. '8lnure the?" _ . , ' l _ ttret, tM,00t 'al'li'S,d,'r'?1'dll"Sll!! "t,trtt/itti,,trgllelglereaf2't' of l mit "will anybody or min: w- the ditto" & _ ', _ l ' """W' l . ' Won of anybody they he: "an in posit M. mmuon system 'F'. , the reserve equipment for the purpose ' tmatrs'oh. .anqnendnt. Mr. "are: ht _ of ,increrlnx the amount of power "I git! gunman". 'g,"'e',,t In l Benet-ate . Investigation by a. Gov- disetiarrt ' n: ma er w anyone " 'lge,'lge official had shown that tho ""3. t2tt"tt'ru Th9 Sf,"','),',',',', w? settle-.1 Development Comm had to! V qt no was so 113 o . broken the "Tumult - LGT, _ coat, and he had to reply that he had since June. 1916. In June and July net definite mm" 'showing it wtu' 1916, the amount generated by the going to par. It wasasplendid project, Electrical Development Company and he did ',',etdt,t,'t h', be in tgat em- wu 132,000 horsepower; in August, burns-ins Do. on W on sue quea- 334,000; September, 143,000; Octo- tionn were atgltttd. When they had . t her. 145.000; November, 147.000; De- the mu information they would be m camber, 147,000; January. 1917, 148.- ttttlg to "N" me" people "man" ooo, and on March on: 1917 149 750 trents and ttttow the building ot this 'ii he ower. ' v ' line would he profitable. , - " " Burma" Pow" Hon. Mr. Bums on Estimates. . - Hon. Mr. Lucas said he had no ob- , w . ' . _ - " [tit-.113: If'.,'-"',,,','",'")',,'],"'?,',:'?,,,,",',',':,', dectiort whatever to bringing down the , isad 'ritten to Ottawa in connection gf",',',",." a? ta;- agihthe information ask- _ . grtth 3 License to export power, stat- Govern 'dh, an o possession of the g " that the power they were develop- 'dC,','i'lg','",' t e ei',,",,""',,',",',',' that the ' " was surplus power mode by a int t' '/',1T,"d Ito t e municipalities ( team plant for the purpose of sup- J e es eh?" Lt te, Ie..lr estimates that I plying customers in the city of But- were available Wftrtt before every t , tah . municipality that was asked to go into , b J. That surplus power had not the radial railway scheme. The anti ' 'een developed ill " steam plant at did not contemplate any report or ". p, all, but had been annotated from anv estimate to the Governdient a l Ei 'Eater power stolen be the Electrical "ores? or receipts:. it 'i-'a'si"e1'll'e'i11U",', T I [o,,1',l',tlf"":ry,e, (virtually. "i know the fa. municipal enterpriw. and the muni- I ' In1ne Minister will use every effort r A ' . - . . ! tupality must say whether these esti- . ito (rimpel that company to stop the! imatee were satisfactory or not d a Pxport of power." said Sir Adam, = a: matter of fact in a runner": E' :Wha'n he suggested that the Provin- . incl" way no rc orl; o,'C, i 0 - i .ial th . . 7 . - I . .D View, before the " a an critics should go to the Min Government at all The re t . l later of Inland Revenue at Ottawa _i',rr'n'i;'h'ti"'t,, the ll./l f; I t. per " , and ask him to take actor) that a :7 " d" . J'tltVt n :he muni- . . . - . " l Cipalities. There was, however an would warm tho who." tt that ' : b . . c., __. ' ' power i unofficial Low in his po'is'eHt"slon, and , l , . in that sense it 'might be said to be . I Prohibit Export of Powesr. i hetere the Government. Ila hoped to. " , , . - brircs . . Il . " - if The Electric Knight and we Hydroi t?Jii,re',titcodto2nc,t,l,t,lyi,"ctre,'1nti.1' "as not a! i omnimsion had entered into a Corl- . 7 I V M ltract with the Imperial Munitions . i éfoard to supply them with 30.000 Sip 'tg, Beok J)nxioys I 5 "tTse-power" for their new plant. in , . . ,Ashbridge Bay. Toronto. The Hydro out Engineer S Activity system land reduced the (.03., con- Sir A.dam Beck said, coincident i sumption of the Province of Ontario ' w.i.t.h this motion, came a request from l by four million tons, which at five citizens of the city of Hamilton to the Nona" DPT. ton men": a saying of uovernrnent of the Province asking twenty million dollars to the Pro- :that a number of engineers might , Vince. have access to all the details: involved 1 In t2rging prohibition of LL? export ,in a. schen'le of this kind for their own ioi' power needed by tho Province. Sir information. Pdant said: "We must have that i Mr. Marghall--Tic; is tho, first I ghower for the manufacture of rnuni- ghaw' heard Of anything pf that kind. ', done pt war and for the people of, II have no knowledge of it whatever. .Ontario. and we