The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Mar 1917, p. 3

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?fi"" * hen to" %hunn of two and perhaps ultimately would go be-- | Of the society an? ; nd the backs \fore the Privy Council. ~'"Meanwhile 4 (Applause.) The ,1'&109 !t,hou-, rates. 'the public Wwill ~have to suffer from try are so weaa.a't"o"& e 22 (his coun. overcrowding," said) Mr.' Harris. _ even self--misgovernment !tfo;'emment, _----Mr. 'Sinclair (South Oxford--If we' t 80 -- (laughter) -- that _ e may say passed such a vclause validating this f Stand for this sort ot-thilx?y v';'.ont 'order would it cut off the right of want to work out their own salvation appeal? |__. f f | (Applause.) salvation. --City Solicitor Johnston said that 1 * was the intention. s ~~~> 3 Hurled Out of Offic * 6n ennox | ' | c. . _ The vote on' the Colonel Lennox Mr. Steve Burns § . in c rigee. é | England Benefit Soci%ftyth-e, So"b: Of. For--Bowmaii, Brower, Calder, f posed the measure, and d';t!l?n.slb op--| Dargavel, -- Ducharins, _ Gooderham, ,u Messrs. Lee and Paterso(; '"Cd' that , Hall (Waterloo). Hay, Hook, Hurd-- ed the think before Tson advocat.--| man, Jaques, Jessop, Johnson, Lennox, would 'be "huried o'm'":gf f,?,f""?. they | , Marshall, Martyn, Mills, Nixon, Pinard, | The committee then c J er | ons i mmedaly.. 1. 4 cotnepcoramaoae | bill 'Fespecting the Orté%l'l'sidereg'l Hne' atk).~ Sinclair. Against--Cameron, j ' dian Home Circles ¥hi of Cana--| | Crawfora, BElliott, < Henry, Hilliard,. i ported by Mr. Noz lich was sup--| | Musgrove (Huron), McDonald, Ran-- * t . --sorman Sommerville | $y f $ 24 and opposed by Mr. Agnew Thi ikin. ,relates to the distribution of is bill" The vote on the motion to vaiidate | serve fund of $%2 a re-- the Ontario Railway Board's order $200,000. Th considerable wrang;llng. whfi:e was was: f ' measure was being dealt with, » the For--Cameron, Crawford, -- Dar-- was evident a oo tw » h gavel, Slli0tt. xo6oderham, enr 1@ majority of the onl I, Elliott. Goodert Henry, mittee were in favor of the bi/llcom" Hilliard, Hook, Hurdman, Jaques, 4 + 48 ul e e k * ' Jessop, Johnson, Marshall, Martyn, 66 [ 1 Musgrove (Huron), McDonald, Pres-- ) 'tou (Durham), _ Rankin, _ Sinclair.! ' a | Agaitust--Brower, Calder, Hall, Hay,| | ' |Lennox, Mills, Nixon, Pinard, Preston' l k anark}. F GENSURED BY LUCAS |""* C empemesmertee ;. ** "I | o. \ ICKEL QUEST t y » t % ; " F ;.Move Was to Make "City Get| | H * < | | | & | 1 Cars for Toronto Ry. Co. | f ( . ( n f i . Musue semucmerne o som ' v & t k | | M [gity memeers ror oit! | Mr. Dewart Asks Government l | ; « | Ee are | -- i _ as to Expense Bills and f : Practical Results | ;(.tOOll('l'hillll and Hook Come Uuder the { Ban of the Attorney--General, Who ' a * Nstemmuameeclnke | Refuses to Report "Such a Foolish | r. H. HarH | t & | 4. Hartley De (HMoluthauraget 4 Clause." + Torointo) a L.e) Dewart (Southwest | § | fito) has given notice that he will i eeeln2s, | ':mt'thc following questions in the ' | Il\bmdturo regarding the Nicke] | ffon. 1. E. Luc ys \| | Comimnission : f Ol.. I, b. Lucas, Chairman of thos| t Flhal & # [ !I'rivcute Bills Committee of the Legis--| ;'"'n"t-' ),,. ¥ n';.xt' 243 been the cost of the | flature, refused to be fooled by tuc! :I';l,stuii':'"ZS'?"f' Commission since the "Joker' which Coomnel T. Herbert| lay JmM of February, 19177 ' Lennox, k.E P ., yesterday pzx';f | ,{f"ofi"(')!' .sa,larm? or payments by 1[ ' through, that the city itself must get| it(; C8+) o§n:l'1'11'eratxon or honorarium | ;!the additional street cars for To--| "_(\Q)__',' * Inv.--'h!bex- of the Commission | Jronto. _ The Attorney--Gencral made | ; .llh")Vt:eT'\".,. ges | |it abundantly plain that he would not| ém-*int .01, 'Ud-'@"ln,g expenses of each |report such a clause, and he would! itn'«.;lv)-;?l of the Commission respec-- al witl > matter in the Hous | [ _ '"fo) PFor F 7 |ue t'1 '"'71 n th':, n,'uu.' "A the lIoua'e ifi 'v "(_-i I or allowance in lieu of tra-- ; | necessary. E won't report such .