The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Mar 1917, p. 2

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W, mere"""'"' n» _ ' m" . » ' "e"'""'-'-"--'"'"-' New "e'-"-""""".- fitytfiilgBlltr,' mason ttr, Yfttr. F I . MR. R. J. FLEMING WRITES TO Mr. R. J. Fleming yesterday for-, implant for the previous month. , worded to The Globe the following! i Neither of these Governmontnt (19-: open letter: I"gritmt'e"", has ever oven snggestod , i a e ' excee . . Electrical oetWit'"'lf,1) (sompany or} "'31:!st w re, Ming out legal, n ario unite . i ' ii" - I On February 12, 1917, we 'e e' Toronto, March 2ti, 1017. I notified by the Hydro Eleotriv ('7):- Sir Adam Beck, M.r.P., Chairman. mission that the Government had Hydro-electric Commission, To-l, created the nnomaly of appointing ronto, 0nt.: ' your. our main business Cohanpfifnr... Dear Bir,---At one time or another! att inspector, under the legislation you have made many statements, known as the Act Ltremtlato thcuse about the Electrical Developiilentl of the waters of the Province of Un- Company, all or which have been iii" tario tor power purposes." By this nored. Presuming, upon that expert-l power given your Commission yrtu ence of our forbearance, it may he, override the "International Water-: that you suppose the remarks nunie' "fl-"S 11ote,Pl.1s.ien,t'?s) and the Queen by you from your place in the lwgiw- l Victoria. hiagara Falls Park ('ommis-l lative Assembly upon the 20th m-l 8mm" with whom we have OurI stunt will be similarly passed over. I agreement. and without a hearing of; That, however, would be going tar in 3 any kind. without any adenu,utc'i, the way of presumption, tor thosc re- i knowledge of the facts, you publicly: marks are so outrageous. they are so i Pronounce (urltrment on us and charge ; ruthless an onslaught upon the bush; . us with stealing water. - I ness honor of myself and the culi~s (3) You are quoted by a news..' puny 1 represent, that to treat thcni l paper as saying that we had written with silence would be to leave us in 1 Ottawa-- ' ashameful position. i therefore send: "In connection with a license to you this letter. l export power, stating that the power As a member of the Provincial': they were exporting was surplus Legislature, taking part in the pro- g power made by a steam plant for the ceedings there, you have use; your; purpose of supplying customers in position to influence the public to the ' the city of Buffalo. That surplus detriment of private corporations. power had not been developed in , carrying on business ir, competition l steam plant at all. but had been gel with the Hydro-electric Commission.'; Called from the water stolen by the There is no one in that Chamber to; Electrical Development Curnpany." present the tacts in behalf ot those! Another paper quotes you as fol- companies. ! lows-- You have based your t,martrrss' ou) "raking up the statements made the interpretation or a contract be- loy it. J. Fleming in their letter to tween the Electrical Development tho,- inland Jte:enue Department, m Company and the Commissioners tor ttgurd to the position of the Electri- Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park, an Drrveior,ment Company. Sir Adam representing the ontario Govern- went over them one by one, branding ment. This agreement is dated in them as incorrect and misleading. 1903, and defines our rights to the particularly the claim that they were use of the waters of the Niagara onlv exporting 30.000 horse-power. River. W'c would be. willing to have . the equivalent of what they generat- this agreement interpreted by the ed in their steam plant. The steam'; courts. We have sought upon more plant, said Sir Adam, developed only} than one occasion to bring the agree- 15.000 'uorse-power." Y ment into court for an interpreta- Thu fact is--- l tion. You, however, have consisteut- We generate in our plants at To-l ty refused to have any other inter- roino 28,150 horse-power; in addi-l pretation put Upon our agreement tion to this our storage batteries can: than an arbitrary one made by your- give us 10.000 horse-power more,) self or your Commission. On the making; a total ot 38,150 horse-power! basis of this arbitrary intetvtzrtution . available for peak load conditions. f you have accused me or the n0m- Hi) You are quoted as saying: l pony of which l am Manager of "He branded as incorrect the statc-; stealing water from the Niagara mcut that they had offered to sup-I River. This is a very grave will?" My power to the Hydro at a lower, and in defence of my company I beg rate than they were receiving fox" to present the following facts, which pout-r from other people., They had' facts arc susceptible of proof before asked the llydro for $13, and they: any impartial tribunal: no non selling power for delivery in, (1) You are quoted as saying. tho city of Buffalo at practically that, (referring to the company (if which _ Pale." : I am General Manager): "Vie found The facts alt--- 1 them stealing." In reference to the contract with' The facts are: Neither you nor your your Commission and the rate charg- !, officials found anything. ed the Hydro of $13 per horse-' We keep daily records of our plant power your. the evidence will show; operation. These records are on filee tlrn,t We urged you to take the 16,000? tor inspection at any time by the ,l1orssrrirov.-vr for lt five, three or one! Government's representatives, and nl- your period. You positively declined' Ways have been. At thc retina" of to take it for a longer period than your Commission we gave your rPll- is); months. We believed your deci- resentative certain information that .8101) as shown by your letters and he asked for about our plant (wor- communications was final, so sought ation. l if Purchaser for this power to take et- (2) You sayw-"V'Vitlmut notifying "but at the expiry of your contract. ' anybody or asking permission of any- lThlS We {succeeded in doing. and the body they have used the rescue 'rate obtained was $16 per .horse-i equipment for the purpose of inr-rms- iiiiiiti' your, Pl' an increase in our _ ing the amount of power' generated. revenue at We rate of $48,000 Per? Investigation by the. Government of- year. i ficial had shown that the Electrical The further facts are--- l Development Company had broken My statement to Ottawa "'as as tol-i the agreement every month since Ilo'f'fsj June, 1916." Thc power we are exporting (at! The facts ttre:----') agreement un- present _ybout 330-000 horse-power) tl der which the Electrical Develop- ; merely be equivalent of the output fri lment Company has its rights is with fPvf.. Steam plant at Toronto, but for! the Commissioners for Queen vita in?" we would be unable to export' ltoria Niagara Falls Park. and was 'det powei at present, r.yyinrr to curl gratified by the Government of On- will rants in.Canada. We are. the! itario in 1903. The Government of on y. generating company at Niagara ,'Ontario is represented by this Com-l '"1'll',"', a steam plant. lmission and their inspector has a"; l f quote further from our letter res: at all times to our lam ' 11 :01 January 8th to the Department of " p -" ,j,i,,1sl.' ,' 'Inland Revenue. Ottawa, on which makes frequent and regular lumen. your remark ' b d: tion of our load and operating condi- i, l "We ar UJT,i, '"'ii"d 1 t tlonu. Our charts are regularly readi " i e e on y Ie?,', pan lil; them and have been sinoé 1006 ' l ' " n Canada power totaling 100 [and during the period "since June" per cent. of the nominal capacity of :1916." 'i (i'el,ii'iiitii; generating plant, which : In addition to this each month we! "In my; ",',t','t,','p',t, 101cm 1eteu'lh'"io "end a sworn statement to the De-l 'Doint out that we are curiaer no obli- .partment of Inland Revenue at Ot-l gation 1 rd - , to. howl th . ' w iatever to supply theI-ly to ',=. wa 3 mr 9 power output ot, iclectric Commission with power to

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