The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 29 Mar 1917, p. 1

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'illl1ittt A ' n -..,, Y, -lTr1.t0tr"iiii, 19t7. t _ I ~ ', if I . - "' ' ,.,. -,.. -. -- . .. st: 'i-, "a, _' 'itii"ix.aittiitt.tri1.1r. ind ' saw-owe _ T '. iFrttu1i"litrrrrtytkrrttrtftttut' a" He. ' ' . m" urged was in. American labor to: p " . _ _ assist.0nterio,termers- this summer. 7 _ 'j _ , _ , " 3': He also emphasized the importance oe, _ ---e--d..-. _ j l . / more active measures: to secure. more . . I", clement {it Ne; Ontario. tha"lted"3l ' ' . . ' . . Hon. r. unison . ti , . t. Elliott Resolution Arenwrin'g Munrotor his 1'vr.iutyt2io mutation». Ad . . . . » ' and added that the Government was ministration Defeated . Its,",',,',',',',',:',', "mm "m" 'tP" . Mr. Hartley Dewart said the' ques- o"------.. . _ tion of food supply was very import- " T . ant at the present time, and he some-; 0E " , '; . ' times t ought t at instead of employ-' RACKS DISCUSSED ing such an expensive Commission tof ' deal Irith liquor licenses when there:..' ....._.___.__.. . l were no licenses, the Government; might appoint the Chairman. or that,' Government Vote on West Mlddlcsex 'd' "$1.233; Jtr1t1dit,','l")1,rttf,' Member's "Combine" Resolution supply. de had noticed the members: Was " to 2 - of the cense Commission sitting in; 5 Proudtoot Hints the gallery of the Legislature day} Government is Protecting Friends. after day, and if they had' nothing. ' ':' better to do with their time lie-,4 ------.--.--- i thought they might be better occupiedf'; a investigating a, matter that Was of; By a vote of 54 to 25. the Govern». (T,',',,',', "ltrtttttint.t''ingthtJ.'b1i? in; ment in the Legislature yesterday at- 1 Lu _ -.. I ternoon defeated, a resolution intro-g "ty."" one ii F. duced by Mr. J. C. Elliott (Westl pi1meo,','y'g',1t.iolt. getting; ",eig :5: Middle-sex), condemning the Hearst mused Mr. Dewart or making "an-of- ..hdmiyatrrtion for abandoning the abusive attack on Mr. 1p1ave11e, Chair- Investigation and prosecution of illc- man of the License Board." The sal combines. l planner for Southwest1 {Forage evil; i, " ' ".,., u. , ._ , dently is prepared to o an n; "dt',g,tt1uti'" "as in the follow-; an emergency, said the Attorney- .-In we; of the present , l l I General. It was "a ttttttttu','; . n trl) COSL of . it" to Mr. Flave11e " t's e we o living and the l i b Ji su . . 'ivi,F:',7i'r,,i,"ii'liis,ri',',',i?,i', tr'il?:t.'):,tu?,il, l tl,",' guesses ttttatontp,i2'lf, om-s. ue"-', the ' huh coat of the necessaries of in: 13.9; of public opinion and make political 'tt'rag'ge,'t'inn1e; 'tt'y11,o,1syet,1,h".t, by capital " quoth Mr Lucas. "He al- I o . i: t ' . ' and prosecution of the $1.3? 23:35:13; ways doubted Mr. Dewarts sincerity." formed to limit competition and to en- ho said. . ttf'i"op72,""t'i, notwithstanding the hi "I don't know Why the Attorney- "'tc e on 'rown tto ' ot the I city of Toronto. that (Wl,',""e'diU,f)?, General should $6121 in$11§?Ch';fp:; were violating the provisions of tho tion.. commented r. u Ot). 0 criminal code. and that the Got-err... tout, who followed. Evidently he 3222::- tig 1,','r"ll',rdlon, oaths necessary not have his ear to the {round this c p cee w l prosecu on; ti bu when the and on non- l of th 1 1 th t afternoon tor a "I? _ _ the-o flluf 'd',u','ue to $221252?me member for s. w. Toropto 30". m" still exist in the Province, and that it him, he began to sit up and.take 1ue tduti'lnet 1the fonernment Itdi'c notice."' The sole reason why the I" no a ees legal combnu- , . , . . trovernment refused to proceed}: ton in estait {tad ndt 9- 'dW,'n%2%",'"afl of": 'l'jfldfy)7i1i. combines. declared the memb97.19r to be violating the law, and to take ah Centres Huron, was because their om,t :.g,e,,2ge'iutet"ht' "71'3"" the political friends were involved. . i CO m T " , . W" o 9 "we"? . Mr Johnson (West Hastings) n.. l turn: dal uh odN, . m 'tili?A'e') ';/l1'e';)'hili"i'tl; 'u'i'c'll"l'ir/ur'y terrupty1. 