The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Apr 1917, p. 2

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tinned the number" for mumru- . ' ", . ronto "hétvin rein 'M'V'mp. _ . [be in a position not to take the-word ing income ogf "'88 309,501,311; ttt all of the man on the street, but to take thtttftttiiy been-rpre'sis'ed' upoh'lthe htind.4 t'eliat6r.iteforma'tion secure-d by CI"- a of the' Ministers, ,qmrlwould have ex- !sponsible officers of the Government. l pegged that When the triiiiiitU of The Treasurer's Pledge. j Mines brought down hit . l ed bill he would have put the taxation ' "We are determined to eradicate: on the. basis ot 5. per cent. on the the evils, it mils therr- aw. in I'onnty'- ' ' first $5,000,000 profit, . 10 per cent. tion ltint}: ttIle/Ti:',')):,",",',?,:,.,,', inf-i: :1 f- on the second five million dollars, misc in t _. our if. .- " " n I and Jo per cent. on the third five pledge the Government that (luring: million dollars." Mr. Dewart. moved the months which :il'(~ in Milan; 'hrt, that the sub-scction be amended. ' Government will fittt' mil Hut only; iniakmg thr figures li) p9,. (sent. in-. exaet1y what our lr's,ml pin-4mm: is ; istead of ti her 30th,. and " per cent. [absolutely but also what. urn all tht. l'ingmud ot 7 Put' mm, That an"; 10 fact concerning these different mac-Z» {per com; (in the second five millions; J tracks. 's profit and 15 llL't' cent. on thr: Lhii'lll Mr. Elliott's Argument. 3 tIve, "unions. 1 , Mr. J. c. Elliott (West ytiudlesi.x, i !Pt'oviracc. fiihottht Get, 83,000,o00. , (taid he did not claim it the Minister; l Sir William Hearst -That is out of . :gave his word to the Jockey Clul, I,.. 5 Ingram. wr ;should break it, "but what I do s,c,i'j",.'v,) Me. rrrs's1ayt-.-1 wish 1hc Premier , is this: if there is any doubt 'tbout! [would Tect in order an ll do ii/li/l, " 'the right of the honorable member-:41 things we think to be in "win-J y, this gouge atmlithis Howl-1111mm to . It'ontinnii'1g. the member for Fontlu- l , (now a abou tito profit< tint am "jest 'l'oronto Sain he thought he "as; i being made in 1"ylyt?,tion. with these- within his rights; it: f..y,1Vy.oinc.wiml " s1hre',ytg'ytut'elet'-t £33135? To I'D." """i $13515 "J/i/cl/l,' f',:',',',,');'?",,.',,-?,",)),')'.: lst "'1'" ' ' i . r {mpg-ct .3 t Q tt it; y; TK s FUt t in the earliest possible moment. Thom: changes as 1l,i,,5,i), appeal to the minds l ' tl no reason Wiy w'ii'lioluny uho ls, of his honornie friends. The '0- carrying on raring in tho Fromm-u ISponsibility, however, of . increasing to-day should iw protrwteti with t't'-- 'taxiition rested with the Ministry, and f,t/1 to the i"l,lcyo",.,r/'ti', lil'nflts 3%: like was tryfingltot pint it where, it he- . .e 3 ma (mg "'Sot'.r 1" protein". anger. 1 Win re suggested were . _that is afforded an} man in legitin. 'lr' adopted the Province, instead of gob pusiness in this l'l'mlnwe." ting "00.000. should get a little more , In the course of Mr. I'rott;i/'o,t- than $2,000.000. from the Intcrnution- ~ 801le with!" (llTKiIlJSblIil'l. lion. Jlr Mr--, (ll Nickel (fomlpany for these years ul'l'y (er-arm Its was advising 'rr-, itha't had pas-99h I Mr. Hellmuth that if he han 11".) ..i ' V . ' _ P", t I . n . 'd. , t u. . the to" thesc peoplo "Mm MW mm- .Make Amendmt'l ts lutroatuu ahead with racing. ' - l 'IIon. Mr. Ferguson, in explaining . the system of the bill, train, assniiling . . the profit was $1f;,"00,00tr, that would ' ' form the basin of their _e',i,1iu',eje,t,iio,.tid ' - d Beyond the deductions that Were in the present not they deducted Simplyl . Ill IE ljllllEll'Mg the zu-tnal cost of refining and P/rr-i' - lteting the nickel. The Mine Assessor _. had the 1irst my and tnttdtt up his' Ity- V t . . sessment and if thy cmnpnnles tools . --------. . l exception they Pad to show him. I l .. . ' . . . With rei'ormmc to thr, out"tidrsv2riti ' 1iifr. Dewart Criticizes New Min. in the workmrn'» (-ompehsntion art t " r .. . . _ giving the 1"omrrc:risotfon Hoard 'roC)11iy , I i T mg Bill to decide crisps on th. rent merits. W ; rather than be bound. by <tl'iu lvgzlll' l _ prroctrdtotit, Mr. J. C. Elliott "veit, j "' ----, M' - Middlesex, retrrred