The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Apr 1917, p. 3

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l -""------ I ------.-- . IA I Attorne -General Lu . i . y " tlas Brings Important Actlon ? m Clauses -"'"------.., J. V IHYDRO BILLS CHANGED a V j00t3ES DECIDE P 0 l N T S ', W-mr-. ' T "------.-- , f I IMCthods of Payment Prescribed - I .l'unalu m- ,5me Per buy if Com. I Borrowing Powers of Mumclpau- panics Defy Auuiovitics--Pica for I ties m Regard to'lviablljtios for h'epreeentati? of Municipalities on I ITsatvtx _" . _ _ F Commasimk. I. .1 I, 7' ' g _ -----....-. .. F Imoommt amendments . to the ' . JOWC"p Ct nm it, ' ' 'ruiienih-hour Ir'ngIatlull to deal IParli'l o 1.1355101? , art, which many Willi lh, -.lll4'-gml 11mm; of wuier- ... 'f,llle?, yo ','f""flfl1,,l.ys'"11, ."" honor at Nlutam l'allx was intro~ 'ftueahuLO'Jylng the a1:rtuisition 0t the ducal b. Hots. I. ll. I'Lu'ar. a. member. :lollts'lm .\1:lguro., were bought be- hf the Iiyrlvrr-tsleitmts Commission. in Ire'. fi"' Lecislacurn yesterday as I'm: Locislutln'v- lay morning. Mr.. iatrdition.s to the trro hydro bills. It . Lucas a-slim: ict'rii1irei.oit, of tho House Iis provided that "Section 3' of. the . 7., 7.2.2 zz'l- my; thrvuyvn all its rtagtns pun-er C.orr1mitcsyion act is amended by att 9;". day. 7 £11051"; thereto clauses permitting the . Mr. mic-d: Mal Hut. Alla-r full l.'ul]- I Hrdto-eiectrie Commission to:--- cirt'rriiticm and thc 1109. legal advice I Acauire by purchase Ot' other- vluxV voulrl H'VUH'. thw Government I "we OD any terms and hold Jeweled thgt thc wot-er way to dual I shares: in any incorporated com- ? with tle problem was to ask a Com- 1 Wart ru'ytrrint',' on the business of I mlssi'n colrt,rtose0 of three, Judges of , t/e.Tt.s.lopinpr, supplylng or trang- 'h g .. 4 q . F .. " tha! _ mitting electrical power or en- ' e. haplemc court ot Ontario TI' lal 8112?; and in connection with any irrict 3on tu- fair nod reasonable sttreh acquisition enter into any for eXcesus power dovelopment by pvi-, covenam or covenants, agreement 1Ntre companies at Niagara Falls, and! "I agreements and pay for any I ' fi 's.. _ " ['1' ' . l' v." _ such tshares-either In cash or t let Jun-mmwn u Olll tube aut 1011-; bonds, debentures or other secu- ry to cornpol the private company or': rifles of the Commission, and, lomroanie-s imnlved to deliver the can! g'uax'anlee. or (covenant or agree ress' honor (um-r to tho [rrdttrlertritV, foe or'm resort! of the. paymem Downy Connwdguion at, tho price ti.xed I m" partormam-e o? any bonds, de- u; the. Cotrrietsicsis mn'yoscd of the! benturcs. securities, contracts or Thin? Judgm, _ ' obligations of any company _ , " shares, in which are so acquired. Hetmmo lo Jurist». ' or of any conmany sharesjn . [ li' thr i'orrtp,3ttirvs think the .jntlg- whit-hora held by any compam "rtet1t of thc Uovomment inspector is: in which shares are so acquired. not a reasonable finding; an: to the! _ "lemme bonds, debentures or amount or n-ator the: are: using, tho, I other securities of the Copnmiss '1iryi/-,tcstt-ti:ytr,rt' In than?" shall I sion for any of the purposes set. appoim thr, Cortissic)n of .lngos to . . out in (-lauses a to "'i'i in such V Ila-mac; U'lroo- quosnlms: Ill "hat the form and containing Such terms rights of ilpr. 1/lmr"y1r.."rCi ID what, and at such fate ot interest and 'Ito, '"'rnr'irT 1.: 1ctrvc1ily (Imus: 1'3): . pa} able in such manner and at what t-apa"-l_t.\' "1911' plant mas In er; such time or times as the ,Llen- ress of Trhiat they: t1p,tCtDntst1t fi/vel, tenant-Governor in Council mos mom- A penalty ot $1.000 a day my d ' i . . . I etolm ne. proxlded tt the compamov refuse to res-pom; the decision ot the authori-I Method of Payment. - C ties. u . ', . .. The lull was passed. after minor The power 'cotttt.11itvsio g" this amendments suggested by Mr. Dew- amended try adding m mutt at , art had been adopted. Luietotenani-Governor in Council " " _ . .' . . authorized Io agree to guarantee the , To Represent 'rtrntcipatities I payment or the principal and inter- .. When the other Hydro-electric hill est of any. boryisz, debentures and ,,i, was before the House Mr. Dewart other securtfies issued by the commls- . 'southwest Toronto) made a' vigorous ston, and the form and manner gt E speech in fave; of the appointment any such guarantee or guaranteos, tr. of a mprmontatlvn ot the Hydro-elec- shall be such as the 11iCtfItntrGovt; 1'; tric municipalities on the Hydro-eh-. ernor in Council may approve. I irlv Commission. The member for . "' dad ' . . now e x n . . l bouthwost Toronto paid high tribute Bo mg Pow rs lil te . - [ I to the work ot Sir Adam Beck. Tho t Section " of the power eotttthatir. I i! holemmont was yepro-semed by Hon. Igor: act is amended by adding thore+ I. J. tc, lulu-ma, and il wannnly fair the It) the following st1bt,sectiort.'--r- . I momcmalltlcs should be represent- ' Notwithstanding anything tn I "l, ' . , l the municipal act or any general I I . It you appomted " wrong Hydro I or special act contained; deloen- _', man mu: May: r Church. Mr. Lyon I {urea issued. or purporting to be ' IT. yy,. Hgnnlgan. I am conftdeot the t issued by a, municipal corpora'. 11t?..tl1O"di.t)exs would appreciate that tion which has entered mm a afft)yn,. and would have. even greater _ oontract with the Commission tor I gang}: gl,.,',?,' 1113er male" than they i l a supply of electrical power or . Mr Dim: mama ' a I-tttion , erHwtry Ifrtym the f/'v'pgt'ut't?n, ff,,' . . I . " u I , . M "' ' v l " r l hovering the appointment of it man ' tPthmfozi "t.t2"g'i'sntUc'tui2'u1j',i', T 1 i103 2."T,1",'tirt, the municipalities which .' 2l'/,iTlfi',h, wax-ks for the devélop- tl l I _ rp. nvested their money in this. . . . d diiit ttttto h, more but Fir 1Tillia .. Uis' , ment tratleattitigtott an r . EA . B-- , F m, Hearst maid l ' , r G .1 I this was not the time to make such 'i, tion of an"?! 1113011211. hoe: f2,1'lilg. tii an a19poiratment, and the Dewart am- I so gupplied. $181. th limits Gt ea claimant was voted down by 37 to 17, ed 1n ascertain ng o. " f the 5'; after Mr. Sam Carter had warm the borrowing powers o 'th I limmortal Mr. Dewurt. _ corporation as prescribed by 3 ..- municipal act, or tmeh other tron- tu) . oral or ttpecial act. - ' ' Ir, w ' e? l ' I

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