The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Mar 1917, p. 2

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, at I ' db F. $ilil oi.,..'.-. t moo 'me'eozltettte that "the"aovern" 2 ol = t M, ',' xf b. , , . l .. , merit were petitioned by members of _ "if"-.. iii id "s' , A .. ' the civil lemme; outing that'they' ; 3,... ' I .. h) . l l a . 'tottud it impossible to live "il _ttte ['),' ve' l i all!!!" they were receiving. t may I t' . V . he'admitted there Jett inequalities, it; " . _."' i, . ' WV I but, "of course. we will endeavor to l, s: . _ I arrange matters satisfactorily at t 'rf l ' . . i, V ', another (i',',',',gtt,',',','ltgi",, He thought 0, ' . . that the "xov'erntttett ad been nig- iw. mwarts PrObe on Civil, gardly in the past. The increases l T . ' now proposed were for three years. l Servnce Increases and, "it I had had my way, I would ' . have been even more generous." ; 7 I 7 "a... Mr. Elliott (West Middlesex) L called the Goverttment's scheme of l g l T , salary increases a "hit-and-miss sys- . is. lT FAMILY COMPAC . tem." t l Prim, - new tn be Moved. - M i l Hon. Mr. McPherson said in a "t ' . ' fortnight the prisoners would he re- J Southwest. Toronto Member Notes moved from Guelph prison farm to j Peculiar Placim: or Contract for Burma-9?. and 1th" Guelph institution ' . . " WOU ie new. as a, ramin t . Drugs-Provincial Treasurer Fails , tor returned soldiers. g place ' to Exphin. , Mr. John Grieve (North Middlesex) I said he hoped they would have the , l l __..-._._._...-.. _ l orisoners removed before the soldiers l 3 l went there, and the reply was that _ l mat would be done. I 21r. Hartley Dewar". ll'ldClC' 1uernbct1y trc-CUC-cc-uv-u-i-cr-uct-csc-c-cu-cus-_: if" - _ "-"----. i0! dhe Government sit up and take . , . notice in the Legislature last night To KEEP TEACHERS \ itvhen he called attention to tho fact l l "hat. the Deputy Psegistrar-Genoral,: ' l i"who seems to he a particularly fun. I N Iored child of fortune." was in for a ,'. [ isnlary inert-awe of $800, a raise of l _ ( [fifty per cent. He gave. the name aw, . ' _ lJames D. McGirrioon." and commented i . _ . . . (that perhaps the reason for this cv- Legislature WreSthng With leessive and socnnngiy unjustifiable . . increase was that the gentleman in Superannuation Bill question is n, brother-in-law of the Assistant Provincial Secretar:, Alla; -'-------, {Samuel A. Armstrong. E N . . " l ' "My Compact m bulimia l CONSERVATIVE IS ANXIOUS Mr. Dewart also charged that theI drugs for Government institutions all m..." We"... 'over the Province had bum purchased at. the drug store of another brother- _ r. '" . . indaw of Mr. Armstrong. namely, the: Fears it Educational Association l, 1,s,t.ifii,tj,ie, "Stall! PM}: Store ot Ear»; Chose Majority of Commission l. na, IV ere t e ~on. . J. Hanna and! _ . _ . , . Mr. Armstrong come from. The tothll Che, Would 'DestrosThts Govern- l cost of the drugs was $1.556. and; mertt"--Hon. Dr. Pyne Hazy. -" they were sent to Government hospi-l , tale in Hamilton. Kingston. LondonJ - ', Mimico. Grillin. Penetang, Toronto,"! Woodstock and Guelph. i The ' . . . . . . l Mr. Dewart spoke to a resolution', _" C it'dCilCYS .'ellpCri3nrtuatj.on lull. . l introduced by Mr. Charles M. Bow-= "it" it number ot amendments. occu- . l 'Jtl"hl1i,'.'ffei:ei/,15,eiantg,'i'tt,i,e J/f/f':',,',,',','?? Died the time of the Legislature for vents were irA/t/tlilrrij)u'i%esu', exces- :iiout a. coupled hours last night. 