66¥ *\LEADERS SPEAK IN HOUSE <p Legislature Asks People to Make it First Duty Crucial Nature of Present Situation Realized and Call Made for Every Possible Effort -- No Sacrifice Too Great. "In no part of the British Empire must Britons be found wanting in this crucial day."----Sir Wm. Hearst. "We have no right to ask or expect a father or mother in England, Ireland or Scotiand to make sacri-- fices that we should not be equally ready to make.'"--Mr. N. W. Rowell. Ontario's Legislature, with unstint-- ed enthusiasm, recorded its approval yesterday of the allies' war policy, expressed appreciation of the heroic services of Canadians on the battle-- field, and called upon the people of the Province to keep the successful prosecution of the war above all other considerations. -- Earnest patrio-- tic speeches were delivered by Sir Wiliiam Hearst and Mr. Rowell, who moved and seconded the resolution respectively, and other members of the House. After the resolution was adopted the legislators sang "Gaid Save the King."' tOm:u'io United For Allies. i The resolution, copies of which will ibe sent to Mr. Lioyd George, Prime Minister of Britain, and the Com-- 'manding Officers of Ontario regi-- wents in France, Britain, and Ontario, 'was in the following terms: " "That we, the members of the | -- Legislative Assembly of Ontarid '; individually and as a body, here«-- _ by re--affirm -- our belief' in the \ _ righteousness of the. cause for 1 LD B. s © 35 i ue ok¥ 1E o 42 8. d ut dcntcintcnecinaind IF F which Great Britain and her al« lies are fighting, and record our approval of the firm and states« ' C PODEY +. * #lee C e NCE oi oo ne ot uit L a on yianlike answer given by the allied Governments to the recent peace overtures made by the President of the United States and by the Teutonic powers. We heartily endorse the declaration that no peace is possible until the objects for which the alliea are united have been achieved in such a way as to insure the fu-- iure -- security of _ civilization against a repetition of the wrongs that have been inflicted vpon It. t y e ie NOCE L C000 ts i sn wien OAN TTE "We desire to express our most earnest appreciation of the splen«-- did and heroic services of Cana-- dians on the field of battle, as well as our admiration of their patrioitizsm, determination -- and dauntless courage on <all occa-- siong. We recognize, moreover, in the cheerful and uncomplain-- ing demeanor of _ our wounded and suffering soldiers qualities which none the less indicate valor of the highest order and appeal to our gratitude as & nation. "We herecby solemnly pledgeo ourselves anew to assist in every way in our power in the strugglo for freedom, alike by increasing our fighting strength and military resources, by. congerving our e.n- & Cmu uL ts . No t es a o O ergies as a people and by exercis-- ing industry, thrift and economy.