to tho. ('liSC .ot", ' 1 Mr. Taylor of' Sarina. who Mar: liillmll [WILL N 0 T S l) F F l C E 'while going. from one engine to all-l _ _ otth .. The member. tar "West Michlio- ', _ so; wished the amendment to ho made I _ m..." retroactive so that any vases hill'sCel ilrtT'ebriary, 191.3, of the kind which; It in 1915 Covpotaitiotte, Hail Bet-n IP, ,"e'Yf'lfmfe tlit?', intended to Pncet; . - 'would lie reconsidered, ' .T.asred Uooopitrtr 13asi.r, $620,000 ," Mr. Proudfoot, Mr. Hartley Ttew.. Jnatesut 'of 310300 Would Ilstsc lurt and..Mv..ftuuh.olTo 1yl'lTlrtcd the . _ ' retroactive idea. but tho Attorney- _ Been Realized. . l General did not agree. and li-.) . . P ' , l,li11/f,',t,tis. motion on the Subject "was! _ "'"'-"--r---- _ 1rlefeaterl. The worlum-n's 1fii(,1)f'fi1sic,ih _ .' 'tion amendment act V511: giro; its, . The bill prnvitiing; {Ur int-reamed third reading. , l l 'mining taxation passed through mm- '11) to Haiku-i Company. ' , mince in the 1,rc;islutovc ycistru in): I The Toronto bill. flu-ineling: the: and was when it thml m. .,..- oft,-, street. car nglSluliOlh WHY-"1 lit, foci ' r :Liberal' 1.','u' ,' l ' : MU" ""1 third reading, Mr. Croode."rvuin, ru-g , _ q ti ill tpit." t_rr "ilrllr,r'tr--' "m"? ferring' to his, attitude btri'ort- the' Y the Govr)runucnt that " lligln l" "-11.7 committee, said he then had in mind; of wYliri duties would i... Notified. ' that if the railway 001mm"). would not! u '-.\fr. In ..v' _.h" ._.. iv it,, '_,',' "C, .tr,' ' get the material to build their 1_il':s,'t (that . Jvccll "9M9" l" """""""°" land the board '(zhangerl its order the} _ tat "f the rr:'ofits tor the liilC- hayiw l vlty would he in exur'tly the same ~p0.~:-l in: Near had boun tum-ll on the new ltion as it was before Ite therrsfor,-:,' i system these "on" hun- brouchr in ,suggcsted in 1y-'-'/,r'ri..i,iy'c.': "'01:" "mun! [ B' "tt l . . . i" . (would gm: the l..-.;ln;.: High-"Tl tiv. t 20N00 tltstead U" 5:'".1000. and if it night in Frty in illn "ity of "il,ni-o: I i Tvas had {we}; stated, that l"\\'0 ttcslitrvn "tll'," l'r'tli','r"iiy minipu'gf P, the nickel profits more 316.000.qu up": (lune In"? "Mt to gut curs, hut! . . . 31.311 i'llili' you} ',l' ir-i "; r5. than . for the 1916 1Torkinp, Mar to which lwe will 'irc) Al" ill} right I?, do W}; l the legislation gpplies, We ItVt?ltuc j'riic Ala} or and others, 'strrwcverr, _ly.r,li' Would be SOIiIetlIil.;5" like $930000. t'protested against: this, and he would. Hon. G. Howave' 'l"etguson have we therefore withdraw his amendment. l "sures, hut regarded the .ilti,tjotr,0b0 Complete Gorerument Control. 3 as hypothetical. Mr. Howell. speaking on the Hydro 3 Mr. Hartley Dem-2n tunic th,, no. {11151 lw£hen,werir. before the r A.- .- ' ' S r V30 " ' .5 . leiued new that thc. bill did !lot no fife'dl utffi'f,'htiitJii ir,' 1t,ctyy he "0' t ' m . A _ . . a p P Cuple yt giving the ar enough. an: ".Ullld no. satmty um Hydro-elected.. Power Commission the P9plc.. 1." rtauint.riii in!" for tit," lponi' to 3mm"? cccisting 'develop-. three Precedihg y'et'o's---wbieh 'vit' \tlll 'IllOlLb.' Ily' added: "bt ts Iuttrt _ ulti.. under the it! c, . _ "_' Itatc"ls work towards wmnlete Gov.. t 14-ng Ii'tst'1'erlqeitt, that mm eminent control Of the power situai. ynatie, by, thc. thcm Mi!istrsrr ot" Miuiv; lion not only in t"efotimrti, Nli'iié'tii'ia.l jam} tow Willlian}.'mi agreement tor b1tviott/"p,gh-1io/s,'s Of the Pyuriy'itcs/." I "'.,'- , _ _ Itnt' Hr" ll ueiv,1,at, "t.. xvttieh there was: no foundation in Inw his the 'f/'llJi1il/,, "ttii-l-y/y,', o"IV- --.t,htTe.tshoulu. he an ipttv.eused asses» taxing Hydro lands, 'Min' Suing 3311:): iment on the basis provided in the 1eeyr,l, on to the words'of the Attor- nevctyt't... Jr tlvurwtsre done it Would Egrbgggfifggl.dEExdoiiliiélkilcgévalgesg" and ". _ f v. . . . . " . , r . , pt. .4. w,ould bringnn anothei half a million dul- lime thought you would aim the law.» T' I " 'rtq .f -/'r . ... _ 'e,tditt,ral, on that." {last has the. _ . l 'tt er was "tgubgidin Mr. _', ... Increase J'tT'RPit, '. : "en'iurked: "We have, hams ',i,ttere11 "But fttrtheivVt"nti, say," com.

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