%@ ) | le ns expenses to each member of |foolish clause as respounsible Chair-- | ° yrne Commission respectively ? man of this committce," he said. The| ; [d> For other purposes, specifying \ Lennox imotion was ihat the city get| ::uu} purposts and amounts? < (|106 cars in 1917 and 100 cars in 1918 | [ ol' U vat, »onorartum, remunera-- [and sell them to the company at a| |Non or salary is payable or to be i reasonable pricc. 'This was ecarried| [Pald to the members of the Commis-- t')y 22 votes to 8. The committee :.;.lSu.l Si01 other than G. ;. Holloway? ' |\ by 19 votes to 9, decided to validate | $ ive C 'Lhc Raliway Board's ordcr, '-,vhi«_-h! Asn Eaxpensive. Asset. calls upon the Toronto Railway (:om~! u.. (8) Is ths Chairman, G. 'L. Hollo -- pany to furnish 200 more cars, the| [Way, still in the Government employ . board having the right to modify ita | '"' the salary of $20,000 per year and L order in future if it is found that the | 1310 per day in lieu of traveliling ezx-- | cars cannot be sgecured. l penses, and, if so, when will the ob-- As there was no sign of agreement| !lll--i'atlon of the Government cease? F as to the two immotions, the committee : [ (4) Are the travelling expenses of adjourned, on the understanding that| a [the said G. T. Holloway from To-- the Law Clerk, with Mr. Lucas und, ronto to Great Britain to be paid by t Colonel Lennox, will endeavor to [the Government in addition to the al-- | draft a clause which will prove satig-- | [lowance made to him? : [ factory. Of the Toronto members, | } (5) What were the services render-- Mesm'-.-'. Gooderhum and Hook voted | jed hy each of the following parties in for Col. Lennox's imotion, and Mr. {res/ect of which payments were made Crawford against. Messrs. Gooder-- {to them for salary, as shown in the ham and Hook also supported the [retarn of the 16th of February, 1916 motion validating the Railway Board's |respectively: -- Professor Geo§-';e A' order. Mr. Crawford, of course, sup-- PGuess, salary, $1,2%50; T ('l?th 'o, ported the Railway Boarda's order. § |satary. . $§§8.24: A -- AX Blean, camay' . J % Esalary, $8§88.54; G. W. Dixon, salary _ The . city had agreed to waive its 1§$850.03;; A. L. Clark, salary 5600: right .to, have the cars built in To--, !R. N. Dickson, salary, $4§%5: A taL. ronto, as set forth in the company's I field Salar); 5'-300. E.o M '3110.' inss Tranchise agreement. It also. agreed far'.' ' §$306.60:-- B. A .V\"iiso 4ex.lsa1'- to have any nominee of the Railway, $:10.78." * " s =" i; saigty, Board inspect the company's factory 1**8 C1 f: and books, and report progress 'iu the Nickel Refining in Ontario, manufacture of cars, instead of Works §\ Sya f «s ,Commissioner Harris, as the Railway 8 dgité'foDiwut 3350 ?a;{'vihe following \Board order provides. na.f -?'-slfJi;sz ontsfl 'hat is the |-- J. W. Bain, K.C., contested the |process o 'btl ng that it is nroposed ~"city's attempt to embody in their bill to a,d.opt i'l'; tlec";gg."te,d nickel re-- a clause ratifying and validating the f'mflrs afllt1 or olborne : | Railway Board's order of February Has the ncwd.process' been com-- j 27th, compelling the Toronto Rail-- mercially proved: %nd' if so, where, s way Company to build 200 new street or is it merely a laboratory prlocess? i cars.. Works Commissioner © Harris _ Have patents been granted for the ' ' declared that it was patent from the new '"process"; ard, if so, whom, Foronto Railway Company's attitude when, under what names and under . that they wanted to appeal against what numbers are they recordea? * --the order, and the consequence would W':':::n::: ' i eeememnnd Cmm nmmmnirnnnmemmmmmmnas 000000

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