FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1917. SsAYS MONEY WASTED E) ON ROADS IN NORTH C *'_--------'-'------_----------_--;--{ f ' ing the~New Ontario battalions, and Mr. Mngeau Makes Some among one of the cases cited mention-- ed the 159th Battalion, which was M i ecomposed of forty--five per cent. of Sensatlonal Ch.rge' in the French--Canadians, despite the fact| ® that there was not a French--Canadian | L e § ! slature -- Declares ._ _ officer. They had also heiped the c.%' % other regiments, and the Frenen-- POllthlanl Benefit Canadians not only in this Provincel ut in Quebec might have done bettor f 5 if they had been given the opportuni-- l % en ties. The member for Sturgeon Fails | said he had offered to raiss a Dat-- | Bensational charges were made t(.;ljon. of (f'rencl;-{:an.:xdigng tix; New ) No4 i th P ntario. (General Logie had told him during the Budget debate in the Legis that there were too many battalions % lature yesterday afternoon by Ar. Celng raised then and the proposed Lotigque Mageau (Sturgeon Falls) "battalion would interfere with thom. regarding the Government's method Minister's Cfisut Delay. | of spending money. on : eolionization | f The Minister of Militia | said msi roads in New Ontario. Instead ofi wequest would be taken into consid-- #pending the grants for the beneifit ; reration. He wrote a second t?me. hut.i tlers at largo, $1.200 had| that permission was never given to : of 'the selliors a ¥o 3 I him !fxd they were apparently still ' been oxpended, said Mr. Mageav, on f considering it. He was satisfied that thes construction of a road "to allow . .__ M he had been given that permisgsion my opponent in the last election easy | '.'n'e could ga:'e § l'OC!il;Il.tetd a P;xc'le'nch-' aeccess to his ranch." 'The other set--| 'b':::déirérs:ay ;ic;n 1;: mll(tgswaogl; "'{{f tlers in the district were not benefited Mageau stated he had a son Wl.m l;a-d. by the road. Me charged that har-- gone overseas, and who had recruit-- ; rows, plows, shovels, axes and other ed 200 or 300 \Ffi-eQizh-(l;\na(i}ans. o ! tools which had been bought and Proceedn}g. ,'h' L d"edu. asld at :amfl o tover % s _ ; Federal election the editor of The | paid for out of CGovernimert grants 'Torouto News and the editor of Le: Ahad been left on the road to rust, and |Devoir were partners in order to de--| were now being used and worn out feat Laurler and Imperialism. . Was : by certain settlers. The Minister of it right bpcause a few dig not t:)elie"ve j -- 3 i n mhecu 8 y .' #4 Ciea ' in participating in the Empire's war , Public Works Had never taken the that the whole French--Canadian race trouble to look into the matter. "A 'should be stigmatized and set aside ; large portion of this money is being .as &A clas's? The 'tlme'h's.a,d; arrived to | used for political purposes," he said, | put the '"'Bonne Entente" into actlon. ; *n order to keep the spirit of the Nee No Champton. Gonservative politicians up so that at Mr. J, D. H. Regan (South Wont-- the next election they may vote right. worth), takingk notlicg j of i Mrl. + f many a f Mageau'3 remarks, sa re believe« ;':%';ealdgs t;lzomx';g})fip:'3';"&::;.0 t}llz '(every man in the House would feel Government has ten -- O¥erseers to lthat the French--Canadians in Ontario A -- P ie C Ts C were as loyal people as there were in spend $1,000. The CGovernment is 'the Dominion of Canada. "But why «pending the money in order that the j ':1 0",'""; c(l)lam 1On 'C')uPhP(""" r"J- people will vote right 'at the right i fl'(rt'l"",'" o Phigh arxl) ""the ncmIDar time and in the right place.)'" This e dee n nc ones 7 1,]g is Ontario. ingn was a reference to the Premior's re--| for Sturgeon Fa 'qfls TL Ihe ~Prench. ;112;3 SI(.;::: the right thing at l,hc' he has nothing to champion." The % % money of the Province, declared the KFasy to Pad Pay sheets. I member for South Wentworth, was is i mas P 4 & $ being honestly and judiciously spent, | .,)Ir. Mgggau elfed one case 8 ":?"Ch' :L;dlg{he Govei'nmentJ had looked well | $200 was "absolutely wasted. The aftéer the interesls of the farmors. | money was pocketed in & rascally, C¥ P = | ¥votten way," he declared, producing uomm nldh es on otog Aenge cce ras tetes I & letter which claimed that $151 had' | been paid to laborers for a total of | + 6% days' work on the roads. Four| men were involved. One had worked | | ; three days, another two days, and u.{ I third half a day. These three for thatl | work had received $131, while an | everseer had been paid $29. "It is a | wery easy matter to pad those lists," maid Mr. Mageau. rilher in repreeomen en en aracs An Inquiry Coming. | | *'Who wrote the letter? Give us? l"Pl'lvate PFOSDthOI'S" Weref Bbis name." asked Mr. Henri Morel E | {Nipiesing). { | | Mr. Mageasu--I will give you his' | mployees Of Corporat'on § mame at the right time--before the l r 1 Public Accounts Committee. I | on in 4 Mumameengennsunng [ Mr. Morel--He's a Liberai. % : } Mr. Mageau--Wait and see. ) DEWART-S HOT AN WE Money for Tovy Polivicians. | j S R g The member for Sturgeon Falls 1\'-! | Pnb orcle in omnintimene e { pezteg the charge that the money . .i ha een divided among Tory poli--; | f oz tse + f ticians. "There could have Deen no| Hundreds of Acres Granted to Canad-- | 9rtlher reason," said he, "than to satisfy | ian Copper Co. Since War Began-- the craving appetites of those poli-- f « ¢ o sov.-- | tical supporters of the Government.' | Vompany Offered Output--to (-m-; 'The Province is not getting fifty per . 1 ernment. Says Mr. Lucas. I cent. of the benefits from that money | A j | that 'It would receive if the money | | whreriesrens han e croaien mitaclvent ova + ' were given to the municipalities in-- | f stead of to the politicians. It is a| | rgy * q «disgrace to the Department of Public |__ Fhere were several dramatic fea-- Wo;?s_. It is no way to spend the |iures in the Legislature last night peopie s money, (Applause.) -- The i ow! Mr P > rar poke i afrénts should _ be entmarked _ and iV\ r1en 11 Hariley Dewart spoke in | apent by the municipalities to which i'he Budget debate. He charged that they atl'e gtwen. To--day, under the | three lots in the heart of the nickel present system, thore is no limit to belt wore slak 'ecore the possibilities of graft. The Min--' t & s .'.al\ea 'aud Jeu).rded 0}1' ister of Public Works would not allow | | Jan. 8, 1916, by C. H, <-- Hitchcock, his perso'lfal money to be spent in | jmining geologist for-- the ('anada.! that way. * * | lCopper Co., and an employee of that j ¥French--Canadians Doing Their Bit. l | company for some years, four lots in | Mr. Mageau alluded to what the it'ne same township, Blezard, were | Fzrench--Canadians had done in join-- | staked and recorded on the same ' . S 1