The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Mar 1917, p. 4

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en e e e i ie _SIR WILLIAM MACKENZIE / <"lme Te + R s . > ; f p _------Deals With Charges Made in the Legislature-- Sir William Mackenzsie has written|Gespicable: calummy.,. alike on the the following lettor to Sir William| Lonor of the Assembly and the repu-- Hearst, Premier of Ontario, copies of ,tLati(:"ro;;."'e IvEStigat! rIn'ét i',}}fj'efl}'i: hi a £ 4 ; a& searching investi C nt "l},lc_h he has handed to the press: matier, out of which the public may Sir--I have been subjected to anljudge for themselves which of us outrageous sttack by Sir Adam Beck| EP®@ks the truth; and let the man on the floor,of the Legislstive Assom-- \j'llc» speaks not the truth take the y sre a s . o consequences, 'I)I}a.n.;medpgal;;mtotllat:' \m all ?axruess, \Sir .§f151.1;;';< recent outburst appoats, 1 a reply. Surely aifrom press reports, to have been member of the Assembly is not eu_'ou,used by some fancied aitack upou titled to use his position for attacks|'% "y{i,"" Radial plans by the Can-- of this nature, dealing with n:auv'ad;'ti A:o.rfl}e.xnl 6 I_{u,ll'x}xlton._' citiin Y 1 «8t me briefly explain this situs, matters not concerning the Legisla--] tion. Iinmmediately before the war, ture, and thus cloaking his Pcl'-'innulsulo Canadian Northern had purchas-- vindictiveness with its prestige! The| °2. °. right--of.way and ground for * s terminal yards in Hamilton. SHince circumstances are most unusual,| ;1 car. i1 'anas 4n x 1. I +[the war, the Canaditan Northern has otherwise I would not send you this|» ApS | § | 4 apoalya --© I not beeit able to continue with the oper letter, which I also propose to}iwork for financial tA tET & *{ give to the press. | work )ffl financial . reasons. 'I'n}s "SBir Adam has referred to ll:i\";l)":\v'll"/'. Te -f\lm,m Tmr{mu!.':-d o coan ba? been threatened with a libel suit. {I:. t"?" B {)dl "35'-5." us '\"Mih o k o oe did not tell the Asgeimbly, howerer,| merce celaplinn" no." I o n ineg se the cireumstances which, when relat--| pam:niton and setol the _ By at s ed are, it seoms to me, not ut all to| .q iiegnne zn ie geveral of Aile ALefe®L-- his credit. C § '}L municio dities, the Canadian :\'«ox'- the words of Sir Adam to which | thern :1;--.}}:(1 the C «:v«'.xvnc-.u of H'amutm: we took formal exception were uub-if" ds Pa w i8 '.";""f. nighiah T Tas hshed in 'The SHobe, and ware spoxeu | _""""s us$s o oi ob ceu, this at a public meeting in Hamilton,. maetiere y e Adamn onjected to thnis "We seut to The Gliobe and is Si]'ql'\','i'bl")'f:,a:. and app'nma't.]:; wants t_he Adam Beck a notice that these words| Iifhi--of--way_ and lerminal jJongs 166 Of the:speech, 'the Canadian morip.|the Uyfro fadiv!, in Anile m Lle ern has lssusd bonds double the cost| Pllisens' rejection of the . br.laws of the construction of the road,/ con.| UNGer those circuinstandes, it woulé stituted a libel. i'z,u{ ordinarily be expected that ths "HMere is an exiract from 'Ihed] Cansadian Northern would extend 2 Globe's reply: 'The staf? reporter nf!\\'.lliu!" nard to SHir Adam. But wse The Globs, who was present at the|'lid. On March 5th I wrote to the ]neeting. assurcd me thst he is 1)'.'?."!.'\!:':""". of H{amilton, stating that: pared to go into the witness box :111(1' "Nor: only is the Canadian Northern swear that the words were used by Railway Company now willing, but Sir Adam Beck.!' Nir Adam himselt,{ it bas on more than one occasion ot« when seen by The (lobe, said: 'If you! fered to co--operate in a friendly spirit have set me down as saying that, 1| With Sir Adan's entorprise." _ might have said it I don't know.'| There should be no confliect bc: The Globe's letter was dated Decem.| tween the Canadian Northern and | ber 27th. i[fIydro Radial The one is a trans-- }w "Beari'ng in '.jnind what Sir Adam|{contirental railway having appxjoxim~ i:jcid to The (GHobe, please read what| atély ton thousand miles of line in Q.Sir A'daz:n. wrote to our gencral coun--' Canada, and five thousaind -- of its isel,' the Hon. Nr. Phippen, the next|miles of railway are. in the prairic |day--namely. Deceniber 28th: 'I umi Provinces of Western Canada; the '13_7". '}'lec£}11)t of vyours of the 26th in--| other is a local clectric railway plan-- !:hxa;.u,.. in 1~~fmcl: you _-",or_nx'al:.nn 0t an ; ned for central Ontario. Our West-- 'a'x'tic'-; y.hxuh ax:-pg-ar:d in The Globe ern mileagoe, we were naturaily anx-- !:?a'i?xflr:*lnf; ':n:llrkt 1s :~1Y1¢ged 10 hf' Ao lous to connect up with such an im-- "fifiet}sznfq 1111(:"1)\" mff\ 1a'tt_ in 1_'.u:)lz':5 portant. ini'izz;f'ff:'x:ti centre as Hamil-- \Ppaper Pefore me. bur 1 desife oo say: thay oninuan Haminion bo oonnernioh ithat T did uot use the | Eue .' "'.'