I, le (Booth in")? It "eat1trd poi-on for thoracic". . . r, ' ' . Mr. mnemonic drew attention to s a. return ott (1) Coge- " (a) , prirtUUr 1iai"tiitd"ree Wed 'm', or of the Gore Bay 'tdine and) '.'t 'or'--' a in regard to Driving, Association; (b) supple- l the 'tret, ".0" 'te'iiltm1 for the tak.. gantry letters patent, dated, Mthl ' "if of "like 10308. .bears and' ., ovember, 1015, increasing ..eapital l wolves. and it"was the opinion of the iitoctt 30 $35,000, Amd changing game! members that no license fee should to "Northern Riding and _ Dr vine; he )1qu for the killing of these auscultation"; Tc)' supplementary Jet-i animals. _ y i tern patent. dated' 12th February, r-r-e-i-ir-C'--------:-'---":."-"-"--..-"-"-".'.'"-',.'?-""-"' 0016., increasing capital stock' to 8200.000. (2) Copies of all annual; returns ~.mnde by the said company. . (3) Copies ot all correspondence, and documents filed with the Government on the application for the issue of V rid supplementary. letters patent. 4) Copies of application for license . to the" Provincial Treasurer, and all . correspondence and communications _______ ____._ in connection with the issue of said arcade to hold a race meeting at indoor. . ' Mr.. Wigle thdught that if the Gov- Public Gets $960,000 More emment had the power to increase, . , * ithe capital stock from time -to time Yearly From Nickel Trust it would have power to regulate what .was going on in these racetracks. He ----w----t--..-_ lconsidered the ,f,?1'),1'"1' should have 'some power over t e racetracks. " i',iiii"i,r,'iiiiiiti, Treasurer Ttut the same WORK OF THREE LIBERALS vim into f1trltting the racetrack busi-' [ (mess: that he put into fighting the pro- i, -- ---r __.-e,l - positions trom the Liberal side of the 1 1ov1rt2h1',evli,Ti1ntohtatbei1t,1eptratc1',t.l th-ssrs. Rowe". llcuzu'i and (uric:- tracks in the Province. This was l Finally Prod Government Into Ac.. Crtti'"'orto Phi a £333: "lt,Cr,'d1,,i't' ! tion on Nickel Taxation-An Yield.. F something done." said the speaker. i ing Mines in for Hi,eattst' Asiscss.tttettt _ "and we are going.to keep at it until I we get something done. I want to do I .____.____._ something to wake you up." (Laugh- i ter.) He believed that ninety per 5 , p . . . y . _, cent. or more of the people in the l Tairs on excl-3 mow iii "imam. 21w western part of the Province were (iyrya1, pro1its of witich tirera,1 tit).- . against this unlimited1 racetrack evil. .000, are to be raised loin "W... Per He could not see any mprovement in . h - 'ks tt' FEh .r. the breed of horses because of racing Iwnt' per' annum 1l.,tl).'", l , "In" l'? up there. inimum upon the unnuzll Profits in M- Hon. Mr. McGarry said the return (costs ot' 310.000 and Ill) in $3.0"l'.""". would bef brought dolwtn, lbut he Ott all annual prorits mcr $3.0l)0.m.0 thou ht in ormatirm mini aso be .- r 'Ee vil " brought down a'nout the Windsor ('1?de to 310'00?'9M' the tax f" I, 0 Club. It might be "nterestintt to Y.'.", iyetr cent. per 'm'm'nj"" ail all- members of the House who would Mimi profits over 510000.000 and Ili' like tosjoin if? atny -h'eitfttrfa'gPeanti,ns; {to $15,000,000 the annual tax will be Mr. am. Jarter (Sou t Ce imp. ls . we . , . . ,3 " u nut. (c"/la' am disinterested in this mat- l, Kevin P" I'?,':',:,):,: ','.'2.,1-,'.',C,,t.,lC', "up: (tor. I would like returns brought 1 il'mfits "If-v" 'i"-". of V D.', - J, "j L '.' with_rettard to all of them. i loculage increasmg poth mum will - l Mr. McGarry---T am going to bring! tionut $5,000,000 in the. some ;,.rmm"- [them down whether I am inked or!' lil, as in the cave of. the second and I":.. 1 third five millions v? dollars. Raise More Loans. ', . Or, nickel and rcii'liel-coppor mincn "Hon; Mr. 