'tO Qt, if tho Liberals 'lt :m: 2,1L1o,'Tt1l,1ott',',, i, /'Nyrvet,'Pnt,'iitrsfll' "agroudfoot. "the . who of which Mr. Kemp is the head. Mr. Elliott, in support of his mo- 'That's one." ' tion, thought the matter was not re- N ' , ceiving the attention it ought to re- li' Adtditrta 00mm Schools. . . ' eeive from he Attorney-General 3 De- 'When the House was dealing with partment at a time when the cost the supplementary estimates Mr. of the necessaries of lite'were fall- William McDonald (North pr1p.ter) mg so heavily upon the peome. In was "claim hu"',' best in a): lighter 1906d when ltr:,'.'",',",'",,?,',',") were insti- 1if,1,me,,r1,1'd,fif,,eg t',','t'go,'J1'ftafft"uitl,) tute a num' er of convictions were . Fl" secured, but other cases were allowed 3°31 had'gglleg 1?" h"' eg,',',' lf, 'tlt no so on suspended sentence. He con- NE"; id e rs Jgt'ld1yl'n't ' 3m ii sidered that conditions had not im- so: ggaonignmssf, "How (loops that proved tsimae then and maintained look or rather how does it smell?" that the matter should be diligently was'the comment of the member for nveatigated. He "nested that in any North Bruce and then he advised: wee where there was suspicion that "Teach them 'd, grow onions instead a. combine existed that investigation of drawing them." Another choioe should be conducted by somebody specimen which made the members who is free to a large extent to de- F ot the House rock with laughter was; " ote his time to these important mat- "Draw a picture of the noisy geese ters. . l that babbles o'er the pool." "He i339. Premier Hearst said this motion i goose who put that on the paper."-de- could be accepted as a. vote of want ielared tho memberfor Bruce. "Draw of confidence in the Government. It, a. picture of the Attorney-General l the member for West Middlesex de- with his eAr to the ground. 38% meta sued to bring the matter up in a non- would be more true to life," he added. i partisan way it would. have been: Then turning to Dr. Pyne.' Mr new drought up in some other methodi .Donaldasked: "wturri1'oh'tAP3. 'tlist than the one chosen. The motion was l the wings of these SECRBSOE; who grttt one of lack of confidence - these things on the paper? _'. fore th G and there l s- C rter---Xoa mean their i ll e overnment would ask Gl . Mr. and fih'ili't"iT.', F ' a! owers to negative the resolution.; years. (:10?) 'tel',.')..?,"';; their ears. , ' 'g'f, 'g,"t'i/'i,ottg.rtt before the House l W,;,' Regime for, North Bruce answering besetory; 'and sat tcory strongly contended that art iiiouiiiriia) 1't"t'g'i'itsl.'lhit,ef,'l'd 'tl) '""irttt..ftTa', . be made a igj),t,iteyte,te/ittr gag} House and country (3mm . 'it "f' Mr. Sam a e F" o _ " 1- s . ' t bein iven to the Toronto 3331 bzhzfenthe AttoriteydGetierin 3123,23,, an}? Sll, "0,090, for. tirdh- or per ttk to ' . le. . .', ""i, 1d12l'e',titt,Y,', of Justice. t pee. (#3:? gig"; stista' .mt , ghout ton) .did an Studhoime (East Hamil- 32%;",0300 was given to technical odur 1 if not think the Attorney-Gen.. cation and Mr. Carter replied that 330 who took action, would have this did not tally .with the an" the: that the" tar to 'toyetnieceiistttiilr Hon. Howard. Fergutrf!n, haApriven a 1 re were combines. V 7 another time-f .. _ .' . p, _ , _ .. t. .. i, "a" Ptoductton. . _ Discuss Wrecks ' l '. 3 ': Mr. Hugh Munro I discussion on racetrack! an: 'vsy to meet mgcklgfmn) tet, moi: 31112:: in the hamlet"? s',',',','",',',". . "m" Wtug to menus schemata. day in. isonnecti6rx "m Ih nut T

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