The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Mar 1917, p. 1

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T9 l l A _ 9 se T C + inmmpioenicrenamin esn n e o # nNnVWVrTDn Snss : - " NV TE P .0 ; ; -- Fon's riding, the town¥hip of8ul1:~ ( 8 . | [ 4 L ,': > A mfi"' ._ L RRMM LX .7" t in..thb-coun'y of Gl'ey.'-""fp x ,il :'Qns § -- mE MUNiCiPALmEs se on es _ AJL . 'O | ._Mr. J. C:; Elliott (West Mid Te es s td aAK T son or a Py * i3 / o agm{tted that a medical oft'lce'x:ux?i;i{ hoi io t e uce Et nc uy Tapioy Beot unpopular with the municipality fraileg . *3 puial e on quarantining and 'other matters [ s n oi :?'l'lt llt ~t331mei to .bt 'a tquestion who-- n * f ¢ C t her in the interests of public health . yimye} n a sueX an invasion of the rights o 'Takes Away Mthomy over self--government, 'as some termed it'.E Some Officials was justified. He thought an amendc ts A 4 ment to the . effect that if cause was | . f assigned it should not be necessary wome < nmunmsemmence . , to have the consent of the Provincial | + Board. f ® | LIBERAL PROTEST 'Mr. McDoriald withdrew his biil on | y T'MELY the understanding, as lie humorously | pat it, that the Provincial Secretary / Ne in rmasaice ohmned eveysraed would put matters right. | ; l-,ll\Ir. Irwin Hillliard ( ij)'undas) had a | p *E f "ML on & similar subject, and ex-- ; ¥Hon. W. D. MecPherson Admits There plainea that it provided that in' tl::e"! Are Isolated Cascs and Premier '7%';" of a (,;lfspute bet;v«izen'ua, medical , # otficer and-- a . muntcipalit Promises Government W i1 Give salary the matter be regem"eyd tfistltg' Matter Consideration. County Judge. ' Hon. Mr, McPherson said he saw 4 nc Lt no. reason> why a > Medical Health What was deciared to be a demand Officer should be treated in a differ-- . for real self--government on the part ent category to any other officer in | of municipalities was brought out in insg corporation. * oo ; the Legislature yesterday during Government Will Inquiyc. the discussion of the bill of Mr. Wil-- Mr. V. A. Sinclair (South Oxford)g llam MeDonald (North Bruce), 'the ;]s_)uppclbgted 1\11\'_. Hillliur'}i.h and Mr. Mce--| i . txr is ; ona exclaimed: '"'They are n D_lnport ef \.which Tyas' to gw? munt-- really behind my bill. Thlt;re is son'x):: cipal Councils full control in con-- thing in this. The Provincial Secre-- nection with the appointment of tary is not in touch with the situa-- Medical Heulth Officors He stated Hon,.in this Province. He may know that complaint had been made that what is going on in Toronto, but he the powers of Councilis had been ;does not Kknow what is going -- on taken away, _ Municipalities could throughout the rural parts of On-- appoint a Medical -- Health Oflicer, ;.t'ano.w If you 1'neu op_both sldes'who but if he did not turn out satisfac-- 1ite_1)r§bent rurad c?nbt;_tue'}des "?uldi tory they could'not dismiss him with-- j;'h"g;e lt)Izlldali) SCn ctH isour dn}md's' %ut éhci' L'Ollbl(.'lllt of the -- Provincial '(La.ugl?ier) 6. Ssomething ome. oard ol Hiealth. He knew a case in a *4 aFeb municipality adjoining that in which ]Wiggfi.}_;e,;",, Iggafils; b,?f';',':(';ftte}?e Gg\lf he lived where a doctor ran up a bill 'ernment would give the whole mat-- :':gainet the munic;ibp;;lity t}f 51'6(1)0.' Itev its best consideration, > 'here was an outbreak of measles ;Mr. Hilliard said ne had really ac-- and the doctor thought it a good op-- ! complished his object, and he "zould :-):rtunity to un:a.k;a tlhe bill high and: |xithdraw the bill. ---- . sn . J the municipality had to pay. 1t re-- f e } sulted in the defgat of the Reeve, who| ; 'L""d Patents Inquiry. f stood behind the Medical Health When Mr. Dewart asked his ques--. Officer. ' *tib'ns relating ct;o 't?e iSSgingFofqland: ® P s s | patents, Mr. G.. Howar erguson Taking Advantage of Taw. : | held that it was a matter for a motion The member for North Bruce for a return. masntained that tirey must not.cen-' . _The member for Southwest Toron-- tralize power too much to--day in the {to thought the questions wore so few' CGovernment of Ontario: they must ;t'hat .t.he:.' mlgjht-be answered without! mot take away from the municipalities j ""]'E}'"i"g\la' Aopeu 1t * invom | their full rights in regard to the of-- the Osgérc':hti.'ng o%lfii;im;fi;stof '{;l'e':' ol ticers u;ey a.pp'olnt and th? mMICi they[ partment over a very comldera.blei pay, . 