l ' i J 10 > away with the license inspectors and C ' Rive more responsibility to the police. C arapi The poiice now wink at laAW--DresHINE, 1 : : j he said." _ He could rflfi;a__. e "ugly . ' things. The system of Police Com--| a | h & missioners was a failure. Men with ; money could "'get behind: the Magis-- ; > trates" when 'poor men had to go to } > ' f x ' t\ 4 "llc s w : F J Hon. Mr. Lucas said they could not Expect Action to Restrict So police Ontario from Toronto. . > _ Iiciting "gam Carter is trying to make : 1 angels of us too quickly." said Mr. Sam Clarke (Northumberland). They o T rtriun" were advancipg as rapldly as the people could ito. *"I thl':l':t'y '_{':;. irln & » , that things are_ m € h MR' ROWELL S SUGGEST|0N' ggx?%ntarlo towns."" (Laughter.) Not | a hotelkeeper in Cobourg had been \ oc ie mmmmmemmgpermmmaces givclH fined for lawbreaking 8111100 selat'lmoji The temperance people W 0s \| Premier Hearst Tells of Difficulty in thousands of votes if they interfere too | . much with the personal liberty of t.he' 3 t Defining _ Jurisdiction -- Argu-- people, Mr. Musgrove (Huron) said| ments for Reducti N he had been told. « & buion 4s "Number.of \ _ The Temperance act amendments | Commissioners. t ~wers then given second reading. wnpementntstmmmmeamatme mmnmemnsncnmmeman mm es | -- ~-- mepentmnmaemiee ' o en les ' LENNOX "JOKER" REJECTED It was made clear in fthe Legisla-' c f ture last evening that the bill amend-- BY BILIS mMMTTEE ing the Ontario temperance act did not contain all. the items that the C ++ Aumesse uie iitiiiionaritiengsmeie . 4 | Government will probably submit to TORONTO RAILW AY FPAILS TO GET | the House for consideration. . Hon. ! ORDER TO CITY TO BUY % | W. D. McPherson, Provincial Secre-- I TTS CARS,. ¥1 t | tary, in moving the second reading of Wnirpsarintartntiiees ncmiemaciny C | the bill stated that ua number of im-- The Lient.--Col, T. Herbert Lennox p | portant suggestions had been made "joker," which proposed to: compel ' to the Government, some of which the clt_y of Toronto to secure new cars were still under consideration, and for the Toronto Railway Company, would be brought to the attention of was yesterday thrown aside by the \ the House in committee. Private Bills Committee of the Legis-- Kome Changes Needed, : lature; and the city secured valida~ 4 ' ' Mr. Rowell concurred in what the tion of the Railway Board -- order, -- | | Provincial Secretary had sald with which requires the Toronto Railway p | | reference to the satisfactory results| Company to furnish 200 new cars, | *v«hiuh had come from the temperance !\DI'O\'id?d this is ratified by the Legis-- | ;act.tt He ldire;w} att;ntiorlxttoh celx('ltatl'n' ')ature. The committee also dropped | matters which he thought shou a > I 'cunsidered. First of all there -- was a substitute clause on'..ered by fhe city | the matter of direct delivery, which as a compromise with the idea of | was not contemplated when the act giving the Railway Board power to | | was introduced. Another matter was ask the city to purchase the cars in | 'the advertising of liquors in the Pro-- th @ £ the provi it | \ vince or goliciting orders in any other the event of the 'company provine | way. Undoubtedly the effect of these: is unable to secure cars. The counse) | thingg v;"z;s :;) ir;)crea;e the consump-i for the railway company Oobjected to | tion within the Province. is h6 railway y | _ Mr. Rowell also referred to xm-'; this, % ho yaily ?3 got nothing'at alls ., portation and the answers at Ottawa | and will get nothing unless the Legis-- that the Province had power to deal lature reverses the, action of the with the matter. It lwou!d be interetslvnt-! Private Bills Committee. ing Iif the Provincial Mecretary or the| c ues o mad racs s F Prime Minister would state the Gov--| The city's motives were questioned 4 ernment's conclusion as to the juris-? by a Toronto member, Mr. George | diction of the Provin:,e. ;fh&re \Z;b Gooderham, who insinuated that the I another question, as to whether e . s ts s City » : work of the License Board could be Coxpomtictn of t.hhl City of Toronto handled by a smaller number of | was not sincere in its attempt to get members. * | more cars and prevent overcrowding. f r On Act's Working. | Works Commissioner Harris repli-- |Promte € | + ed that the city had been trying for ; Premier Hearst stated that a clause six years to get more cars. * question of goliciting. Perhaps one of es #-- j the greatest difficulties was soliciting t « through the mails, Advertising had {FURTHER TIME REFUSED t largely disappeared in the Province, ' j '"and we expect to have a resolution dealing with that, perhaps leaving '; TU BU]L]] HYDRU RIVAL the matter of regulation to the ex-- 4 f tent that the Province might have / o nctnass ® power in that regard," said the Pre-- | 6 f p mier. '"Possibly it will be dealt with I --_The Hydro--radiat Railway Associa-- x in a broader way than we can deal 't- scored a victory over the Toronto -- with it in the Province. q'OS hf;': HRallway VL'ompanv before "I am free to admit that there may m tigacins e lm.-- a > * J be some doubts as to where the law the Railway Committee of the Legis-- A is, having regard to the en= tment of lature yesterday, when application was ; = the Dominion Government,> said the | made by the company for an exten-- ' f Premier. '"At all events, we do not , | sion of time in which to complete its . think the jurisdiction is clear enough | \Weston, Guelph, Galt. Kitchener line. to make it wise to have any legisla-- | Sir Adam 'Beck; Mr. J. W. Lyon, l tion at the present time dealing with |\ President of the IHydro--radial Asso-- that. The act has worked admirably, ciation, and MC. T. J. Hannigan, Sec-- 3 and T think we ought to be cautious retary, appeared on behalf of [ the $ and caret'u'l. and not court any ad-- HyGro, and Mr. L. F. Helimuth,; k.C., . verse d'e'cismn in the matter of juris-- |\ represented -- the Toronto Suburban 3 dlctign. * Company. o 3 wWith regard to the membership of Mayor Church said the city of To-- the License Board, _ Sir "r""am: ronte did not want the road. } ' YHearst said the Government would | Mr. Mark Irish declared the private y consider _ the matter, and if they railway was being run "to murder the | thought they could reduce the mem-- people," and asked Mr,. He}imuth if ' bershin without impairing the en-- he would ri'l"l"iding on it j forcement of the act it would be done, ~Counsel f;r\ the compmu" said after but if they felt such could not h * uie n icg * Abhy 4 > TAz * A done without impairment the ha spending $2,000,000 on' the line they 1 ._ liot be a reduction it Lnere: would certainly interded operating it. C f "I don't see how' you can ask this Number of Commissioners. committee to violate the Government's | There should only be one Licen own policies," said Sir Adam .Beck.' 4 l Commissioner '"instead of four highl;t 8 '_I'llo rejuest for time cxtension was - 1 paid men with very litle to do," in vefused. « the opinion of Mr, Hartley Dewart. } | Mr. Sam Carter was 'inclined 'to t 'agree that the cost did not matter so \ « much if the act was properly en--