The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Mar 1917, p. 3

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" Trl' . 2 "so tyefr.A1rMtrtit"atti"' - P'5%tl _ ' ea V. " - i 2 , fi, re RY, '0 - to the trttitet um.' _,': - clCglNI - T.11yf'1" 'r,t2'rrLT.f,iiu i r,," _ it; - C," f ' 'e' Mr. B., ' Ill " . il, tl,'.,.)!',',;,':;' f"iuith, ' f on .. . V T' Fall " ItNlte.E.'..,! Ci,")),),,'."; ,ir.tytt? I " "'-t Again, . ',illr,),lli!),!!rit Mllll 'ilitt.ttj" fiifi.,rd"tit,ile, . , r ' f'tt is common talk throughout the ttrt; 'htl1'l1 'ltllriittiig',t,?,l Roost: Fd " _ Provigtze that this Government is fol- ', 2' . _ "th .. F'q Wr ', Gr', ' d ' F. in. t " he 2m can" the hill a . . 1owittd the lead of the Opposition l Mng'an to so to the Muni- . _ ' gender." said Mr. Marshall, "and this 'l'dttu'ltd,'il)'lille. " T 2 " I r, " another plank in the Liberal plat- ." 2. .' t,".',,'iri'ii7iiii'ilzeeeAAe.-, .r' ' i . form that will have to be adopted in '~ _ ah l 'r', . - - ' p 'tt some term or other by this Govern- _ . t _ ' ' If, merit." -' 7 '. . l V _ B, . Mr. J. A. Pinata (Ottawa) advance . ' 2 ',ts' ed strong arguments for the adoption 2 .. ' . [ ' p, ',"v of the measure. On Sparks street. i, , _ 2 V 'sr Ef one" he said, was a piece of land , . t g " x 100 feet which was sold for l, F . . ii, ' - 8120.000, and was only asaessed at. ', """"-"-""""-"'"".' . l ll , .ir', $33.00;:i hit slfiould have been assessed i ' _ ( 32 T . at a. tr or izure. There was only . 2 . ; 'l , E "an old shack worth $5,000" on 1119' 'rArchbishtm MGNBII 0lt Teach' , [l. T,F' plot. he declared. Municipalities l y . 'j, r ' should have the right to tax their! l ers Superannuation '- il P people as they wanted to be taxed, 'r, I ti, Citizens of Ottawa had Voted two to i '; ..___._.._....._ il 2 IE one in favor of assessment reform. I i _ , " T The bill was re octed o l .. . . " Mi, division. j n a pang lbw "illlnm Hearst. Adds the, Proviso i2 -» .r" T"eeteh".l'rrCTrhTrlT"1Trr"= l t That This Applies it His Govern- 2 i',), r I i ment Lives Through the Session -.. i r', . 2 I ,. E "d c TORONT" t A ('ompulsory Scheme. Ci), i l ' -r------t.- 'f. 'IF' 'HEAlill BY PREMIER 2 , g , i Sir Willicun Hearst told a. monster , I k _- --- 22n~putdtion of teachers. numbering t = ' V - -. linbout LOUD, from all parts of the t " . . . . Province, which yesterday visited the . [i " . Dual Inspection Bill Given 'l'ui'liament Bindings. that the super- V ' . mum-anon hill had been introduced - second Reading his a Hovvrnmi-ut moasuro, and it had i lull the force of the Government be- l I r it , hind it. and added, amid laughter, if N p - "' lino (iot'CX'nniPnL lived through the I t G 0 E S T 'is'"s,s,ioy the bill would become law. 'l " l t i Referring to a section of those in .. g K 0 COMMITTEE the proiession who were opposed, Sir , _ _ 2 ' William said tho Government quite ', ii i----.---------, . appreciated the bill would not ap- .2, a F _ penl strongly to those who intended V 3' t Any Legislation Passed Will Only Ap- to tatuy only two or three years in I " .. 'tllt' profession. it was understood it 2 is] p . I"! to City-Mr. ll. 11. Down", Would not strongly appeal to some ot I ii' " IWC.. Mitsties ' . -t i the young ladies who hoped very . , . . ', . " I 'ensure at Stand i Loon to giro up teaching in the school , , . Paken bx Leader or Govertttttent. i for the private tuition of one pupil. " .2 -. . . ( (Laughtgzi Having regard to every- l' 'd ._____..__.__4 ', signing, the Government felt it should _ ", ' . 'tako rite responsibility, and even 1 ' 2 'rnai'e the scheme compulsorv upon , 5.1!) moving the second i't'iillliig ofl "huge who were not inclined to agree. Ilk'-, his bin to amend the public svhoois' l Hon. or. J'yme, Minister of Eduea- " M4 1 i . _ . I . . act, Mr. E. w. J. Uwous iSoutheust: luolmt y"?ily11i,sttei,i,e 1efas7nrf'e,.'J,at'i', Gag; . -rP-s..o-h---sr-t . . . Oh' _-__ _ r '__i- Toronto) explained in the Logislu-i Edixtftkionhn the Province. 