'There is no man in this As-- | lime and a lot of work. The proper: sembly who is more anxious than I } wily is to aslt for a retu.rn. * f ! am to see the public health of this | . oBr. Dewart--Can the hon, member'| Province maintained," remarked Mr.| state wlhen that will be brought! McDonald, "but I am of the opinion | down ? there are some Medical Health Of-- 1 Hon. Mr. Ferguson--As soon as it licers taking advantage of the law as' rean be. f it fitandb and 1n\[')0§ing bu!S on the E Mr. De"'art ('V\'ith a snlile)_ councils that they would not put in |Thank you. + it --<they did not know the Provincial Mr. -- Dewart's questions -- were: Board of Health would have to con-- | How many patents of lands have sont to their dismissal before they been issued, under the mines a'ct, in. could be put out of oftice." > He knew the District of Sudbury to _corpora~. 6f one man!cipaliti' in the county of tions since February 8, 1905, in ad-- Bruce which wanted to dismiss a dition to the six patents of land is-- «doctor, and Dr.. McCullough of the sued to the Canadian, 'Copper Co. Provincial Health Devartment wrote on the 13th day of Decem'bex;. 1916 * back saying that he would not con-- To what corporations . were .. such nlas. o in hat iownslune were Sherdanis in wh 'ns rere Minister Says Isolated Cases. situated ? Welt;e the regulztiitions Vcl'(lth e » rAYimnal. regard to timber preservation taken paskg) ns may se hi advantage of by Thote who slaked | mecrelary) s Ne A i claims, and were they so relieved Province a large number of Medical from doing the necessary c{evelop-' Dfficers of Health, and if there had ment work reqauired by the mining Dbeen any particular grievances on the * law of Ontario? If so, in what' part of the muni¢Gipalities rone would cases ? * " thinkt that the number of instances y o e ' f would be overwhelming) 'He had T. & N. O. Accounts. made inquiry. as to the facts"in regard In view of the statement of Hon. '-',t,}%'l&. énd ho found,. that.complaints 4 T. W. McCiarry in his reply to Mr. bny the municipalities as against their Rowell last week that the T. & N. health officers are Compura't'h'cly tea O.'RKailway was not in the same posi-- in rumker, and --that--where there had tion politically as the Intercolonial apparently been a case made out by Railway, and that its accounts should the municipality against the medical not be--printed in theiptubl({c» aet(:lct;u%tfli, officer the 'municipallty was satisfied Mr. H'?"ge&' D%wgthgpI&ei-lway c Cl witrl; '1h ? lwaay thvd frofinfist Enard tg aprnr-':\r'llde .lt?wt' any 'member of the of Heaith had acgted. °*~ ~ * is is 'Of* To tho vrequest> that Je withdraw g%"s%o':lg15;?:£°2fi3hia§g°°gfit:ug! his bill, Mr. MeDonald "said if 'other * from (the 'books. : j j ' fmembers found no 'objections in their f Mr. 'Dews «t "also introduced' & "Dill part of the Province he avould'not to amend the Legislative Assembly press the mattor to a vote, but in his act so that the payments of any locality it was 'certainly .a burning sums for any service to any person. question. . The case he'had particu-- through any Government Commission } _ --,{arly referred. to »~was. in .. Mr,. Came-- l_or board: may '\be regarded as thei

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