'p l sive and hard to justify on principles . on. Dr. Pyne, m answer to questions, l {of economy, l stated that the total salaries were _ Me. Dewart's Warm Protest. , s','hjit),100,: and with the teachers pay- . tlfY - 2 er cent. , ... '. . l The Government treated Mr. Bow-" " 1: er cgnt tl t Inf, the Provipce ' [man's resolution and speech with I - "1p . ., "lat would make an an- usuch indifference that Mr. Drrwartl T?ual contribution of $475,000 to the liumped to his tent and in angry tones I fund. Of course there. would be lluc- . 'said: 'H think the observations of the', Illations. . _ .hon. member {or West P,rurt cull for: .. ' _ -. . leomething more than sullen silence, . ,d,','1..l'ryyilr---r.t "1'0'000 "S ""3 att- :0" the port of this Government. ll noel income. what is the estimated . ii/i,',?,,?, it is tint," the, nttcntion of this; annual expenditure under the bill? oust was called to this matter, tand Dr. FV" . . .. _ . , l lthc Government should fee-l thnt this; to r .1173 'f '/11td, that it Jl"as.dit.ricyt ' 'is a, serious resolution. I am only at l new a, dotlnltc efr'.timrate, out he lyoung member of this House, but z: F brought the fund would he continu- lam quite surprised that no are asked ; ally increasing for the first seven or' to consider three estimates on such; Fight rears. L tshcrt notices and with such scant in-l . . ' . . . lformation before us." Hr: did not _ Minister Hazy on Estimates. i ,think the civil servants bad been! Mr, 'Et - . . treated fairly. Sumo or the r"sputy!, NJ Jive:,,"":',', What are the, estnuut- Ministers were getting salary incrcuses l How "3:: P 1ifit oy '93" experience? 52:5 'iot $300 and $400 and $500 u yeah! an of tl', fife dropped out at the i, lwhile other civil servants were get-l years... c, wo, three, four and five _ T" ting a mere hagutellu The Deputy - .' . ._.. t., i [ttip,)',,,;-,'?,;.,;';,'), scouted to he a. uit2Gt"pgei-i.irire,t IS t1?Ptylyr, "all" (j' [particularly favored child of fortune. . Le an a " it at. end would only ll I - "it . " u . . ..- p M pproxnnate estimate. , He has appointed u. January, 19lir, Mr K H M u ' - l _ . Mt. "rase 'd' t" , . ' . : ' uSgrove tNorth Huron) vrf,,' as successor to . l. U.seher, "in Tnen submitted a serl _ '. lclosed forty-three more" service at _ taken front the mitigation" tigures I 7 "1.600 per annum. Mr. James D. Mc.. 1915, These showed that gray" of v', iGibbon succeeded him at $1,600 and lie school teachers tau ht "5 o pub- 'ri,: now is in for an increase of $800 at and under. The average "f, il'fil'if,'y lone lick. lie 'supervises two men service was eight years. each tur f iwho do the work--one at $1,200 and K _ F , ' one at Cl,000----"twenty-fotu. hundred Bep 'Nttetters in Profession. . rdollars for Mr. McGibbon." comment- Dr. Pvne said one , ' 'cd Mr. Dewart, "to supervise two men pets oi, theA bill ',/i,f, tilt}: 131123;: 31:)- who get ",200." l T yt""0aei,t's stay longer in the profession? C, MY.. MoGurry "Explains." i 'rht',ti'uhn 1iptJfrnttn'gltifr' and the ' Hon. T. w. McGarry, Provincial; to time. ."Pqt don't: destroy 'itN',fy C . Treasurer. who spoke on behalf of ' ariat basis," he cautioned." _ the Government. failed to otter any" In the. course of some discussion a." _ explanation or reply to the tstate-, to the actuarial soundness of the l manta of Mr.' Dewart regarding the. fund, Mr. Marshall (Lincoln) though: i p . 800 sale. increase for Mr. McGib-' ' that since they had acce ted ', _ . ry q i p the pun- thou, or the purchase of drugI trom' e ple, the Province Should Day the 9 ,Mr. Arritestrontr'ts other brother-lip" balance after. the "Where haw. pug law. With regard to the salary in-) . 'cheir g A: per 'INbrttr - f 'ereases generally, he said they were. ',the Brat since the war began. Dub; '

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