in! the right time and in tho right way. i connection with religious organiz'ri- tions, many of which Hot a. fine ex- Progress in Reform. . ... ample for offiv-ic-nry to :lio men's Mr. J. C. Elliott (West Miluirses.r! organizations. congratulated those on the C'rrsvern-; But the grenGar" eiriu'tvu "f all whichl merit side on the splendid progress! the Women WNW giving was in the. they had made in reform (luring tool home. That was the Vi-ry host. of the last year. This: was one of tho most life of tho State. it Was the basis of! fur-reaching' measures; of good to IIT,, i all good novernnwnt, good citizenship,; ivuoplr' m": had been introduced 171' p, and all that manic for the highest. in; who Legislntlll'e, Ho wanted to know national life. Abraham Lincoln had, what art-41'» ('ilzlngr- hail boon "f'1?cted ' I said that all who buat. a share oil in make now the right aim-3 and the the burdens aliould also enjoy the iust 593,- or two before the wrong l privileges. ard ho agreed wlth thut, tittus, ' sentiment. He pointed out that tho' "Thr'; is the girl-11419.44? moment. of my. , effect of worntm Voting in. Australia? 13m," .1141 Mr. Allan Stndholrm (Basil and New Zvaland had bun to 1'ortt-l "Humour". "ilCsztils'? l mu no: a new: r:".:' pol the political rutrtiosr to nominate; Why": to ill" "some of woman sat-l V it higher Standard of vanilidutm. } . '/r:,,vr. Tm: i.'n:'.:ui'i- should havo been} : ,ulsst'tl a limiulrml your arm." lie: 'SUDDOI't of Women l poll tho bill would he pissed manic! ', . . , m xiv. Premier Hearst. he said, had I _ Needed Ill Pr0vimye ', /n'lil"i" :i sudden conversion. When the." I The WOtiH.lt hi" "litiii'lu wottlrl rx,,,...,' "(HM "H nt tr, the Parliament buildings" Ielse a great illllli'flll't' for good in if" J"ylr" "it" he. 'colt) P.yy, 311% (3f ""2"! l connection with MH'iul rororins, said ""0""?"11511'3'p1"""ls,i'" il,?,; 1tu,(ilgf/,'t-,t . i '. "tll. " .H' tt J. .2 7, p EJ101155 ll. tacky 5 mu l, Tll. Re. " s; , e lego,'),:",':'),:,,,, 1"; th, "'v'lt, ',e.r'/e'v.v,11,'r,, '431' P?'?"'" to sit (is lllCTillliPI'9 of tile! social reform uric-chug the home life; jLi-zislntnrn . of tho I'rovivir, the ils, or the I_'tytta-', j The: hill was then gown a second munity nnd tht. mm of Hm tuilel. in! treading. anl "referred tn the f.ifP..yr,yt- the shops i""'f tannin»: in the froni.f lice of the Whole House to-morrow. important, son-ha and imluslirizrl pvoh-,'t IMIIIfiPll'mI Franchise. Too, ems lll ttlo l'nv Hm: W011i "We to; , _ ' 'rr' T ; w . 1. be dealt with by the lwgislnturc, and] ilw:.]',jil1i'1l/1ie,'s1s?e in/,?o1,tr1li"n'cei"t',r, 1ieulgfitt"j, s',):',';,,,))"':,," tl,ly,,etee"rt,'i,ir _ union was of a like character. was " _ ., & ' _t , ' be, Cl also given a second reading and re- the Pro, loom I'hllet'lilli.' in regard to It} _ .01 t, the, Committee of the Wh 1 such matters as the (Lll'o- of children! "If] L ('. f" g Mr k 7 O 13. and mothers" pension». Where a! I 10 2:11." o; - r. Johnson and Mr, widow was left with a. number of! C,',:, ( I .ry-hrutt to 'Ta.nt the municipal! children the best wort: that wotttttyt! tram-ant to married Women owning could do for the State.» was to (tare; Property were given a "can" reading! for and bring up thus.