aate "by J. C. Nichol§ also an' em--| Evst20, 191. of 11583 acres of land in . ployee of the Canada Copper Co..| the nickei belt for $3 an acre, or a while John E. Hodge of Minneapolis. | little more than $4,750. between August. 1916 and February. "Whovm these favorites of fortune wee o that are being allowed to exploit the s 1917. got 16 parcels of land, totaumx nickel belt?"" he asked. "I have no C j 1,583 acres, at $%3 per acre. The apol;:;;y tto ot!;r for prmntm' r'ttt:ese f charges of Mr. Dewart formed his crucial facts for your consideration. answer to the recent statement of Rg;.? g:x.'h?:f {fi::g;:f.:"(f,':h?;v'}gfiz} ¢ Hon. G. Howard Ferguson thai not Commission will show." if one acre of nickel--bearing land l'nad Is Britain Satisfied? + been granted by . the Conservative Mr., Dewart was interrupted sev-- Government., and that the men re-- eral <times by the Hon. I. P. Lucas, |ferred to by Mr. Dewart were "pri-- fion. C . W(.Nncglaxgy am)i M{ A. }l{ y %, h + usgrove (Nor uron ). n reply Y¥are 'prospectors. to the last named, who spoke about s 'Mlmsters Uneasy. the British authorities being satisfied, ' Following this revelation. the .\lin--i T rt Dewalx;ta;a{)d n tf,"' Bgnt::h Coy-- * s Isters were anxious to answer Mr.| erinat L ?en 'Il)q "fe ve'. (Dewart, and Hon. I. R. Lncas and| Hon. Mr. Lug;.&- '11)(?11 toig W.h?' lIIon. T. W. MceGarry were frequently ther or not I No a -llompany W on their feet. Mr. Lucas declared that| old adl(?' m co-c;;iemt en #Wilh the ,"Immediatel.\' after the declaration of British _,ozer;nmlen". + ak : war--and this will come out at the Mr. D;m}r.--. (iantt;o ?ped ts L0 |proper time--the International Nickel that. -T,"J} ':E)lecd.c n'z ~°~r tpe Nii> Company, through their Presiden| t,ernatlond_l "Vicke Ne i) tne ds Novem-- ?offered to turn over to the Domininn' ber. Whlle, th?' .reorgam'zed Maerton |Government the sole control of the & Company may be satisfactory to nickel output of their concern." Mr. the British (xqwernment. what wWaare {Dewart came back with the retort that complaining of is the International the Liberais had been endeavoring to .\ickel" ('Jompan'). ,AS ".' its share.-- get information from the Solicitor-- noldl's and Alnalore _ we know no-- General at Ottawa and others, and thing. But of the German afliations ithat the Attorney--Gencral's state-- bef'(é:e the war we have vyery strong ment was an enlightening on« He Prool-- t i (Mr. Dewart) was sux-pri;ed that the Hon. Mr. McGarry asked if Mr. \Hon. Mr. Lucas had been able to keep Dawart would accant as evidence [it with himself so long, that he had satisfactory if he furnished a copy of h |not been able to get it out before, a cable from a British Minister that 4 * . the British Government was satisfied ' | The "Private Pro®pector." with the handling of nicke}. feferring to Hon. Mr. Fersgsusonts Mr,. Dewart--I should like to see lsm't;];";nfm D:('vrnber § 1916, Ul.:_f the whole of the correspondence that poated on «wJanuary 4th, 191%. that [led to the cablegram. 'This must be "'nnt one acre of nickel--bearing land Judged having regard to the whole !has been granted by this Govern-- | of the correspondence, s | ment," Mr. Dewart charged that the Cnawse €1 s x !"privato prospector" menlioned in tha Patrovpage Condemned, ; | Legislature last weei by the Minister "Politicians ate the curse o' our | of Lands, Forests and Mines was an public-- works," declared Mr. Sam employee of the Canadian Copper Clarke (West Northumberland), re-- Co. -- "Subssquent search by me-- at ferring to what he termed our "miser-- Budhury shows that three of the lots able patronage system." The income iin the nickel belt, in the township of the nickel companies in Ontario of Blezard. were staked and recorded last year was greater than the current on Janvary $th, 1916 by C. H. Hitch. revenue of the Provincial Government. + cock, mining geologist for the Can-- In view of that, he did not think the jadian Copper Company, and who has paltry $40,000 tax paid by the nickel been in their empioy soveral years corporation was adequate., He thought (Applause.) a couple of million dollars would be s a fairer tax, and if the Province had F ¢' mm ]hx('llb?. 