The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Mar 1917, p. 1

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l1, 51'; -, r . ' fr. t a T i ll I I? . fittds. C" 'lEEat.i' i"crp "for. f Les A; _ ' F .. ; , . . . _ A l a-mratrrneauoioi6W.Wii0tte l e _ .4 . . 'yr," new inn-we m. .. ", ' i. In view of the success. attendant q" . . t t . japan the establishment or the 'o1t/lll ' . ' t "or Public Trustee in Enzland and the development of conditions in Oil-V ""-----. tarto, Mr. Sinclair (South Oxford) ' moved that it was desirable that pro- . l . vision should be made for the eater. Liberals Find Too Muoh m Way, else by a public omeer of the 'ett'.l . . of executor, administrator. trustee or to Give Speedy Relief "Ensues in a department or omee, I the establishment and administration ----------- to be in a manner that will necessi-I ' tate no (hierge upon the public rev- FARM 'MPROV enue and would reduce the expenses , I to a minimum and at the same time 'EMENT LOANS] afford the best facilities for sai'e and ' profitable investment and administra- ------- tlon. Handlino' small Estates Hon. l. B. Lucas Introduces- legisla- ll . C, , . . p r, W tion Which " ' 'e -. ill. Sinclair said in the cases of . , o.%ays.Wiit Atrplyto small estates the heirs were very Live Stock Pttrcuatsess-m a . often not in a. position to furnish of Sn " E - an ling bonds, and if they are not able to se- _ la stuns. 1 cure those who will go bond for them r they either have to place the matter ---------.-- 1 in the hands of the trust company or _ apply to a bond company to give a Lent:- t, n "i ... _ ." ' . . ' guarantee bond which will cost them the "; Ct l I '.1v."f, lumurlpalltxea a considerable sum for each year. 'An Igower to buy and .ceall tuel and iaCt along the lines he proposed Toty14 food and a, bill respecting loans for lfurnlsh the means whereby people agricultural purposes, to provide for with moderate means could have an ' . ' . administration at the minimum cost permanent improvement: to harm and which would he absolutely Be- properties, Wot-cine principal subjects cure because, the Government would _dealt wich by the Legislative As- be absolutely behind it and there 'aemlsly :'08l131'd113'. wo1-.1id be no ioss it) people ot inex- There was it lively debate. over the: ' lperrnc: u "ion . _ proposal to give municipalities power! (act on _ ext hANicr.'. _ ' _ ioongirand 'itril,! coal timid "and and: I"132';:;hi:':cfl:]B;?i;1:,\ea13t";:gee§ . S I " _ . -' a ' - 1'. - , the plat"0 'ts. o {:iuvqhxgyi 11:33."? ; the member tor South Oxford to With- 1i.C. (Southwest Toronto). Mr. "1);"; ldraw the motion upon the statement: art pointed out that the bill had been that. ti,,n/",21',iisc,"1a.)dpohtfiu,Tt? at,tA"t'./ "given its second reading only on the eat I".) 30:: "l'irid1t; next session a; pi'ei'ious evening. He thought oppor- '2' Lax 1\'1l"ifi' he submitted to the] tumty Should be ufiorded for the if'i','f,'li'; . l legislation might be com; Ilrmrtles engaged in the fuel and food {ligrfgdam . 1 "m" netitt to 30 to the Parliament 51 F I. . V . ' , lBuildine" . rri 'c, sa' . _, ' ' l Mr. Sinclair did not want the mat-, i'fd"/e/rn11t,n/', "tvfiet'i,iritgsts 3:151:23 it" to be treyte.d .iy the manner of; Ilhrous'h the House it i r "sis months' hoist. , Mr. 1puras said i 2tion of vested 1'fCei:e.d/a'l' an//.th1,1'lfit" stile subject. would trot be lost sight of, ', _ .' --. . , '52t ' -.c., . J i tit d.searlv lthis being a reference to remarks of ltyy1,,.t,tuid b" 1'iiadtC1P turedgguialsi: :ur than St an l ' " f: , 'uc. iposesible, Thr " _ _ _ . A u Ulllh. bu at as he 'oxford thereupozs withdrew his mo-l (Mr. Dewarti was concerned, his re; t." - '. , cord with resl'et't to the prosecution _'"ol,1. f of combines was clean and straight. JIotorlng' in 'I'oronio. i "I am only too glad to saw that so J - A .'