17. TUESDAY, MARCH 13,,,;;3; 191(. m. , vAm [Come o g." % » . . ons k . s o P f " TUIULT A V eatl SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS p.. M e y ' ' J'fi ue m + weules K o B TO CROSS--ONTARIC € ies «o#81 N s tf'-.v-.-.m-fi.'%-:- ore t smm s sen vr\ *ge.3*/$ Minister of-- Public Works +.4 * s riepd -- B n k & . ..'.u w» Announces the Legislation * % * _ J % .'.a $ '.xi' ; _ for Project From Michigan "$ ..!' . ..' :-.'~~ ; Border to Quebec---- $u- _ William Hearst Again Deé-- clares Voice of. Toronto People Must Prevail as to the Annual Election, of --Trustees ~ : Hon, Finlay Macdiarmi{id,~ Minister of Public Works and Highways, in the Legislature vesterday introduced the Provincial highways bill. The out-- standing feature of the measure, as the Minister stated, is a system . of highways extending from the ~south-- . west boundary of Ontario to the boundary line between Ontario and: Quebec, connecting centres of popu-- ' lation or other important -- terminal ~points. s xo 5. a ilg, The bill provides that roads assum--. ed by the Province shall be under i the control of the Department of | Public Highways, and shall be known i as Provincial highways. : } , _ The roads assumed are. to. be first" : designated by the-- Lieutenant--Gov--_ ernor in 'Council, .after 'which the Minister of Public Works and High-- ways may deposit a--~plan 'in 'the pro-- 'per registry office, and give notice of the date upon which the roads will . pass to the control of the department:. ; the department -- thereafter having authority to maintain, construct, dé-- viate and widen any highway so ak-- sumed. * i% Distribution of Cost. The general principle underlying: _ the ~distribution of cost is that each ~township or local municipality s'hould pay for a road sufficient for its local f requirements, the additional . cost . to be borne by the Province, with a spe-- cial assessment upon cities for roadsg f adjacent to them. The local muni--. cipalities through which the roads are-- assuméed will be required to repay, to the Province thirty per cent. of the f expenditure made 'by the department within such municipality, and each city shall repay to the Province a like proportion of the expenditure made upon roads designated as "Provincial suburban,"' adjacent to the city. . | In effect, the PrPovince thus pays\ 40 per cent. of the cost of.construct-- | ing and maintaining roads within the'j suburban area adjacent to each city, | the city and township each being re--" quired to contribute 30 peér. cent. Out« side of suburban districts. the Pro-- a »vince takes up the share levied upon the city,, and contributes* 70, perv--cent. <of the cost, the township paying ,f3°' per cent. t ' The department will transmit~an-- 'nually ,to.,each;jrrmhiCifl%Ei_i'r%fl ment showing the expenditure and" the amount due by each municipality «o the Province, which shall be pay~ able to the Province within six.monthsg:» from the date of notification, The éost of surveys, machinery," plant wg equipment, and general--averhead and> staff expenses,. will: be borne -.gntlrelygg by the Province. 'In certain cases} where the work is cpntim"fif'bfitw*"g' municipalities, or is on the PQ"nd""!"g line, the expendituré may: be appor--) tioned by the engifleer";étn'"fl°p¥t; Building of Bridges. ; . . . ) ;' ab) , In the case of bridges haying a.clé f span of twenty' 'feet "or . Q%m .municipality will be. required ~t0--P; /' ca