The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Mar 1917, p. 2

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4 #fhiate of any" t CC ye" . marms ns mexcuorme@esn-- 1 o oo raee ud o. / n 4 o id 4 __ The was given its sece cad--| m- HOQW' $ 'Il _ OBUILL 6A h'- : "'.,.&,g.';m: P t?fi'@ given by the Liberal Government wh _ _A bill to he bread -- sales | they intmum their road scheme in 'lct.\ was intr *'" ( 22. f:.».':'-s,; s " a." , 190372 o ooo s general standard of woights, and in-- | Mr. Rowell--That was a different | creages the minimum tihme from $5 thing.. . The plan proposed <at that| to '$10 and up to $100. For ths time was for a county highways says-- . second offence the ?ne is tixed at -- tem, and the Government did not not less than $50. I1f is alsa provid-- know how many counties would par-- | ed that the Provimiai Police uha.ll| | ticipate~ in the scheme, #o that a.n' have the sams right in enforce the' estimate could not be given. _ But-- Act as the municipal officers. f the proposal now befors the House is K¥ 55t /o m en : ! for a specific road, and I gsubmit we | y rr s should havo an estimate of the cost. E E P "PRIA After a painful silence Premier * : : Hearst said: '"'This is the second ' o reading of the bill, and we are merely ' 4 f approving the principle." | | _ _ Some Details Given. , | #4 The Minister of Public Works hesi-- [ o tated, but on being pressed by Mr. i haa CE Rowell ha said conditions would #ary 'C]'ty Must Also Accept or Re- % greatly betweon Windsor and Mont-- | treal "Each road has an individual-- | 1 i 2 + ity of its own--(laughter)--«@epending | leCt Award n Same * on the nature of the country and the | T'me 5 nature of the traffic passing over the 5 yroad. The traffic between Niagara § Falis and Hamilton, as hon. members yeuneorscyamnmes ; know, is {fairly heavy, and would war-- 4 e rant the construction of a road costing |___The. expropriation Oof the part of I +9 % y a s s fxr::;;_'o:]&oo}gmnt;'nogl;'};)fo'tmf;;{gmi';: lthe Metropolitan Railway within the ' lhcuvier still, and a few thousand dol-- | city limits wa:? taken up yesterday by 'lam more per mile probably would the sub--committee of the Private Bills ;;1:':; to t;een spent t}IleW'.thTh mfl?_.\' Committeo of the Legislature. After a ctions, however, where e traific | al isc f is comparatively light, a gravel romad, 'gomi deal of discussion, the motion | |well drained and well olled in the |\ moved by Sir Adam Beck and sec-- ' * y 'summer, would be ample, and the onded by Mr. George S8, Henry was :_f';tc ':;\;U:"I'AEOt blet '}2 i:fi"tfl{ggpg:g; carried by a substantial majority, that Q oad. & & as ( f \fair at this stage of the vnroceedings the city must take proceedings to er-- i |to ask for a detailed estimate of the | propriate in three months, and that & & co;ti of}:hn xi?a,di" K5d «i1 fany award made by the Ontario Rail-- ' f Fa Mr. ewell--1 did not ask for a Sssm j : a e the Govern. | way and Municipal Board must bg ac~-- f f j# 23 Py | Fepted or relested by The tite within The cpe'aker"'u th(iw 'poim ;;toppmi l' threse months from the making of the ' <a the proceedings becausge it was dinner-- idward' [R . time. | Rinding On Company. _ _ What of Market Roads? | _Two other motions Jiad been put ; 3 Res ar s d 6h t _ |forward. Mr. Dewart (Southwest To-- $ y \In~'c;'u:\:3;]l'l, :u'bm:?tflg'ethlx:'tg 9::'58;:'1?' ronto), seconded hy Mr. -- Marshail f Nt A* * R C (Lincc!n), moved that the city of To-- | f mate should be given as to the cost, . A a * s | f '* and that the Government should indi-- rt_)n_t'o shall ha; et fhnes mointns sibMd cate what policy, if any, they had with w}:ugh ;o ]r;egot a ie antdhdec'd;a1 whether | y A v d }y, » W y a 8 -- reference to township roads