The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Mar 1917, p. 2

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/ W 7' ~. ' t . . t T I" "FN" | I " - . 11., r» lJOctton, no " "W" IT .__. Tsr t gumbo"... t'" . ., _ ',.tthS'a?tr.Wttit,i ih /" .. .r.i ' yterF"" .. ichl'aggg -has Nit%rt M" , 'tll i . 'iill ll, " 'whet'the mo- . V 'gs'." P, . . I R' ik! MB, 3'3" .. . . 1 Mr. Mageatt--a dosv1'iTi.',i8lt,i,:!.!,l,l,l,tllgll crt 'utll4lMlltllitillllEra: . _ wt ' .. a... 56'ir' "fry", 't2N ' . " , _ " " 23 . 1trett. .W'l Reply. ' ", - T" '-"t'(2(":,','? 'JN 'rdiyjLci,'i's5iilEr2iiir 'iliii F I Will. _ brin _ Mr. Maediarmids.--t tusie ti.Arw -. . ' CW5)" c,iidrTllirli'ri'a, as well a: , here from .Mr. Martin, "in I." _ y w "wig. Fiii .1," member asks. l 2t cendidate at the lut , . 'r:,'., f [kr,.), 'ii3Riizi"i' the Minister desires l e says not a. dollar taf/te,',',,' If 1- to If!" more than he is asked for, r road on this side of his ome. The it right. He can do what he ' money was spent entirely north or 1tih6a. -.(umtgr,) . beyond his home, In the tomhip of f Mit. bill of Mr. E. w. J. Owens held. (Conservative applauee.) The :fpentheut Toronto), which provides) ' statement of Mr. Martin was verified Verdun ,emendment of the constitution! . to-day by Senator Gordon. "indium where a. Society is found to, ' Mr. Mageau----The statement is un- ' be an an unsound actuarial basis, was' I' true. I do not say the hon. Minister referred to a. special committee to be :1 is not telling the truth, but the state- 'named. The Pill in Effect provided , imc-nt mode to him by Mr. Martin is that the executive: or board of a Eroci- ll, umruu. _ , 'ety should have the power from time T, Colin Cameron (North Pavr---,rWito Ito time to amend. by resolutions , lure in; to bNieve--those two gentle- ia'dopted by a. minority vote of the . .~ imam I". vou? ' ' Icommittee or board, the constitution t ' _ ". I . 5 land laws of any such society as may " . (,' reutilatc m Committee. l be deemed necessary for the purpOSr: l T . . __-_ _. . ' of im vi Ji 't ' ia F) " ' Mr. MattAlircrrrud----Mr. Martin, in 1119' 'such Sakai; 1,t,1ey"11"ri,'ti1/iro1v,):i1cevc,1 l ' q... . .I . ta..l . I ___ ' 'b.". "ttl. (a. k- 't it tter, so" the rand IS three miles hr I ments, when "WWW." by the t'egis- "l l-V'Jnd his pray', 4nd- the letter will ltrar. shall be binding and oldigatorv Lt .i.c available tor your inspection be.. upon all members oi. the £001pr . f, turn L110 Public Accounts Committee. l . _ev's, Mr. Cutnerotr---Now you will have 'Mr. Owens Premature. ji', tise vriryetr.e, of' swearing lo it. I 3 Hon. Mr. 1oru:a.e; Huid the UTE as it. ,3 l whit-, 11'ui1ifye.i,d-:,? ls' a, ,rnirit now stands demands that these so- . ' (route, _r.ty, road m 'll""." i01l. . lcieties when they have the irrforma- B, I.". "-yasrctau.-.--trlu)t If! tu,"alli ""0111?- 'tion before them will voluntarily take I , Ir. 15 not a null route. The mail goes faction to make the soj)tie.c, solvent I 1M Cn" C'. N. JI. The road "firm" only or prevent them from becoming in- Ill lthu ranch ot the candi- solvent. The bill of the rttsynihcr for , . "into at the last election, and does not Southeast Toronto T5itt4 probably pre- L" ybencfit the other settlers. . mature in endeavorinp: to force action . l "No instructions have been gut-n to upon the societies in any 'Vuy at pre- 1 favor one political party or another," sent. They should wait until the in- I lsald Mr. Macdiarmid. "Che only 'in- formation was before, the Societies. , 