'd'l}r' n'lh'.)('_\' ta spa'.e tll':'\- m'ght 'vp'x . '"This House was entitled to a bet-- use it to build radial railways for the & ter explanation from the Minister of farmers. P LTands, FPorests and Mincs than the Honorable members on the Govern-- [ paltry cxcuse he made. I will | ment side had taken credit for pass-- . BA not call it an explanation; it is not : ing the prohibition measure, while the worth the name. (Applause.) | man to whoin credit was really due "That is not all. Further search ro-- | was Newton Wesley Rowell, who five ° veals the information that four other | vears ago had nailed his colors to the lots in the township of Blezard, right : mast: "Abolish the Bar.'" The Govern-- in the very heart of the nickel re-- | ment had also stolen another Liberal + gion, were staked and recorded on | policy, namely, "Votes for Women." § January 8th, 1916, by J. C. :\'ichols'! [If the Government would continue to also an employee of the Canadian | fi"r:w?mw Rowel!" they would have a ' Copper Company. (Applause.) \ mmighty good Government in a short j '"In face of that record will the hon. , | tiine. the Minister of Jands, Forests and | | s < tm + Mines still stand by his statement at | Whitney the Crusader, Mimico on December 8th, 1916 a,ndl Mr. R. H. McElroy (Carileton ) | his statement at Alliston on January ' 'claimed that the late Sir James Whit-- 4th, 191%7, that 'not one acre of nickel-- { 'ney "blazed the temperance trail" by cbearing land has been grauted by this | introducing local option, and that + Government' ?" I !Whitne,v. and not Rowell, was the pio. pret'ar neer in temperance reform, * Transfers to Nickel Trust. x ([-m' Whitney will stand out in 'Egteté::nfl)'; Mr. Dewart charged that nine ,mr-' gold when the names of others in the . cels of land in all, totalling 3535 1--2 | Province have faded into oblivion." acres, in the nickel belt, had been given | .'1"'""ldi_"f~' the Government's policy in to the Nickel Corporation by the pre-- {connection with the Department of As.-- ,' sent Government. "This is in addition ;l'iculturtt-. he declared there was l'oo?nf , to the 237% acres granted in Decem-- 'ffll' five Deputy Ministers in that de.--! t ber} 1916, making a total of 592 % partment, T | } acres since June 1, 1915, at $3 per "-\ s ; € i 4 i i al:rg. @1 in the nigkjel 109dt5 Alt these ;.lr. May's Maiden Speech, i , nds were granted in 1915 at $3 per "Mt. --P. elline+ . ® t ; acre to the Canadian Copper Company | Perth), in ;' e(f;l;,]i&t;lml 1-';" ( North | | ; under the mines act as mining land, a | said it was fortunate foli'althen' roverle| $ year before the Minister of Lands, i that the Covernment Whic?) Province | f Forests and Mines spolke at Mimico. power had a sufficient majorit\?f: 11;' 4 Min'ster Was Absenk :}}:et *I. °}:iibiti°" measure through p:o? « F p > tae | "IL am sorry the Minister is not here such as v:? h(;v:e r:la':; hthe is nepernt| to--night," said Mr. Dewart, "but as he that in the anlé}tdrllente V iopokefal| turnad his back on me before, 1 can proposed _ the measu:e'wm,ch "ere| only suppose, under existing condi-- not actually perfect, would §"h°"'h tiim;'sé "he preferred not to be here to-- more perfect and m'ore worka?olem a}gg' nig * hoped th hx | The member for Southwest Toron-- Bogrd vsoaldnggul):fiicgé tt!::;fl }{alcensei ' to mentaned other grants or sales to sidered that three (Tommi,ssionere hapak| the Canadian Copper Company in 1913, quite capable of doing the S'Were; + ' 1914 and 1917, making a total of 2,685 day. He thought the tim work to-- | acres granted by Crown grant, resery-- for putting the license ins;e(:;ls.s flns i'Pg.t'he_ minerals at 50 cents an acre tirely under the control of the Coelg'i "to '.Jns singularly--favored corpora. mission, and believed that it mi h;f tion. * be well for the successful prosecutfo ; Who Gets This Land»-- iof the Ox}ts:rio temperance act Whext:' & f ho * , |new appointments came u i | Mr. D'm also gave details 'how_ [ShOUId be made haVin: i'l: %l:;tlt:fi:el ' ing that John E. Hodgoe of Minneapo-- |the occupant of the new office Woultl | ,lis_had obtained patents since Au-- !be in entire accord with the law ug'