The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Mar 1917, p. 1

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M " & $3 31 garding the first: measure the -- =\ t » m ter ex n% that the object was to: m au« manig! > appoint a Commission to carry on *A 2 ' the schools in Ottawa if they were not f 11L being carried on by the Separate Ts f School Board of Ottawa, and it was in case of default that this bill would be used. If the Separate School Board of Ottawa was going t'o put th; ':hfl-- we P "tilaA dren in the same position as ore, cven Its Promoters Are Llfi'e that the schools were closed again, v D t ' then the Government was taking the etalils right to appoint a Commission to ague on carry on the schools through the board's default. h e ts Mr. Mageau--Is it a similar bill to ) f the one last year? OTTAWA SEPARATE SCHOOL es deihcel in npline gane, _A great deal of it is similar, but there are same little differences. | souie d i icumeomernfeenmtsemmes |__'The other hill, Dr. Pyne pointed out, | was to indemnify the members of the | is former Commission against any action I *L Muc: nces 3 Minister of Education Introd s that might be. brought against them Tegislation to Meet Any Situation . for the money expended for the carry-- j y ril Judg-- ing on of the schools during the par-- Arising Out of Privy Council 5* | ticular period. (It was a bill to give ment on Bilingual Issue. [ relief to the -- Commission, who are | now being sued for the return of the ; | lsnd icarieteceaticnncny 1 money expended and to indemnify I them from any loss in carrying on the | R sls i j ay Is, $ [~~That there is little if @anything acmoai in C 'ases 'definite about the Ontario Govern--| Commission crtain Cases. * vincial highways bill was According to the first bill, when-- on Provi t¥ in the Legis-- ! ever the board shall neglect or refuse once more demonstrated in i mlS' to conduct the schools under its con-- ']ature yesterday when the Libe trol according to law, the Minister, isought information as to the routel p-ith the a.pp!éwal (i)f the Lieute?atnt- f enz "hen asked rzovernor in Councii, may appoint a | |and the estimate of cost. "13 ins | Commission of not less than three nor for something -- definite as to u more than seven persons to act in route, Hon. Finlay Macdiarmid s&ld' place olt the board. T;xe (;om(rlnislsi;m » i ic x may take possession of and adminisgs-- Y answex" P i mxghf gi\? t" Oll]lli ' tel')the prloperty and _ assets of or not be fair to himself f" o ayl under the control of the board, and House. \Mr. Rowell maintained th.ltl lmay levy and collect, and shall exer-- Touse was entitled to such in-- | lceise and perform 'the rights, powers,' I""' "";"'"' ut + thaiintgas rient -- had | (privileges and duties of the board in | |formation as the Governn | place of the board. The conduct and | got. | management of the school sghall be s 5 restored to the board by the Minister} !" indsor to Montreal. 5n maes's | of Education whenever it shall ap--| | _ _Hon. Mr. Macdiarmid said it was | pear that the schools will be conduct--. ; s s Vindsor to the east--| j ed by the board according to-- law:, ]a scheme U'OT'? " s Uviuce angd the | If any question arises as to whether ern boundry of the Pro ' bill the circumstances justify the appoint--. !machinery was provided in the bill ; ment 'or the continuance of a Com-- | whereby when the time comes the { !mission it sh:ixll tbe determined -- on | | . 3 i 8 nmnary application to the ESupreme| | Government would assume certain lz':}:;"?aqrt To'rlonto. 7 i ux:neme: | portions of the highway that the» SHUDFr Court mas ciren.2d | C P e ions of any ex-- The Supreme Court may, on sum-- |imas designals, any .""ff'."?;ndal high-- mary <application, make any _ order' highway as w i'10 : § that may be necessary to secure to. | way. ith-:- Commission appointed under this' __| Not Certain on Details. Iact possession of the property andl 1 is t to assets to which it is entitled. | |_ In reply to further questions f:st a | | The Commission shall conduct the . | certain places the Minister state« | schools in accordance with the separ--| | that they had not yet got down to 3 | ate school act. | | policy of definite route. They ha | The Minister of Education, with the | not reached that stage yet. As to cost : 'approval of the Lieutenant--Governor ! it was impossible to give an esumat.el in Council, may from time to time | at present. Even the engineers hesi-- advance moneys from the consolidat-- ltated to give an estimate with regard l ed revenue fund to the Commission | to an expenditure that was not go-- | to enable it to carry on the schools. !ing to take place at the pl'f'semt tl{fl;'- | under its control. 1 |He pointed out that cost of materials e ui ienrarama* r Tiahnt y |and labor vould not be definitely fig-- { Coromissioners' Monetary Liability, 'ured out at present. } By the other bill it is declared that yz (gr Caut the Commissioners disbursed the !an; Scheme, but Indefinite. s # moneys and incurred the liability for | ~--Mr.oProndfoot (Centre Huron»y did \paymen and expenditures which Ilufi think this was the time to fO]'C? were necessary to maintain and carry | through the House a bill of this kind l or the schools,. and which should | when they had not more information | have been made by the board in the i than they had. ; i proper econduct and management of Mr. Ssam Clarke (West Northum-- the schools; that the payments and . , berland} questioned the advisability disbursements shall be deemed for all ; oOf asking the House to adopt tI}ts purposes to have been inade by the |great big scheme, so indefinite in its Commissioners for and on behaulf and lnatm'e that they d@id not know the at the reauest of the board, and that liabilities they might be called up-- the Commissioners are entitled to in-- |on to assume. "It is not only blind, demnriitv from the board in respect | but it looks stupid," he said. thereof;: that the liability to the Bank | Mr.' George M. CGGooderham «(South-- of Ottawa, subject to the rights of ' !wrrst Toronto} said the most absurd third parties, if any, is a debt of the 1 argument he had heard was that asl-- board to the bank, arid that the bank ' ing for estimates. The money that is entitled to set off the sum against | would be put out on this road would any other moneys in its hands. In be that paid into the treasury under default of the payment of the liability the motor vehicles act. by the board, the same may be Daldi 1. }\l»r. C. M. Bowinan (West Bruce) to the bank out of the Coqsohdated s?xd he could quite well see why Mr. Revenue Fund of the Prm'mce: and } Gooderham was so averse to an 6s-- thereafter the sim with proper inter-- | limate considering. his experience of est shall be a debt and may be recg\-' ; the Torgnto-fla.milton highway. He | ered from the board in any actlon' 'wamed it explained how the Govern-- | brought for that purpose. I'l}is Q&Cf: mert was a\'oid (tonrlict be-- | may be plea,ded as a. defence o n-\ 1 t tween) the Provincial highway and | actiou now pending or thet may he.rei | | the Provincisl county scheme. | after be brought by the board againgt | | Holr'..i «Mt. Macdiarmid said he did any person or corporation u_m.r;sgencd. | Hay 21WX there was the --slightest of any of, the. moneys receiyea allM.| | :"J'ft: of any conflict between the disbursed by the Commission. =C y and Provincial systems, [ o4+>s t ie n uns Anmanes ;.0"!,'"'" School ~Situation, _ |_, Two --bills with --ref j Roman, ,CathoHc-»sepa::g'ce ts tol the: s Ottawa were. int schools .of jature _ y roduced in the Legis--. MA yesterday.> by. <the Hon. Dr.

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