The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Apr 1917, p. 2

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. _ mam it grief; tts'ilttlt 1.351% t V 61d Sun: _ t . country. éefl. ; "iii'r'iibt, In" . ' D. su1s.k'ltllif'1lgp.rgio/,tpt,0ie,t.r, thing ma 1"g'lllr"'ge,')it, V rli'titriii, Pgt,tt y2%fles t Audenried. Philadei. rt,tee,t,"pt'hfi",e,1, _ 1','rdtlhtl"'af,'lr, " Voting .trustees' do - ' . - commuting Moriarty?" "and I vert- to]: & Dominick. 263331?) w]?°x§:3- ture to my to-night to my "marge mans. 60; H. "s. Ladow, 350; C. A. friend ltr, has done 11"Tt mm" to t e Gunther. 100; Hallsarten & Co. mining industry than "a.n.srt9i.ntr we bankers, 50; Heidelbach & ririreui'if..' more had. in many we, in this coun- mer, bankers. 750; Herzog & Glazier 'try."' He thought it had been gener- brokers. Mo; J. B. Hoefgen, 220: EG.,'. . ally understood by all parties who had i Bell, Kinnicutt & Co., 138; E. L'eeiss- Egiven study to the subject t.hat nickel I nor, 100; E. T. Mealis, 200: C Ojats imay be retined 1n the Provmce. but: I Nadal, 60----au of New fihl. E C :the question was, could it be econemi'l l Reichenbach, 195; F. 1tdilriteritiac?i/ cally refined in the Province? Vi hen 5 'T.. te. Reichenbach, G'0---an of Ans; saying "economically they had " Pi tram. R. Reussner, 400; Schefern-l ihave regard to the different processes. I gch{amnl & Vogel, 100--New York: . He did hot think any A'))'",', hadkbeeii. F . V. Shiras. St. Louis, Mi: , r. made out, so far as t P. remar S ot'! Staabs. 100; Hiram Steele. Hob-£3355 the leader of the oppolition were con-l H. Stein, 200; TV. V. Strauss. 40--, cerned, calling for action other than! New York. Irene R. Stratiss, Illinois that suggested by the Government 'N 50;b !i'1a,s1,,npu,i,isi, 25;~u. E. Wirl this important matter. i all 5. .0; . M. Ivinaubs 10ii---%'i --"""f'TCrfT="'rhT"TrCrf "VT .. Jersey. . ' w -t--- 0 Common stook--1Pritz, A l 7 . T ,(Presldent American Harri Kringle? V iCo.). 100 shares; Seigmund Adler t, f '(Manager American Metal Co.), 50: Frank A_lhschul (bunker). 170; Asie'l1 . _ ml & co... Now York. 950; Chas. Y. An? . l. denreid, J.thilaueuohia, l40; Jules s I . Bache. 100: J. S. Bucho & Co. (brok: , ..__.__..__ tw, 1.199;;BlBaruch Bros. (brokers) . ; Geo. umenthal, 8,807: W ill. I - l " h . Cohen. New York 450: rGriiz't-s'rrc's,C' . . t tlet Ri ht to . gt? Eating Trustees, 307,486; or: as! tttmitfipalities 0 l tl ran, New Jersey 308; B. "1.11.: . dew. 153; A. Friedman, New ill' Regtlate Sale ' too; G. Hahn, 2.462; Hallo & meg! . _..________ litz, 100; Heidelbach, Tckelheimer & fir/et Pg/g & Glazier. 100; J. . oe gen, 0 ; Jacobi & Co. oo: F , A. Jaretzki. 525: E. A. Ker-ll. i563 SOLICITATION C L h ll S E S W. N. Keck. New York, :00;'1_ if -r Keech, St. Louis. 75; Hooch. Moog, _ ----- 5.115110%; \luesoll, Kinnivntt & Co.,l L '; "y,pu-Ulazill', Go; u. B. 310mm,? a . ' "rs ti To; liVM6fit, iii); H. Meyer. New York, : Joana. Board Given Pole? WI icit 50; E. E. Reichcnbach, 128; B. Itch May Apply to Advertising-Lit" chenbach. 14; S. tteichetuy.yeh, Ausr. "rais Criticize some New Amend- tralia, 13; R. Reussner, 175; Ttoths- child & Co., 50: L. Selzer, New York, merits. 275: C. J. Schmidlaff. New York, . 150: S. W. Shiras, St. Louis, 75; Ben . ----a-r- Stern. 735: F. V. Strauss_ ISO; B. Strang, l75; G. Ulhricht, 77; E. I . . ai umeruhnents to the On- \Vachenheim, 587; l. S. Weil. lOl: 51mm?" d, I act -n erin M. M. Wluants. 131; P. Wolf, 500: tarto temperance "f CO C f A. M. Archbold (Standard on), 131; tsolicitation, the granting by mun" i: l A/i2?.old (Standard Oil), New cipalities passing by-laws of the ex- .or , , . " 've . 'r _ Common r--W. J. Hanna. $85: Wal-. P""") right of selling, temperance . lace Nesbitt. 