'structions given are to get the. beat Answering Mr. Ttowell. the Attor- _ E 'rpenlts for the money expended.' new-General said the Valuation would , (Conservative applause." . not be made until the, and of this ' Mr. Mugeau's amendment, which year, and neither the Government nor ' 'i was defeated by 46 to 17, condemned the societies had the information "the deplora'le waste and misuse of which would justify iUfllUll. the public funds of the Province. aris- ' ( , , . ing out of the present system of ex- The Md "tcheon In": .I pending the moneys voted for coloni- Mr. Prrmdfoot was inrormfd that zution roads," and asked that the . the cost of the trial or Mirt'utcheon moneys for such roads in organized Brothers at Torontu was $343346- Cl! - townships be expended bv the muni- this Gordon Shave-1' HIM $1 SOO, s, F. l cipclities. and in unorganized town- Davidson. K..C., SLOW, and .H. t'rood- l shit». under public tender. I man, $1,724. . I 1 Hon. T. W. M'L-tmrry to Mr. thus. l l ' M. Bowman. that the machine guns _ I acquired at an expenditure of $500.: _ f, _ q 000 by tlieuProvince from the Savage l Arms Compauy of 1'tica, ?d.Y.. and "N NT I fRM sent overseas, had not been inspected t on behalf of tho Ontario Govern- c: ment, but an inspection had been . I made on behalf of the Dominion Gov- I - -------a- ermmeatt, through "Mich the money contributed by tho Province bad . gone. The Inspecting Grime-r was "7 . Ottawa Member Would Like to Capt. J. H. Holliday, W, was a.t.wist-.; " . ed 10. other capable and experienced, , Make Some Comparisons 1fsJer,d,')'l.i All guns TVere, inspectedg before leaving the. factory at Fried. i . --------'_ Mr. J. A. Armstrong"' Status. i Hon. '\\'. I). McPherson informedi . WHAT IS NET DEBT NOW ? Mr. mm oy 'Neitt. tu?) samueu , A. Armstrong, former Assista_n.t Pro-i, - -, - vinciai Secretary, and now Director; i -- of Military Hospitals, had on J/ey-lc; i I . urv 1 last been given three months'; a Provincial Treasuri-r Inmists on Mum: Ieiive ot absence. He remains in the . . , I s i) . . .,'s pay of the Provincial UoVernment I 1.styotn a., Welt, ll uit ' '. until Marult 21. The Hillary Mr. Arm- I l; Nrtussmutnt--0ttproiioq Actuarial strong is receiving from the Mili- ', 'N , . . . .. . z ". -N, -' '=' it "' "f i l I bolvenoy of Fraternal horn-tics. mm Hospitals communion LS 1i7,500 l _ I u. year. i i , ; § 3 Mr. J'.. s. hoard Miriam." wanted ", I 3, some information, in the Legislator"- w i yeisterdag, us in the not debt of ihe . ' I kg IProvince compared 'Wllll what it "or: - , tat the time tho Liberal Admiraintr;i- I t. tion went out of officr-. He did not. I I: believe that the fina.ttcrps' wort: in so I . 1;; tine a. state as the Provincial Treasur- 'rt', er had tried to make out. When tsf- l f fairs were handed over by the old . 1'; Administration to tho Conservatives . 'i',, the tiwartees of the Province were in . if a. better position than they arc to- ' s),, day. if l Hon. Mr. McGarry held that it """, " "oily fair that the honorable membor| .55 'ehould also ask for the assets of the? e g Province. 11c tsuggcstrd that the; " 'l question he changed to include thei "' c, C ,mets. l ',' 1-: ' Mr. Pinard, lill't'd laughter, said if ' Ithe Minister wags not satisfied to am , ' 'mr the question before the House he could keep his answer. Later he I ' "rotted perhaps question the Provin- 'cinl Treasurer on more than he (the Cl Minister) thought. l Eon. Mr. MoGarry---a?t." - motion

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