The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Apr 1917, p. 1

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/ifttrr. .. 7' VFW": " HVW'" _ '1' "-'---.l'_-_'.-"-'-""-HttlRtl--'- T . _ I! _ . Ir, APRIL 6, 1917. 'F' V, . .'r_ q-I-i-rr-tlr----- . a P _ - PROMISE t1ttt flame" "h we nation ot tlt) . 7 ' en on the voting list that: things _ F . _ -W0uld be cleaned up. T He w . . 1 _ . .Dosed to this business Wm"; op- V ant-Winn the rich ' c. Wu. _ and tha to make, millions race tT/id','",',.", to. go t? Jail. These" scum er s were bringing over the, .....__.________ ' . om the,stutes. t _ l Hurtful to the Province. I Treasurer 6narry Yitlds ttri, ir,,l/c/oic1e,si,.,l1/,s, rcsoiution' ouaand/i . , "into? the. government take prompt.i Liberals Demand "any: 501035 action to suppresg the, 1:01); Iliublic lllC'llaCG of organized' li'icrl (f: To loco-truck 'gambling, car- (tits Mr f, o. geicentogc ofihc pro- -' _ i' rang] 1m; Ty foot {Comm Huron) LEGISLATURE c L o SIN ll : l on Ls"hlll,'-r. ,t..te.f/.i "'N't being "ctttrr'ied I . 'we _r!,'vosy'yce,iielolu'lt, he believed ll Hm not in the interest and. well-"; a-.------, "5:35: ot the people of the Province.l _ '. . la' grim ud cha'te . . e' Liberal bin-ken Point to Abuses - . . i).riiiri.iii L'0tlu6't'ltt"s. in '/f1T'/it,',e,'g,. Me. 11ch [7an to Meet 1V2?" 1:c,rtlrHl for running rights" at " it',i' c n ron'v.ot- of Macos and the kan for 1nrormttuoet 0m the l"-""".'"' :Immrc-nily lrccc'ivcd by the Tear-d Spidmd Dents. ,. , I's.'oviqtr,o was something like $125,000; I "iv (mun! {rum one stufmncni. that on ------ . 5*"!in L'il. 1916, some 3373.000 pass- .Hl'lhl'Ullgll thr', Hendric: betting ma- "r have mad: trrrrr"uti "I?!" It.. Windsor, and on the new the power now to get trim :J'fld I have "Holmium- tt'acr: on one day ',;r?,8.ioi)0. _ e n 0mm tt l ,, , ' my honorable friend Speaks at. andOI - Should .'iitop bumbling. Ihope to get. it.." 1 Kiri l'roudi'oor declared that though . ' . t IC' c tumor of the Gore Bay Riding & "3:1: 'il" st/I',, declaration 'or the Ln-iring Association had apparently ' . . . . cGarry, Provincial Tru- Juli-"0d. a lictuse was granted for Furor. in referring to the remarks of running rights- on two occasions last wr- Sam, Carter latgt night in the 'i,)i1i"ifir,,'""t1),"",f, 'e,).','-'.,"; _'s'ty"e,/l"t.fellt;,Ttr, .Legislatnre when Mr. P a; . V ", if? 1l1h11,ltti'i, e 'ouf'l ' . rou cots lthe "annulment should take steps toi lrace-track resolution was being dis- . innit-'11 patnhling. it could very! icurmed. The member for South Wel- .('asltly have been sthpped if tirade-'1 Ilin t {our mom had sec-n fit to do so. ' any l if"fallen hid been. alluding to the re- Whom" (unto oveY from the State of: c n t a Public Aooonnts Commit- ':.1riehi,trtin and made use of this Pro- tea to dingo" information an to the :Vllwo in :1 manner which. he said, was i revenues of various racing clubs, when in uirr.r,rrruu to unnuio. T the Provincial Treasurer. rose to ex- 'iTvcu.asut'cr"r' Confessions. ,pluin that in the fall of 1915. when t H; 'tttl not L' woe-tun": gamblcu'. .t' Elba Government contemplated an in- ll rirraliy go down to the Woodbine, crease in the taxation of raco-tracks,' 2mm il' ll i, my fortune l will go down lull"? Was no legislation on tho stat-l 'llwc-rc this your all" 1103' year," said .1116 book that enabled him to torcsl Mr. '1r,rCrtiry.1". Sui-mt" ycH-rs' ago a pro- ithc race-tracks to give a statement. i minbnt Liberal. Sir Allen Ayiesworth, i ' , , argued that butting on a horse race, lst"'""'"" "r""""!'" ", "was: Ito mom: of ll, gamble and just-us i l A Representatives of rating assoeia-l. hogan as in>urunce m; a mans lite. 