- children in a! ttnd referred to the tMt1riioipaICommit... proper mannor. On account of tlinl tee. , , l great loss to the "ot1nttlv of youngl In the afternoon, When the leaders': manhmul through tin: war. thrs t?hiiL.l. . on each side were heard, the Speak-l den. especially thr. i-mlc- children. er's Gallery and the Ladies' Gallery would bt' on" of flu nation's most were crowded. and at the evening Ja/H valuable assets. and " willow left with mon there has also a good attend-i children mum in: or grezlim' service. ance of ladies. Every desk in the, to the States by properly brinm'ng' up ('liamber was decorated with a daito..', her citildttv, than by going. out to oil and a email card which had been! earn her own living. for that l'Pasou ieft by the Women's Suffrage Society; they should llili'v il sultan» of pen- Thc capd bore tho words, "Votes, for} riions for tttothers. 'l'liv-i-o were other women. Will Sou wear our oolors and social reforms whirh "Tl": necessary. VOW for the full tranN1ise for wo-' but he Would not deal with mum then.' meu?" I j -'"".'"'"""------ Entitled to Praise. 1 ' -'-N-----e-, _-------, "----w--- l The Liberal ieauey mild high tribute . to Mr. ITilliutst McDonald iNUrtli f "M Bruce), who liwl Mesh") after session toiled for n meanin- that would CHI- able the Worm-n of the Province to T . :vote. They should also praise Mr, . J. C. Elliott (Wcst Midulesos-i1 in con- - nection with his "fforts to have pus-av ed a measure that "wild gin- marriodl "_-------. i,te.,','ey, the right-to voti- on theirI (pvo1'ettv. g Em lo m n B Mr. Donovan's Admission. l p y e t urea". to Help _ Mr. A. E. Donovan itir-wln'ille'l i Food Production said he had previously opposed thel granting of the {rant-hive not. bevause: "._.__.____, he thought Women Were. not as inn} r telligent as men. but held the View; that they were so heuped up with ro-: PRtWlhltyir.WiDE S C H E M E sponsibiitics of all kinds that the vote . to women was not. necessary. His i mind had been very much changed "_-e----------, . ' 5 by the fact that since. this war began _ l hundreds of thousands and millionzz Branch ("litres of Department of Ag- 7 i 't'f,g'i'.",etg,ai,1citv.ea the " ("m had given rivulturc in livery County Linked i l Not a Sudden Comm-t. ti itt Plan to Hatieve an \hnormal I ' Mr. william McDonald. Liberal Situation Created by War. F 1 member for North Bruce, said he en- tirely dissented front the statement of --------, the Premier and the member tor Brockville in regard to this le isla- -, . __ "I: _ -'. - tion being the outcome ot war time. Asvrasanrioorwd "we Wrist, tri,',) "We should gives the votes to women the Government has had under Con- a; a matter of right and Justice, whe., sideration plans for securing a mom 7 v " " didn't have a sudden conversion , CI'S ot' the Province. Tho SCMV'UY of "'t will IBemtlflr for grockville. ; farm labor in Ontario before the war Ir. C ona twitte members on a a i p) t . . _ r the Government side on what they, it!" men. ruidntd ful,l. 'll'"? acute, had said and how they voted Dre-j both by the shutting oft' oi, all immi- viously (in this question, and com-, gration and by the withdrawal of 't_'l%Siu','.'2'g."ar"spit,i"ittt,, 'egg, _'i,is'j,i PT'. numbers through enlistment and Aunt on prohibition came on in 1919 mumtion work. "dt Ill',',',)',',',' MI.'."',,',',','",', 630 bur}; booze' Any plan that would relieve the ace ownwar .' e era member cy . l, l was to twins to how Kraft would be . mire-gent abnormal labor situation had i bgnished from Canada with the ladies