A GOVERNMENT ROUSE LOMPENSATION ACT ----ONABETTERSCALE] BURDEN TO HOSPITALS 7 a.2 ./ 4 e j ~ f. ¢ § | -- --.'-.--'----_-\..:- + W' 44 " , Official Tells How Original Delegation to Government Ask-- |___ Estimate Was Just ing Increased Assistance ' | Doubled _ ~ Points This Out | | smm on rnmmenmmnn mm muge ® t & db '[ 8 ( | ~ |. Giving evidence before the Public A representative deputation --from » 'Accounts Committee of the Legisla-- the hospitals of the Province yester-. ,ture yesteird.:fy, Mr. )R P. I"alrba,lr'n, | day asked the Provincial Government Deputy Minister ('>f I ublic ?'\rorks, in | for increased assistance. Dr. Langrell, Tb Mr. C. M. Bowman and § Hamilton, presented --a _ resolution $ Mr. H. Hartley Dewart regarding the which had been passed asking the f ;;;:::ley 0&':::' (:::;d ez(t):!xtna',)ti (i(tw::g(r)n: g(: Government to increase its grant for '; 4 & * free patients from 20 cents a day to . + y % s a j «) i4« * 4 ~ 1 3 r to Ilect -- f o -- the plans so far as construction was ?::'":ir:iizv]?;;d by ;r:vp;t ;:Og;btucl»t f concerned, but the details of --construc-- | ';1 50 a 'Iav for.ind; .l"'lt atients in | tion had been carried out in a better y "dd f($1u day as g:' ref l' $ i way than contemplated. .The details s,e:; OVV FaR 3("; aéhr:i flls s were not worked out at the time the «71L W. J4. nundle, Chairman of the estimate was given in 1912 |Finance Committee of the Toronto Mr. Dewart--Well, was it a guess? '(}encral Hospital, gave statistics to Mr. Fairbairn--It was not a guess, [show that Government. Egrants in the It was an estimate hpr&paredi to I'Province had not increagsed in the last answer a question in the House in a ¢ rear R reasonable time, based on the archi-- lj} ':;'?{il,f'ta(iz]intghepg&?e(;rtshm;gdthe fq(ft tect's knowledge of what buildings [ from 724 centsa--day +0 beiwas TV 73 of that character usually cost. The (* 'fl 8(0' s " % 3,'l,h f en $1. | detail was not worked out. |and $1.80a Cy. ihe _ number | of Mr. Dewart--The expenditure has hospital days" in tne Province had doubled. -- |increased from half a million to two fls 4 hz' i . and a half millions in that tims The Mr. Fairbairn--It is a common ex-- / o s h e esc b ; perience in undertaking -- buildings. 'Encrea.Se in expenditures was N ore | (Laughter.) than fourfold. / J Government House Phones. Workmen's Compensation a Hardship | ~*~\ e f k Mr. J. L. Chabot, Ottawa represent-- | Coming to the matter of telephones i ' * at Government House, Mr. Dewart il;lg the Ottawa 'General Hospital, said asked if it cost 11,.839 to install a ory OO rlnen's compensation . act switchboard for fdurteen telephones. worked a, real hardship on the hospi-- | Mr. FairXairn--The _ switchboard ;al? The loss in this way had been | and the wiring and evorything that erious. [ s ; [ goes into the uons\ruction of -- the }\4"- Goodwin, New Liskeard, and | telephone. equipment in Government Mr. P. J. Mugan, London, also spoke. House. Premxer_ Hearst promised -- careful Mr." Dewart--By . fourteen . tele-- consideration of the representations phones do you mean separate lines made by the deputation. With refer-- or just fourteen receivers?.° ence to Mr. Goodwin's plea for special Mr. Fairbairn--There will. be four-- consideration for the northern hospi-- teen instruments in use in the house. tals, he thought that justice demand-- the greenhouse, . the garage, and ea that the Government should step leodge. All that is a capital expendi-- in and do something. The matter of ture,.and in that way the cost of the added burden under the workmen's! instruments themselves is small. 'The compensation act was bein taken u r E6 n up annual maintenance is small. on the application of the doctors with | Mr. Dewart--What is the service regard to first aiq legislation,. charge made by the Bell. Telephone omm Company for the fourteen telephones T: annually ? h . |-- _ ~Mr. Fairbairn--$§320. f | --~_For what Mx, Dewart called -- the \"electrical display," and which Mr. ;Fairbairn said included wiring and| fixtures, it was brought out the items| [ totalled $15,000, ., .. . : In reply to Mr. Sinclair (South Oxford), who asked the question in Jjustice to the Lientenant--Governor, !Mr. Fairbairn stated that the item of |$684 for cut flowers in. the Public Ac-- counts , had nothing to. do with cut * 'flowers. The entry was there. on ac-- count of an error made by one of the |\ clerks in the Treasury Department. The. item referred to .was'for bulbs, shrubgs, .grass seed, 8tes ... k. .. Mr. . Bowman--How would he, get "cut flowers" into his 'mind ? ; Mr. Fairbairn--IL. don't know. There has not been a single cut flower paid 6 for at CGovernment House. iss ' ' ' \ . ! fl.--