The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Mar 1917, p. 2

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w C cons hich w the mun purposes bv the F Wer cent. of that part of the cost @f -- construction _ or improvemént* ich would have been expended by e municipal corporation for. local, purposes, the --remainder to be : borng; by the Province. After cbonstruction, the maintenance of the bridge' will 'be ; in the same proportion a@s«<the re«* mainder of the highway. _ hk 4. i The bill provides that the depa.ft@,' ment shall have all the powers ex ,rg'a'i cised by a municipal corpoxjatién,f authorized to lay out, maintain and construct highways.-- _ & 406 *18. _ 3 'Provision is made' for various de--= tails such as electric or street rai ways, trees growing on the highway ; the location of fences and buildingsd telephone, telegraph and electric light> or power lines; the survey of roads, the construction of sidewalks by. in-- terested municipalities; and the regu-- lation of traffic. C A In reply to Mr. Rowell, Hon. Mr.]} Macdiarmid said the 30 percent. paid by the municipalities through which the road runs is a compulsory pay-- ment after the road is assumed. . Pro-- vision is made that any point of dlis-- pute as to assessment shall be réferred to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. f 'HTon. T: W. MceGarry introduced a bill to amend the tile drainage act, and explained 'that the object was to:-- increase the amount which can be loaned to any one municipality from $50,000 to $100,000, _ and ~the total which may be loaned under the act from $500,000 to $1,000,000, f Women On Voters' List. Sir William Hearst informed. Mr. Rowell that the muachinery . whereby the names of the women could be put on the voters' list was in the hands of the draftsmen now. He also stated that the amendments to the Ontario temperance act would be down in a few days. *%. In moving the second reading of the bill to amend the Boards of Edu-- cation act, Mr. G. H. Gooderham (Southwest Toronto) stated that it was proposed that 'the members of the Board of Education . he elected annually. He was in favor of the prin-- ciple of electing members to the Board of Education and the City Council at the same time, though he was opposed to the principle of an-- nual elections. He thought if there w%sta. longer term for both bodies better mren would hbe brouglht put. to fill 'those. RoSitiGons.« @ >« -;&' e F8 'A'Tol'on-tfl"'l*'iu]? : 5 : x . ; 1 Mr~Musgrove (North--~ Huron)-- the--«Rill--appites «to > the Wwhole mp,-(ff vince therI sayL do not 'belteve thereo is onecout--ofirten®bédard# wants this. T ;'"13{ though tiit was emessf theso To-- y'.;g.r?g ;';'Sf -:&.'"é §3nx_e before .ns m'el:fr at MEbe §° OR °C uld not pay atten-- reéferred . to; cities tion . of ~more. than might, therefore, :« Lcity of Toronto; bu ;,ml!d»'eOUId'ibe adju \cipal .Committee. It Mr. . Musgrove 'had ie o t Lt clty 'of Toronto: he Tthought it only right! the bill should get its secondreading, and go to the Municipal Commiittee, where the de-- tailscould .. be 'thrashed -- out and 'whatever ~might 'be necessary. in con-- nection with the bill eould ho' de-- termined, Ata i:rld: . 'Htas Support 'of" Government, -->s Premier Hearst pointed "out ' that the <«bill{-- provided'> that: only im cases ','where"n-majority\ of the people had indicated by--their votes> that > they wanted the annual election of trustees would: that system become operative. In view --of the expremsod 'wich cad i1 . '"It goes there with the approval and support of the Gm'ernment," said Sir William, He, gdded, that Section 6 of the Board of Education act only reéferred . to; cities having-- a popula-- tion of ~more. than 200,000;: ~ The: hilt might, therefore, :only apPply 'to-- the city of ',I'fr,onto; but anything of that flg@_-qou dibe adjusted in the Muni-- pqpomqm;q_e. It: was quite true, ag. Mr. .Musgrove 'had said, that -- there w# i . Mr. .Mausgrove--That does:--fot-- say thoy are. rght. .::--siss0 1. 'no _ Hon, Mr. Crawford said <the prog-- ent system,kad; not --worked: very sat 1s£ac_torily,,and.vex\y little &nterest was \ the electiom of. members of the.. Board : or BEdupation: --As to" the expression of--the --member'of Huron, he--thought the hon. gentleman iwent really~too far,; and <wvas »perhdips not --particularly acquainted. with : the" in-- terests of:a great city.lMke Torontb. , Premier Respects People's Will. YOovIdthat system become operative. Inview of the expressed 'wish 'of the electors of ' the city of Toronto he thought it only rightthe bill should get its second reading, and go to tha es y ies 2 L. Ion.. Thomas: Crawford suid ~ the voters of, Teronto: . had .expréessed themselves in connection . with --the m'!)ject'. §¥ c¥ - . 7 4 A Y 4 tion. . (Laqughter.): MINISTRY VERY FOGGY > oN MUNICIPAL BUREAU «be appoiptéd A0 Consider lnds;l,'pport" .Pn the actfon which the PFgvince ould take to. fittingly comm xrate I "Lhe fiftieth year ofi Confed%mtion,: nd_ to co--operate with any} copfnimit-- ; gee mmcu'n?ay "be a'p:?oim}fl flq?'ttiist urpose by the Government or Par-- 1§lamentx af -Ganaflu. *':1*t. 4@ 1R 1 :#hntwbefinit(' Informations' | + U Ma. Richardson (East "Wellingron) will, on, Wednesday, submit«a thotibn for 'a "x}'éiulrpmof all ; corregpoifdence And" aocutf¢hts "at any time, passing betwaen "the "PDiréctor, of~ (Industries; Ontarb6'} Roformatory, 'and 'the,.Assist-- fant, Rrevimei44 Heeveta'ry," feferring to .ale'xa.nder-,,M("ma'snn'.. foremian, . On-- tario Reformatory -- Industries, --and 'Hred: ~»W..\FronechK, ~Assistant Director T'Gf wontario ReformatoryIndustries, or ~Hred: W' Frone®, ~Assifstant Director ';31' dntario Reformatory»Industries, or aither.; of; them, cor=relating to | anv matteck arising . bhetween . the »said 'Alekiainder McBherson. and .FPréd W. e _ "py, C x9 Umie migh be necessary. Tho Gm'emment could not see its way to adopt all the sug-- gestions by the mnniaipalities, and to organize a new department entivrely, He thought it would be found in a short time that this branch, under 2 responsible heag, would come to be regarded by t1, municipaliti(s as a ¥ery distinct advantage, To Supersodo Municipa} Board > Mr. Rowel----Is it contemplated, op is it not, to mnsf?ri fi';)mB the Ontario Railway and Municipa oard its ag. rinistrative municipar functions to this new department? --_Hon. Mr. McPherstm---The Govern. ties had in view," Rowell. o "Tf seems to n Dromiso measure has which does not do wh: palities dosifred, and at increases the expense . S HLHLS HHDILS xumtruwins ®s re®ench.." Pihllim 11',7{. Pertimeitt criticism Xty. X. W. RowselH an Dewart when the n bill was in comtniltt lature yesterday. TJ} Opposttin declared q tually continued tho and created a new hi amp ronto _ Member , Laughter islation----"Will Appoint a Director to Direct it," Comments Southwest To-- exsrs. Rowell and Dewart Expose -- Governmental Hazimess on Its Own Leg-- purpose the imed that the Govy-- a long way towards varioug branches of elt it wounld turn out 'eaun indeed. There provided for impos-- duties upon the 9 ho municipali-- °_ affirmed Mr, 0o myp that a com-- as been adopted wvhat the munici-- at the same time Wwas offered

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