L\ kd ;"9:'" 4 e PT in uk e m INCLUDE «FIRST AID in + ° "V 4 ; Mr. Rowell Welcomes Gov-- » isi int-- ernment's Decision, Point ing Out They Have Taken Advice of Opposition: on Important Amendments to the Act Hon. 1. B. Lucas, Attorney--General, introduced in the Legislature yester-- day a number of amendments to the workmen's _ compensation act, the chief of which is the provision of first aid to injured workmen, the time limit _ being 30 days. No specific amount of aid is fixed, but it will be paid out of the accident fund. It is distinctly provided that it is unlaw-- ful for employers, directly or in-- directly, to collect or retain contribu-- tions from any workingman towards the expenses of medical aid. Where the employer has established in con-- nection with his business first aid ar-- rangements at least as favorable to the workman as the provisions under the new act, the Compensation Board, after investigation ind con-- sideration of the wishes of the --em-- ployer andg the employee, may ap-- prove the arrangement and there will be no assessment against that indus--. try for medical aid. Hon. Mr. Lucas said one of the | startling facts when they examined | this bill and compared it with the | New York State bill was that in On--| tario the workmen got more and the employer paid less. Welcomed By Liberals. Mr. Rowell welcomed the «uovern-- ment's decision to provide first aid, * pointing out that, as in oth« r mat-- ters, "A"-?" had taken the advice of the UQpposition. lHe pointed out that in Hfll, the Government turned down a lnbcru! amendment, moved by. -- Mr. lfroudtout and _ seconded -- by | Mr. Clarke, to the effect: X That all the words of the mo-- tion after the word "That'" be omitted, and the following sub-- stituted: '"the bill be not now '{'(f;td t?m thira time, but be .ort)*m:xth re--committed h . & committee of the whole House with instructions to amend the, * ' _sfune by making suitable provis-- on for propér medical attendance / in the case of all injured persons .<.,ommonly known as first aid." lAamit Only as to Time, j With reference s s MF.--LLucas ;lfin;uu t.n'hlst aid, Hon, maulwd F4 d .u."l.u\ermncnt had 1e conclusion that t} should ) $x* 4 'ere uL not be a limit as to th amount of medical surgical igg * pital® ex es * 1 *L 208 5e a 1 penses, but that there should ) + > 4 ~ S¥ Iilld mut.m time. The provisions of the uU were for all medicai hospitals, su gical, and skilled nursin "PaAsdn during the first (pip y ; 0 tCndance atccidgnt. Thére ;1'rty days after the & o. charga. s no limitation as \\ohl ge; the funa must pay the 'hole expense, d a p¥¥ was th: 1l p ""'. only limitation s that of the thirty da * Compensation Boara maf{s'. The necessary provision and 'b e su ut' of c rrant _ Pays _ the m out of the accident fu d the employer had whut n « Where times call 'relf: wis. some-- called _ welfare societies : where= he established in . aifat with his ~busines 3,j Connection is ~business hOs'plt I s dation ; 7 , iA accommo. n and arrangements for attendance, which are at llnedlcal favorable {o the eniployse: {ant, a" board, after due investig 'tithen s consultation with the empaiooz,l ind the employees. !na,y apprové °¥ :'; and rangements and there will be 1. "**~ sessment agai e no as-- i Sainst that industry . ?o, . medical aid. The principle was thor :hg workman shall not be called up MJ _to pay any contrib c on ution for medical |