The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Mar 1917, p. 5

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I & * "date; e p M » hE im.;"{'j'..'g mm mwm* m hn egpremepyns; s . paid by the Government for work he m i x 4* l U | 966 -- | was supposed to be performing m-%,w Hamilton Gett --eave 0_ , (onenn magine mamests, l1 oo . _ to Issue Debentur & * . The dobate was closed by Hon. Afr. o i y d C 4 | ty Ferguson, who quoted from a paper -- 'The Private Bills Committee of the f g;;fi: u;:g!d bgfif_lvx;}g;sg'.AWhltis?; before 'fle Legislature yesterday creported the & Y f 4 N ssoclatio + 3 | & how the fire protection s;vlst:tr':w;ag ; city --of Hamilton bill asking for pow. | P \been built up under the present Ad-- er to issue debentures for $74,000 | $s '::f:lu"trftéon'; 't&h PO(I}CY had been in-' without the assent of the electors [ the rated by e Conservative -- f C3 > d fdea: t ad ernment providing for reforestzfi?zni :;:e'__ parports fot the? Dill"includei: i N and conservation of the forests. They Ne purthace and eqiupment of play-- I had also taken steps to build up the' grounds, $11,000; cover overdraft for i ~ae ggll:vgda?t?at, paperf industry, and he| relief of unemployed, $10,000; expen-- i o in a feow years N v€ ; o M I . 0 Tarle would be" the (l:mef'i S})g;vco()xétl duures.m coimection with ~overssas # supply of puip and paper not only forces in 1915, $8,300; sewer . and f for Canada but for the United Statchl disposal work, $4,800, overdraft; ac-- as well. If possible they would seo quiring of city coal yard, $20,000; for s that the paper manufacturing indus-- corlxstrucuon of -- Dundurn .. bathing try was developed, and that the pulp . ?e_ach ::.u_\d su't'vway under G.T.R. was not shinped to the United States fiffc}fs' $25,000. There were two other j ~ for manufacture: into the finished e iighing the bill,, one for the es-- article there.-- Ho did not think the i;avl shing % of municipal f {food -- ang | Liberais could find much fault withl l'lleil dervofia at a cost of 3250.000,{ ¢ the appointment of Mr. B. J. Zavitz which was struck out, as there is ai-- i as Provincial Forester, as Mr. Zavits: ready & public bill covering. this, A # hai. formerly been appointed by a,, clause for the providing of a fund for . & . Liberal Government to a position at . th_e aid of the: mothers, widows, chil-- | § V § the Ontario Agricultural College, "So dren, aged or infirm parents, besides | s far as I am concerned," concluded | x;l}e sweethearts, of any men who are Byi) Mrv. Ferguson, "Grit and Tory are the | killed at the front, was allowed to| f i% 4 sam» to me as long as they are good , stand. The idea is that $1,000 should | | | bushrmen, and that will be the policy d be paid in the case of a married man | t of the department as long as I am and $500 in the case of a single man. | | & w head of it. In future we will, how-! Ierengunzumuttsatnemmerantenenmmemmemetet ' | P S e¥er, favor returned soldiors or men ; 5i3 | P waee who have applied and been rejected " E. l by the ariny." The bill was thea f ILS PUBL[C it given its second reading. & . Mr. Dewart Moves ; IN I lME OF I ESTlN | q w' # _ % §~ t % For Explicit Facts Mr. Hartley Dewart's Sting--| ' ; ce rgeemeremcenemeine h. &4 a' & | %{ T Mrs. I. Hartiey Dewart (Southwest ng Arralgnment Of GOV-§ *: & Toronto) has given notice that he wil} _ ernmental lncompetence: i o move in the Legislature for a returh + 4 o i & of all correspondencé and documents and Lethargy -- Dodging » showing the number of transfers aund § (@.----.._. ' l l mortgages reéegistered during each and the Nickel Issu Messrs. 4 every of the five years preceding the Clarke and Marshall Mak-- C :+ year 1917 in the Land Titles Offices f / ~wo in tho Province of Ontario and the ing Teilmg Speeches fees received in respect thereof; the . & number of other instruments reg-- bphiorvautiearitive i Goetread Tricevectets . istered dvuring each and every of the is said years in the said offices and the Ves o M ¢ .% > 4 fees received in rospect thercof; zhe «while the policy of taxation as <o l number of certificates issued by the forced upon the people by the Gov-- Peke: Saig offices in 1eat(1:h and every of the ernment is a matter of vital import-- % sald years an( 1e fees received in e who have to sta U -- respect thereof; the total amount of ?.nce Lo ghotec ?1' M is "'_) :st'md w a fees received by said offices in each s burden, it is also equally important | .. o and every of the said years. and the that the Government should, during i_ total amount of disbursements made peace and war--time, endeavor to pur-- . by the said offices in each and every sue a policy of cconomy and thrift," | of the said years; the total amount of & srtiov Dewatt 'ToG | & money standing to the credit of the | declared Mr. Hartley Dewart, K. n | s 4 assurance fund pursuant to the land M.P.P., last night at a large and en-- § gigtlles z:'ct on tlhe ist day of January, thusiastico 'mceeting of the Southwest t 4 7; the total amount of losses paid - iberar Association, 14 in | t out of the said fund up to the 1st '(I)orqnto e C S ons 'Neld | s day of January, 1917; the -- total ccident Hall, | f amoux;t pald by thf(; icity of Toronto The Opposition At Work, | ; to make up any deficit or deficits (if | . * { aittan'l 3 4 any) for the Land Titles Office in the The members of the Opposition i # said city, pursuant to section 146 of are the watch--d@4ogs. They have al--| . t}}eriand titilesdaict; the tot?ld?rt;lount' ready, under the leadership of Mr. of fees received in excess o sburse-- g y $ 3 f 5. d ments by the Land Titles Office in the | x. w. Rowell demoPstrated to HQ ", . 2 t said city since the aforesaid deficit satisfaction of the people, among | g' I or deficits ceased; the number of | whom are to be found thousands of; u. TK plans of subdivisions filed in cach and | Consorvatives throughout the Pro-- | .. / every of the Land Titlee Offices of | vince, that the Government is not cap-- | $e> 4 the Province of Ontario during the i slble of handling the situation. It is the JA . last ten years ending -- 31st of Decem-- | buginess of the Opposition, when every 6 ~4 ber, 19186; the acreage of land shown | nerve is being strained, to see that 3 ~% by the said plans; the number of iots the business of the Province is pro-- shown by the said plans to be in the perly conducted. We have risen to y city of Toronto and county of York | the occasion. We have bombarded the . . rospectively, | Government, -- the fortifications of E.. * o O of L. which wavered when the eminent $V3 members of the Cabinet discovered i+ 4 that the energies of the Opposition 'i; i were too much for the guise of patri-- . otism behind which they had endeay-- % 3 ored to conceal themselves." C Mr. Ferguson's Plight. g 3 "The Government, and particularly _ 05 E) the Minister of Lands, Forests and »§ -- Mines, has répeatedly side--stepped t ) the nickel charges," added Mr. Dew-- $# art. '"The truth hurts. The Minister . realizes that he is up against a pro-- ds positien that cannot hbe cast aside jg s without a proper explanation, but it it is apparent by his actions that he is f endeavoring to keep in the back-- \ 4

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