_. -', __.. _ . ', . f..t at c. Henr} y bill to antutut far as I am concerned, in the event '41:) 1rl,foo,"','ie'i'iic11's' act J engendered: ff, emergency. every municipality 25611.13 discussion. Hon. Finlay Mac- s cold how: the right and the power Ediarmid thought the bill should go to to relieve that. emergency, both so 'the Municipal Committee. whereupon for as coal and other commo- Mr. Hartley Dow-art (Southwest To- titties are. . concerned, but It this 'rontol suggested the Legal Committee. legislation is enabling them to enter saving they had more. time. He alsol into the permanent. trading business =cxplainecl that his Lill, which was for it is not fair to the mercantile inter-' tho. city of Toronto, had been refer- ests, and the. municipalities should . ,0 the Legal Committee, and he . red 1 not enter into competition with reput-' '- 1 like to have the one standing . I son d able firms that are paying business ',in the name of the member- for East taxes." E'York go the some way. (Laughton) Mr. Howell and Mr. Sam Carter, '; Hon. Thon'ms Crawford (Northwest referring to the clause in the billI Toronto) also thought the Legal; providing that the Lieutenant-Gover- Committee was im- more to send the nor in Council and the Ontario Rail- bill. He 100de out that. tt)oro. was; way and Municipal Board would have . Oiit?, c.layse "MW", 1C,cty,1ilTnd, Iuril, to approve the plans of municipali-| . peat-lung: Pe) y..?,,"',?,:' calledm' f,fs .'Ll ties before they could engage in the; (,if,"y,y',"i., {my-d" s',').!)'),",',.'),",:.,,,-,'),, "303:3, fuel and food business, thought the' Phat AI as Fun"? " ' Jd '0 Z. I" . "F th tl double approval was too much. Min! .to the ladies who 't"i',"i';'d,"/N"i'; mart. Rowen said the approval of the Rail-. ' own machines. but o t a, license way. and Municipal Hoard should be chines who had not 80 . SGHfflCielli. and Mr. Carter urged the l Drastic Change. _ overnment to "-. t " . _ tape." cu out the red: Mr. F. Wellington Has (pox-ti;i Messrs tri Cl - . " Perth) considered that a licensirWo _ , " .V an) _ arke and Allan hll . 'ers and drivers was reaching It/ve,'."),','"'; spoke at great length mi 'ld, 013:1? In some households there; avor o it: measure. . the! F ' eo le using _ ' The~ committee merely reported. net: is?! 'l," hlvgaag'hgs own way hei progress. iéxlld who"; the speed limit entirelyJ, Loans for Agrieutture _ but would impose a heavy penalty e23- Hon 1 B L . F T . " anyone driving a motor car at a. " .l ' ",'. . nods. r1ttorney-Gen- i laces where the situation was oral, introduced a bill respecting; d" p iiriii, even thouzb..th9 speed walls for agricultural purposes' He b',1'?ffv"e"'"ml'G'tan hour. , exp tuned that the object was to Veg; ir C Elliott '"di'est.Mitd1erta'r0 Provide for permanent improvements l l o took notice Ad the speed pro- to farm properties. the loans to be .35 in the bill, which meant an; yitde,, the municipalities by, 1..vltieee from is £020 inthrii1tirh.oyr'l the I rovinclat Treasurer, following I ii"/,cilt'i"e"s' and. tt' to rtt, in thd Jiirtiiitirl out very much the system ot' the tile in cthoutzht the House should- be"le drainage debentures. The rate of in- Ae f l in extending the 1tht,cif',?'tiirl tereet would be fixed by the Lieuten- l _ ' care u tlcularly of the count"... .he. ant-Governor in Council. The bill ling palItl at on account of the wetl does not ttpecificall - ' l noted 1 er and the Mum- b' set out the im- ns of last summ , provements. The r . . 180830 these heavy can go- scribed as perinal'nez? {generally de- mer before; and! h rate of speed the . n r i . ' to be t1xed by jtlG'l'tL'J.u' T"'"" j.iijr2'iu"t,'kt.'ft; almost impala?" . Asked it it would cover the pur- ma}; e in a fair state otter); Ap.. chaee ot live stock. Hon Mr Lucas to if Ewes every serious bur en 1th replied: "Yes, that may iii so .butthe T a , iiiirnicipaln9f charged Wthe _ not does not conte l ' on the . . d he. thought -t mon , mp ate the advance 'eiponsibi1itr an a!" Stated the act would be

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