.".5"?';{ e o MAdt '!a'",'h"" to conneciion w 4 ; 10L lHe tno IANEUAEN . i8 . with 10 0 American -- coal--carrying quoted in your leiter as having been }rf,-(;.p at the Mamara frontier, M -- v'b renoried in The Giobe respecting alficlals wil! bear ime ours 1,-'.',.,"r'\ fs> meeting recently held in Hamilton.'"'that instructions la o maon meghan e I leave it for you and the public to uiter nor ue vaord evaner i the io deteriune on which occasion SiP Hydro Radiai se! _':f"'l againkel 118 Adam told the iruth. When he was q Te :".0.,':'."1,&'"- o _ eap ] o on . en cwap speaking to The Globe, wlhen he was (:g'e;f,\,' 1.'{'.) " 5 .}:§§1111'1xes~x "to Y'le \x'Iji:in::' the letter of denial avoiding ;r":v"-" Af tn;;': .l'.f 1':.. ':?ft cx.?zessm:: SWt or when ie was spesaking Befors® propose that i'snudian. Mo nor do ! the Legislative Assembly, and in bom-- he ,nt.'.l."?" MA en cmd ied bastic terms inviting an agcti0on 10) +royc £ sBAl take part in thle: con-- libe!? 'This much is certain: on ons .d.t'.'..m"}.'.-rlm.«('i"l'.l'en"" of tng Province of the threo, occasions, probably on ";'; "1{45.1;."0 ;]:n"' x";'sa,e f?}] iemerives. | of : y 5g t ® Adani has more than once re--| :;';': t;f";:l.xem, sir Adam did nutntefl ?'I(.;cimi. E.II')O" my business Judgment, . Sir Adam, in sesking to injure me :1,-1.;?,\"?"_'1 g'n,mf" inconsistency per-- and the affairs over which I presid®, the Eie 'c»' o mc Rurem e another of . has made a direct attack upon the "s']blz',hs nale f'ied to build uP. . | honor of your House when he said, 'j;,'_--.'._ ',.1':1"}' v.nlme mnot m'akmg' any | as reporied: "Hvery year in the Pri-- Mmss hine wrong--doing on my ; vate Bills Committes you see their 'l 'd;« An\a (';i;u':qt'-.l,du'.l.'V.'ltl:l the (Jan-; manipulations and machinations in ']\"'):l.'.l.u'\."n;l,.}t}" n.d.h,"af','_ has _ dealt connection with various bills."' The v.ns.---'l""{-w-.;.',-_\"f'f'. }11.'-.61'1\11,».95, _ all of ; 'Toronto & York -- fiadial --HRaAilway L"l"('. ;,' c Ti }.,F' l"?]'.-u:' '(lt::Sl'gnedr'to '"S'! Company is even at this writing before me;';." hi% y3 pubkec, opimien. Fortun-- | your Privaté . Bills: Committse, and Xorthern does nnt e in : .t"'ma""_*"i has for the past number of years been ayn '1 !l{ci;'o e _;";"t e i", bis hands, | before your differert committees, 1.«\;4 his +if1':'e'<::-l(:'.w3.? o id Whi('hc aard t presums referencso it * mem pet co It'(:"tt '."'f"t:; A"'. will be re-- ; made fo -- this cormpany, o8 XNorthetn. j Jo o }, i the Cangdian | which I am President. OI am as-- ; ,.f.»wl."\.{."\ll',f"' 1";3"' its railways to ; sured y the Manager of the com-- i]'."n';'(,m.l't,.:,;:.,'t'f':',.,'"?." was required | pany, who bhaso direct charge Ovs? was compcolie | 4 f'.'n,;l?e' o ermiment, .| legislation, and by the solicitors, that for further i eslciates" "Iy" Parliament | there has been no lebbying in con-- that the Gg'\fplhr",""*f It is no "'efl'@t! nection with these appearances be-- ..,,;v A_,'.'\'\_,.t, UJ""K}'?'?R Was lqath 10 fore the committees, the Managor :','-,:,f"a rl;o;nl-ouzv':l1;;;'\:':;1};:&?, msfst'ed; going so far as to say that '"no 5 enmuoanr's alfairs. in n of the | m(':\m;)er of this Leg'is}latm'et h:.f; tbg:\];; :](')']llt'f'l)tL l]e.a§5¢.i£;aj;;'rli1t'gl'"s I:;:g c Jn(mths asked to support the bills, sive and fi(-ia"q abpoim'ed 1 other c.l'-l erxcept by coursel in formal le o n nrests=a The napnres the Governméent, | d;e:r'ss l?efore the committees lgifilm*{,'}_ ?ng:tf_itgg.ofl};e if)%fi'(i'?gl%igll:d :ltt:daft%ifs' ed." I say the company's legislative the reports had be n d afker methods ars clean, fre o int e repoue LX »ren received and di-- | i mempoigtion and machinationg... oo 20. sikied frem . tig SiguP yop ths f # I am right, Sir Adam's words are House: "I am bound to sag'rth:.g 3;2 [ ie en ae en neGpiairntian ie i inrcansiv ies niniintirnnn n oi ons y ie uhi ir on aneiene ieciererme ooo anauoaegetes n en tninge inecnelaninremiarete in ons airemsore in id oonpy I oi zons /

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