9' _ ture yesterday that the aim was to Atih'oisshop Neil McNeil thought 'itil, ' transfer medical inspection from tho., lithe Government was: flriIi,,%t but? Illr', . t Board of Education to the Board of' 'it,yrt'lllt '1,'11,sit1/sri'f11'/R1t1,:i.1ul'i)i, 3:2 . _ Health in the city. The citizen:, WC'rr', l(:n{'erlln'leilt would pay three-tltths of , b. , subjected to what might he mliml' :the contributions to the fund and . " rg dual inspection. The burnoso of the] 'Isa":%EE}J;"¥£2ftggca%rghfntgggi'gfé a., . ..-. ' Fete," " . 'e." i,hipeak1 Ilu, bill Ivas to do dwey with dual ttOG Ct : 'SChOOIS. he said that the fund would at' and consequent disturbance, and SING ibe a burden on the teachers in those a..,' something like $30.0uo or Simon" 2.1! Schools. Still he advocated i,'ggg,Y, 2 ' . . ' ' rw. _lllt7,4 year to Toronto alone. I 'Eliis "ttia':,,,),",',,';.' Tite'"uuri'l1rlll'l "i.! ' Premier Hearst mid simm- tin- lust' :i-Lhange iii Gi, assessment laws to, in; . session of the Houst- the limit": limit ii/ire- machinery for the schools to 5; been the subject of discussion lu-forol 302,119" taxes from companies holding " i the electors of Toronto. utid Wily; "tl. l/iF/fad, Because of such lack some, f if the last municipal vie-Minn l'i'fi'l'l'Ctl' inf the salaries were as low as $350 ,2 tis' to tho electors of the city. A.s had i .a rear. They would have to pass ( N been pointed out by the mow-r of tho imgmd the hat to meet the pension l NFi bill,'the electors had :ipprot'mi of the "sGiiiiild. j' Ei principle ot the bill so far as tho city The other speakers included Mr. l Mi' of Toronto was concerned. Ho rung l). M. Enamel, Brockvillo, and Miss _ a, sidered it was a matter in wiiivh thei Abraham of Chatham. The deputa- , an; thoughts of the ratepayers of the cityi tion was introduced by Sir Adam gl f should receive tho attention of the Beck. 52 Legislature. "l. feel it is proper," ," . m . if said Sir William, "that so far ut .uil 'Rental Goes Higher . 2 I events as the city of Toronto is con- . c, . corned the principle of the bill With New Offifes . 2 _ should be approved. and that it- . '.. _ bl .should go to the Municipal Com- _ 7 , . . imittee. ' In reply to a question by Mr. Nel- li, ' 'No Demand Frdm Outside. i son Parliament (Prince Edfardgé . , _ . . ' . _.. ' .2 A , er ' "Outside ot the city of Toronto, so Hon. Finlay Macdiarmid, Muhfmwing _ tar as my knowledge at the moment 2 Public Works, gave figures Y . , goes, there has been no demand. and that the Timiskaming & Northern il' ' tr, perhaps no, necessity. The same i Railway Commission is pay- 2 principles have not been in opera" Ontario . . ear higher rental . - tion, the same. ditnculties have not} ins over tli400 .a y I erial Oil I , ' been met. Last year, I understaud,l since it moved to the mp there was strong opposition to the, Company'? building, Church streieft. . general application of the hill through-' than it paid when in the National L e u . out the Province, and unless there T onto-street. The figures . . . Building, or , PPP, some demand for it the bill were; ' 9 r _ 'rt *Ould Draperiy be amended so that it . Natibnal Life Building, $3,57 P', I would on1ar.applrto the city' that has annum _ , i, 'l I liken the matter tip and has- already ' Imperial Oil Building, $5,000 JMsr . F _ i pronounced upon gitg' They would annum. q . l will ' /, _ certnlnly deplore the necessity of any ". It is under-stow the Libera Lrlll ' 3i . outlawing lunch as the member who ask why the T. & N. o. Comrélnt is I 'iru'iii':: i had moved the second reading had imertr3td to offices where the tl .

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