cannot atTord to m." Adam. Bet?rtts'alcl he was not in.. lloltirate 117 more conduot of this {firing or Ingputing anythingh at all, isor on t 0 part of unease interests." u "in" oi, ier J"ikonrl might have ,) t)". Marshall's motion asked for a Dlltmghl: FOUL)? I/i' the hands ot the! :re urn a owing copies of all orders me e or rleom. rin Council approving of the 'urree- i" ttttden i - '0 3mont for the construction of the ice m n Irydt ' iHydro-radfsat line from Toronto to Mr. Marshall-m it, entire-13 Ott my {Niagara Falls through Hamilton; own responsibility. . §copies of all reports. engineers" and Proceeding, Sir Adam said there ",',t,,t,eT)',': in reference to the cost. lent,',',',?, a? utnhdoubtted expreszion tf, an prospective earnings of the said con once In. e es imates o t e ' railwgi' '.)',t."rii't,'i',", by the Hydro-ttlea:-, 't0if.ro,f2,7eme'is.,,it? '13); the, Emmifipali- rir ohcr "ommiersion to tho Gov- "FG'. _ .'e cr' a "Ct e or. our o one a ernmnm; and copies of ail corjres- ishowing they were satisfied to assume , Plondence passing between the Hydro- 1th" e'Jltr,l',1,,oeud' obligation, "Elia; 121:5, I electric Power Commission and the .'were an: e '0. assume e ""113? i Government in reference to the 9393-; '9'" account M: We operation of this. . hw of the mid orders in "WW," and? lav-vat undertaking". Therefore. there . . the construction ortho said line. l was nothing more to say on the part . . l of anyone in the House as to whether ' (iluestion of Cost I u: not the municipal representatives . i and the electors as a whole were tttrt- Puzzles Legislator E jailed with the estimates submitted lily ' _.. y . '1 Hit} Hydro Power Commission. n r Mr. Marshall (Lincoln). in moving the course of further remarks Mr . his motion. said probably the member»: atrium said the city ot Hamilton dur- ' it:,; a whole in the House "were more mg the recent campaign had been tr.." less unaequainlmi with tho extent _seething with enemies to the Hydro. of the undertaking- sinue they had had ' "Pho Cataract Power Company and h' It",','.::"',',! of a definite character. i the Canadian Norther? igtte/'Utf.1. n t e first inrstance. tho "ll: would itchcd their tents in he y o im- " connect two in?" viii»; and there, Eton. and where these. interests would be a. very large volume of trade ;pitohed their tty.tts they might expect 4 " in and from those plain-es. lt pussets: fet'feclin opposition. . through Hamilton. and then goes f . J,?,,'.":'?,',',? the richest agrirultnml area' (Not Men to Give r or the extent of it. in the Province.; . There was between Hamilton and Impartial Judgment Niagurd it'allel a. strip of territory ' Afim' paying a tribute to the tight v 1.11" an" of which T"' rnrWt prmium _ put up by Mr. Allan Studholme and tive. Land was splints: from $1,000 other Hydro supporters in Hamilton, per acre, and more was a, huge ey- Sir Adam reverted to the request which port of fruit procluvtn from that Pei"- had been made hy certain people in __ tion. For many yours there had been the City mentioned ty have an im- 1 . 35m: felling down in gutting tho partial t1t,r/ittio'tatt,i,oArigt/r'oStul'1"i,r2' pro no o that area. in the summer . and demerits o e - - time in the condition in which it loot. The Chairman, of the qtxecutivo . should be got and bringing a profit- oody to nominate five men tomake ' able return to those who had their this invertitration. was Mr. Oliver? Ity imoney invested. That. situation was sistant chief engineer othtihe Clug-Mr, to a. large extent. due to the lack of and associt.ttd. 7'1" en twee? of thei transportation facilities. in View of 1719"": dwxmoai r "are might ex-' the huge volume ol' trade from that urine}; rngalri'; 'ggi,, these Bernie-i section and the necessity tor trans- inf" I 31:11 sure," remarked Serdam, . t"t'itt,e,,n, facilities he was satisfied ttiirckki'ddii, who added that they re- a l Government-owned road would presented interests Which were en- . do , large business and make a large tirely opposed to the Hydro interests. return on the Papital invested. He The speaker had it on good authority. also alluded to the i d . 1 . 1 of tour met. that n ustria. activity, before the execut ve l?, the NUgara peninsula, and be Mr. Oliver approached, Col. Lennard . onsht this road may be the begin- _--sstt the city of St. Catharines, " M All!!! of the nationalization of trans-