m~ ___, / ,. "a." Mr. 1TfsLi"_"L'l'Cd5Nltl, r , r" . "T, " i _ MIN ' our e 'ii'iCii'i l "we". - '...s r V .' k '." UPI!" -.r - = ' -.. . " fiiiitiml- , "ll n ,~ " _ - l ' , A . l ird LT RY T'")') [il' Fa R v P. E: MM rl(MMllilelmlglll war , FT-ai!, - "at? ' m' "', ' 'g $5 ' I 53 Ii'iigll, EtMiliMrll . . i TIR, ' " I _ ' J, v _ V , . MUtMi8,P any, . 1"s",,uC'iid,f:. ,'w'u V . , 5m, ' _ ___ Iv ..'c, . . .t/Crt"tCss2ath,'/2i ' ,pr1, " . , ' is' L , _ r I i Bl, C' l .. WARiiit: _. .. r"a'l'; a .. a. C d 'lr, F. t" "f rl ". "if: .__ : -' tl f,,,...";t;;w~ ._'. , _ w, l. _ _ J 7 Tr' 'r.',')." I, ___________ , _ (rs/yr-ary"'-"':'-':"":""-""":', tT,'v' "- Cos,-, 'er.' Ir.,. iss, . 't. '" , . ' .. _ l, . CMjrlih'tNttttlr mm ttpots. l PMTo Hartley Dewart Invesw" ' I m um. items me%§ion§d Bere) . , i Aoerptiona'oom ta e 310, and gates the Government a; 1lts',l, gtttd ttther articles: including "Thrift Campaign" in Fub,' . St,iP,1etltt?t ',ul'a1d't1'l.'is,;, 33.0 . l art apfed something more, and cried: n 1 " I n g Government :fpwgs my,1tt.'cite"rhtdr vll'r'i'ettn.d , . . ' 1ru 3 for the palm room figured $1.!65, House-Items to Make "a: rugs ranging in price from i _ , - i 327.50 to- $250. . Czar: Palace Blush mi It t Member Says "ftoasonaue." Modesty-Rural Conser. Mr. Sinclair-A very reasonable . pricrtor Oriental rugs. They hare vatwe Really Thinks coll/h,"?)'),'?.,',' "gets',",,',""',),'?, ",adiit,r, , u n F Av'; s ' won; the. other item S, i mt 1. They re Reasonable t.---. 5:313", l ' "m 'ed . Something for Taxpayers '.No "nders Called 1'oe. . I After Mr. Fairbairn inn] mam-cl to Think Over 5 it??? had Ewen h" ttlonders, ff," account ., 10 no ure o 1e pure asses. Mr. _ 1tewart asked who tixod the price on wr.- . -----e. - "% : behalf of tho Government, The Day. i uty Minister replied that the archi- 'Cher (L'onxmrtatum incited somewhat: tect of the department after m . e . . ' .aklng gloomy in. the Pubric Accounts (Joni-1 23:13: ',fi,1inr/"tVg.""i, dteclded to ic,N. . TA.E . o . aon Co. mitiee of the Legislature yesterday. l, Mr. Dewart figured that the ac- when the Liberals went. ftoyt" sen-41-1411" {counts that had been brought in tur- the outstanding account»; connected; lured $80,497. with the furnishings at. (loveruumnti 1r2tpov,yo,'t1ratg;'.tet. 'Q amt the _ _ . .." , _ ' l A ' gc, a e an House. My. lL . lLulliy liovvart.' ,coach house cost $14,637. d Ki), had the. examination in hand for i --.------ i "the Liberals. and ttltutt noticeable M , I Steins of war-fime extravagance Were. brought In light. ilu': faces of the Gm" t qtatment p',upr-ror'l3'rto' HULL": "no linden Wt NORTHERN M P Stand their ut'ixrimmivd mummies in o o g the Hou80 to the Lihrr.uls tn quit the Government 1.1011qu am. Mr. V. A. -------- Sinclair. South Oxford, who !'('\.'u;.- ' nines how hard it will he in keep his , d . . majority of one imam, "as which! Mr. Mageau Criticizes Govern. apologist for tho Government, but hot , Odom at trying to put a. good face on ment s Methods things misarably failed. The articles and the amounts spoke for them-; '_-.----- follies. and there "as ttty room top Nr tannin... Hon. Mr. Manual-mid Quotes mm t w " . 