leading. t,f," r{ga}[i})n e;igc gei\'e enr:t]iiet too'r 8'1{6; to the markeat towns. Public expen-- PonR én\lr Witl;i'\ 4 lif'e '*Ariod ¢ its' f °\ ditures at this time of & capital kind o pan] i _ uns 1t 0 _ that would help to increase the agri-- decision to exercise the right of CX*" cultural production, that would help propriation, andlt{aftte;'l such a notice / to develop the industrial system so shall px};ocee(;j b'i': tI; e, egprfog;iation "°° as to increase the munition output, and be ?lun P de\aiv'air.ol Tss on-- _ °_ measures that would contribute to ' Railway and Municipal Board. 8 _ the health and well--being of the citi-- The exercise of such notice of "P'O" A _ _ gsens so as to increase the national pna;:)mnvwas to be binding upon the wes iency, are measures,. said the company« f , « ' ;fi%:al * leader, upon which thoy Mr. Charles MceCrea (Sudbury), k ied might justify public expenditures, but s_econded by _ 8. D}zcn_arme (North , i: Dfl? ha submitted that with matters that Essex), moved that in as much as the f _ _ could walit over they should not em-- city has the right to accept or reject _ _ bark on large expenditures at the pre--| the amount as found by the Railway + 74 sent time. Board <either party shall have the k , | right of one appeal only, such an ap-- ||| Only Urgent Expenditures. peal to be taken within 60 days, and | 7 ';"' Premier Hearst said there was no be as to the amount' only found by | ¢ _ _ thought in connection with this bill the Railway Board. 4 5 U or any other bill during the war to _ In the final vote the Toronto mem~' ' '\|\ enter upon capital expenditure that lors 'were nnanimous in «ipport sof ;,'»"" was not of the groatest urgeoncy. All Bir Adam Beck's motion. ' P _ _ that the Government were asking on To Speed Up Expropriatior | + al 2l this second reading of the bill was for is p,.ed p' xpropriatioft, , § _\ the House to endorse the principle The Executive of the North Toron-- E. T [ of the act providing for a Provincial to Ratepayers' Assoctation met yes-- ~ _ |highway. This was an undertaking terday and passed a resolution re-- k #yf lthat would extend for many years. 'n'uestlngl Ii\gr'e(r;gxotrge %It}rfextll?.' .\s{ppfl E* m |__ l 1-- y o use his ts .__ e ecia $ |_\o Details Possible. KB i. {;llbll(('r:sp(; x;g (;'hiln('. ttommittee to permit the expropria--| f se ts | C i Tok 7 NhE . W h+ : WR | _ "I am advised by engineers," said wjfld with lace!aj\?l?r:i'{ti'x)fvItll]xaédepl\;'-lg;g:cf ttoh: (1:)1:3 Ofl f JW Sir William Hearst, "that even if they (ilice.. Each exceptiontlue people. No fear is felt regarding | f /;?i had the information before them to-- t >+s:.c.s+...,.. 'he xPofepof' the pe:ple but the requesi I o [ day, even if they had the routes map-- | _ & made for the purpose of saving the | § _\ _ped out and a survey of the field, -- iminsook, with yoke Oelay which would be brought about' |||| even if they had before them a fair --|-- trimmed with lacet the purchase were passed upon by | 4 W , igea of the kind of road and the con--. | MA .................. 'he people. | l \|| ; struction it would require, having re-- . 4 °)\ (gard to the present conditions, hav--| i6 f o ling regard to the uncertainty of the|_ »' _ | future, it would be impossible fo § * (°°\ |any engineer to give even an ap--<| k ||\ | proximate estimate of what the. road|_ _ } would cost at the present time." p s *X As regards township roads leading| & ||\ |to market towns, Sir Willlam said |-- |||\ | these roads were receiving the con--| § sideration and encouragement of the i 6 , Government through grants. The re-- x b port of the Highway Commission was f lbelnz studied. A -- comprehensive | scheme was being developed from

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