'tIons came to him and said they Gal, 2 "r'ovpr:yoclc'." exclaimed Mr. Mc- ', [willing to submit statements of their; Human] 1Nopi"n Bruno. 3 {accounts to him provided he would,; If Mr. Mrl'rarry Will tlet? eminent To-: ;treat them as confidential. He would . lmnm lawyorti, W. N. Tiller and I. F. l 'have been' willing to produce the in- ', flr~llmntlx. had told him he oould not formation in the Public Accounts! warm-pm the "(mom-mire race-track i ltfommlttee if the Ontario Jockey Clubi lpcnpln from -nolning race meetings in 5 "In" releysed him from his promise'; ionmrio when they hail a Dominion" 'to keep it confidential. "I am Pl'e'l 'churtor and paid the taNCa', and; pared to give the House and my lend Ina-"50' fPes. He mat; nothing to re- ", Iorable friend all the information l 23-th with rcl'erence to his conduct in 1 have if I am released from my pro-t illlal' matter, he said. i, 'mise. The House is not above my i Tlic my." power of the Province given word. and I would leave thel with referent-e to issuing licenses 'ri) House rather than break the promisel l..ri,a.f,'-'-, associations was now being in- l wave. ' C nominated. l, l, Amendment Adopted. ',woum Minimize Evils. l, An anmndment to Mr. Proudfoot's : "Tho Governm'ent intends bi, do resolution. seconded by All. McCrea levers-thim;; it C'cslt srroperlv. and Just-! of Sudburi, "an carried on divitcon. ,ly do to minimize the evils in con: it approved of the declaration of the lnccdion with r" o-r-pa) gambling,' iGovernment that it will do every- lsziid Mr. Methin- _ "but, I am goingto thing it properly and justly can to act within the lam of. the Dominion prevent illegal race-travk gambling _ of Canada." am tioti.i,iphur. to be ru_sll- within the Province, ed Ot' driscn by the outcry of any Mr Carter maintained the, respon- newspaper. So loug'us l anrbiicked uibility was Up to the Government to hy eminent counsel, so long as I know . "Jake provision so as the Government i am aquncing according £01110 laws could get intormation from these al- of tho country, so long ought the GOV" 'soriatlons, and it was at this point ointment to hare the backing. of the that the Provincial Treasurer said 31.; people, We are. not trying to hide had mado provision and he hoped to; anybody in this. We as u. Goi eminent Rel thar. information, I must proceed legally and orderly. We , . - . l must go ahead with the laws as' v.1: """ Class Distinctions. _ lit-Ac them on the statute book to- l All" Carter, in the course of hi. on); spec-ch, amid he was li'reconcilabl "A. . . r . _ ' against the holicy of allowing Omani: M" Tttcrease Taxes, . lander any circumstances one class of ' "During the pest few months I, citizens who are wealthy to make . hope to be able.. to get information money by vice when other men were union which legislation may be based our in jail, The people of the Pro- ,to meet. the case. if legislatibn is , Vince of Ontario would never listen Encoded, and I will increase the taxes Ito any excuses. " there was racing: lon; race tracks if I find that the re- iatter this it would be up to the Gov-l lcélpts of the racing associations jus- ernment, And it more is a cleavage ltit'y an increase in taxation. We have between this Government this night the right to send investigators to the and the Dominion of Canada, and if _ various race meetings, and I am lthe Federal Government come to an hopeful that this Government will election in. a 1'": months Withmr , 'auc-eding try the requests of the 'Legislature, we will attend to them;

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