0' a ' "dime Economies. in Cm . _ of Mr. Martin, Conserva- Aner most of the damaging in- tive Candid t M fomtion had been extracted. Mr. ." - a l . A" he Ventilated, John Cerew (South Victoria) showed " Public Accounts Committee signs of temper. and wanted to know. . ( what was the use of going over tho _,___,___ items when the licures were not dis-i ; plated. Mr. Sun. Carter, the member! Sl - " t. for South M'ell.ir:gton, "its tlowurightl '6, deged 711131150 and deplorable plain about it "When it" replied: "lt Waste of public fun i you so and Show it mum in u, Shut") with tho constru ti da in connection. houm that you have paid $4,000 for r d - c on of colonization; a carpet you will get his back up." oa s in Now Ontario Trtu' warmly! Me added there had been n, lot of ex-] condemned in the Legislature Thurs»i travaganoe hone. and the people. day evening by M Z i would not stain: for it. There was a. (St r. othuo Mgeau, good deal of linuhuh over this, and) urgeon F3118). who spoke on an' Mr. Cant-w and others still looked 111-! mnendment to a motion that the nignaut. I House so into Committ Mr. Charles 31cCrca (Sudbuiyi, the-I Mr M ee of SUNNY. Chairman, said the South \Veiiingtou' 4 . atreau Save figures from the member had mad" the object or the Publit, Accounts to show that hun- tnquiry pretty plain. dreds of dollars had been spent o s , . . q tt Explaining Expenditures. I toohy and commenting on these ex- Among the items which iigurcd mi prnditures he declared "ninetv per the accounts were: Donegal rm; in' cent. ot! those tool: Could not b i State room. $1.428: Donegal rug lu, it five hundred d _ - e ound drawing-room. $1,380; Donegal rug in; 'tarr,etl t 7 ' etectiVes were en- living room, $898. The State recap-z G' e, o look for them." He charged tion room furniture tigrared $3,595.! that a. large amount had been . A $700 item, "one commode." raised! for "rent of tools" to a man wh paid a. good 'deal of curipsity, and, amid: not own a horse, a cow a SC ty does, roars of merriment, Mr. R. P. Fania! a plow, or a. tool of an; d rap": " hairn, Deputy Minister of Public} The Government's 'rvstein fiT,,t,t,ifys TForks, who was giving evidence, ex-t colonization roads result d f bPilding platned the commode was a. cabinet. waste of money "raft . e T. frightful 1 i. he said - ' 5 and dishonesty (or our Oh l " . In the township of Chisholtrt "In Keeping" With the Place. 1td)2'l,e'ieg"i't had paid $131 to Then came sixty dinirur-rootn clmirs= inspectors sentaétodizi got-k, and the at $24 each. eight pairs rose sill,:) had been . f lat. the work t properly (tone 'ttrawintp-roorn curtains. $800; four, case, Were not qualm d In another pairs green 511k curtains. $428: cur-: watchmaker. (Lau hi: . One was" ulna tor ballroom archway, 8445; two] ond was a carpet": er.) The sec- atpintt-roerrn curtains, $190; brassi was a butcher 'i'll'if and the third lee and fittings, $1,234. Mr. Sin- ciared . lighter.) He de.. 90 l thousands of d 1 . clnir drew from Mr. Fairbairn that "quandered. 0 lars had been there was nothing unreasonable or g gunman!" that "it w/ll', all in keep- ;The We Denial. .5 m with the place." ey trot value f The f for their money. When an attemptl 1rihff2"i'lagu'gtr,mg Scene when the: we! made by Mr. Sinclair to belittle "iiiiiaiiiian'ii tle, fronts,"' Hon. Mt another, expenditure, Mr. Pt',,','",.,'," decently b . ft erred to Charm 'ttttit. '1 Joann: serious. but with a touch or. was 'spenty r. Mam" that}; a}; ar-tme remarked: "Ott, ill" in ', ad op, ttpp. Sttitirtt'mstiar t F keeping with the place." ro wttteth titetttayiJi"iii'rGC! but" _a'.i KQoneervative gamut. . A"; " . it the iiiil