'McGarry moved that the, the new taxation is met-tire as (mm House on aIcert'ain day resolve itself, the lst January, 1015. . Iinto a committee to consider a reso-i These are the fte,te'1tyy/,ii"',ri', Nature-s llutlon that the Lieutenant-Governor! of the r"nit1yl,letrel1tieft',' introduced in Council be authorized to raise by] in the Legislative Assembly yesterday wav of loan a sum of money not my! iafternoon by Hon. G. How'ard reign- ceeding $8,000,000. It was stated by! [But], Minister of Lands, ferrets; uni} thettprtaaurer' that the total money 1:,Mir1t.ct. While the Pfr'"..y,yi',' I.", tttrf/t reunited by the hydro waslaliOUt 's"irl EU." the report ot the Niclcel 'l.-."'.'))).',.")),":, gamma. ." ' ( irion, it Will be noted that it .2090th .. 'Another resolution which will camel l"°t only nickel tines but. twine "my? up is ime'authorizhitr the Lieutenant. Econcerns whose annual meats PXUEL'J l Governor in Council to raise by war} i'dd,l,0' I of loan or loans '8. sum of money not N lin ' axaiion. exceeding 817,000,000 for the pur-~ 'ty" Trip g T . ti "WW4 .pose .of redeeming the whole or any, Ass to the present} 36. ',1r,'i',')iifi fait/tge outstanding inscribed Orr. nick?! . J?H.Hs'hr'sr. "'2' "he"; m CC'. Cartd Government stock registered! Iéivkcl ctTryrt'tstiou.fCNH1 "13"}: and transferable at the office of the, 'company) has pa}? 3". 2111an Itt. Bank" ttiaiohtriat L'ondonwEngland: i.9t 340000 to the I ff'...'?.,'",': . "m lien-.13, This sum ot-moneyemay be borrowed We?" ttttfue! taxation " mfg-inf} for any term orctefms'not exceeding _ '°.s.t'mi'tec.1 il1..tt.,., a}: , 11'1"???" 'l),) twenty years from the date of the de- IMCK" fif,.e?,yaet,io//, (""310 1." (304:1. "a; bentures or other securities issued [the Province ,'r1ct'f),r1."t'Jr,/?ofd'"Js tAe therefor, and bearing interest at such taxes, as the annuzii_n'.' "d," l 'in" iiii, rate as may be fixed by the Lieuten, co.rsyyyatlon a": 'ill/d/l 000 tl bT_p ant-Governor in Council, and shall neighborhood in is ' 1; all, tninimp,' be borrowed upon the credit of the 1nereyed my}. "{1} {an nickel Lang: l Province of Ontario and the principal companies; "t"dic"'di,.u'/c" ot" "new- and interest shall be charged on and panics: ts, 0 le, :11 , 'llodhnlt/'t' 1w paid out of the Consolidated Revenue ent r?,,vf",15l,'r1,5, fe,, if the r ,lgiemturaf Fund of Ontario. _ "liberal mom Bin o we " - noise was soon" IWork ot Thee Lmet'als. _ r . . f ' increased imitation Dr. Robb. M.P.P. for Algoma, gave i :22: '35:; {sterests was begun lg some interesting particulars yesterday I Lr2 0' 053mm several years ago, and to the Fish'and Game Committee of the 1'30" now taken by the Gor- the Legislature. as to how wolves the a?!" is largely due to the of- catch deer. He said the former 911.15: Of Messrs. Howell, Dewart and worked in packs of three or four, and f f'a1i.'t"e,'. 'But for the strong.," argu- 'd!e.r,ie.t the winter months they ex- ;:;e11ts'ad\'anced by these members in lperieneed no difficulty in killing the vm, of adequate taxation it is prob- deer. One wolf chased the deer .iaatC', that the Province would still gwhlle the others worked" on the flank be getting a paltry $40,000 a year or made short cuts in front so as to in taxes from the great nickel corpor- , ;put the animal on to the trickiest. ation instead of $1,000,000 which the paths. The wolves having more en- Province will probably receive under' durance than the deer, soon tired out the new system. their prev. Det. Robb had been in- , One important phase of the clues-l formed by hunters that a Pack of ' tion is not dealt with in the bill in- three wolves accounted for four deer . troduced in the House. yesterday. I per week. He thought the increasing 1111130le the question of refining; of the bounty Att is now " per skin ' from the Government) would encour-ql age hunters, to act more traps V and.] .