1.000 preferred, 891 Doers to the keepers of standard ho- common. tels. the provision of a', moratorium The Company's Undertaking. applicable to contractslurising in not:- . Mr. Rowell declared that the Cana- néCtlon with hotel, brewery, and die- dian Copper Company obtained its tiUery franchises, and other points 'dtti1,t" li' a cioninzmé upoln tli'i'lunder- were introduced in the Legislature a ng 0 re ne in ana a. me rea- , q, _ son given by the Canadian Copper yesterday afternoon lyr theqlion. W. Company before the. United States D. McPherson. Provincial Secretary. .(ilongress in 1801 for nbt carrying out; Wider latitude is given the Ontario t at undertaking was that they pre- ' ' , - . l., Ilu to give the work to American, License. Board than formerly. 'workmen and to have their invest-; ' Regulating tioiicitation. ' ment in the United States. "that wast , ' .., e, . M'. ,- 'the statement made by the then Pre- The new legislation rogarding EO- isBident of the company. Mr. Stevenéon. licitation says that the License . urke. The Canadian Copper Cotro.. . r" ' lt' ', ulations rohibit.. {Dany had taken the position from the Poartl mil-5 ,)?,,'e"'dfe' ("3.9 itl outset that they would not carry out, m8, restricting find 1,',efy..i,'ttly TH" the undertaking they gave. The vc-l, in 1Y.rowtrt' Pt the 1v1r..oprinc1s, the so- port of the Nickel Commission stated! licity.tion tlttin .f,ln,t,t1P,. ot ordero that when they appeared before the' for liquor. Ipit' Till not be construed '; :Commission they took the ground that] l? interfere with F section Mt of the l inickel could not be economically re-r fumin'g "Ingram" not, Why": rc- . 'fined in Canada. I are o one. 1 e transac ions in iquor ( l, "My proposition is this," said Mr. between persons in Ontario and per- Rowell: "the Commission baring! ispptCout of Ontario. . found that the Canadian Coper Cottt- "HOW wlll it Effect newspaper ad- pany secured its corporate existence! v.etlisintr'l" aske one of the Opposi- on an undertaking to refine its nickel tiott' menabetianu.the Pro.viticia1,ssc- tar, "ireharc mating entirely within' the right touiaahe regulations. our rg ts, an we are serving the w Bee ' public interest when. we say that in s'erymt Temperance rs.- . the development of the land you have The amendment 'with 'reference' to t' segured by your undertaking. you muet the sale of malt liquors read: 'il 3e n the P,reylyt:..t,',nt! if you fail y'otsv/thstappi.n.g, anything in o o so the lands will be: forfeited this act cotrtriintakr,'b'y-Iaws mar," i , to the Crown in a specified period, he passed by cities towns vil- ' "it the Government would take its lagesland townships, ' ' courage in. its hands and would face (1) For granting the exclusive 3:353:11??? Copper Company with right ot selling malt products... "no: uf?fl1ftil 2:035; at" 8:: P313; commonly called temperance undertaking on which it trot its chajr- goers, l? the keepers of standard ter, we could secure a bill of com- . 'do/fe, licensed under the Ontario plete rettning in this Province." _' 'll) rags): Lighting to the keep Pmmtiermearscs Defence. fare of said standard hotels the Sir William Hearst said until this exclusive right of selling any Government came into power no ac- end, all other temperance bev- ' tive step had been taken by any com- ePtWes manufactur ed from in- pany to retlpe in the Province, and gradients other than mal't, bat no now they had two companies building Butth Prodyets or beverages, shall. . their refineries. The leader of the contain more than 2%, .per cent. Opposition had suggested some most _proot spirits. ", ,1 l . ', . drastic measures should be taken, p Provided. the: .Ithis..sub-aa_cthn measures that so far as he (Sir Wil- Shall not become optsrative un- f' liam) was awn-e hadndvergbeen sug- lesiiend until so deCIare'di'iby the. .' rested in this Rrosrtitct 'rbefone. and he! sueutenantrdoiGrGF. in may)"; .

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