The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Feb 1918, p. 3

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_ M, _ 8lglB, 'r1'Triiotwithdua'tt9tter' kr "c, _ ve , T"" _ ,,_ l-l P"llllllmlllllllllllll I a . 'Hirdwood is plentiful' in s?etii,rg,t: _ 1 WomWfii-FW ', ' ' 'J, trons of the Province. tt, too 'ltt F . " , w.» .sr'i'.irt,., ttits/ m8tirtttott,rci"iii . ii if . " because of its price, not GiiilGa' said..,.,,it.m.u8t be on the distinct on. " g, " favorably with coat on "fuel: The idtqmmmx. ttltt, Ile act extending . ,"l a 1 Government is investigating the coat "haunts. tftietif,ttthi:ip,.r, will . be r,' , la I , ot cutting and shippintrihii, wood 'Wthéa» We." a treshSmlim v". a . ' The peat bogs along the T. & N. 'g) date from the electors. so thatwe I , ' " r , Railway have been examined by! will' feel free to enact any legisla- l , ' , " "ai " Government experts, and a further tion we may consider to be in the , 5 a [ ' r,r report from them is expected shortly. interest trf the Province, no matter = _- .. _ » liBllr ' .' how. radical and far-reaching that . I . Er Hydro Great Service. ' l "11"e1t'l rlnay hr",, t t ," V, - _Nllellr'lll. ' ". . ,. . r. art ey . ewart olo _ t ' . Ilitr,'irirs,' It would requne foul million tons, the Prime Minister. He J2lrtl2,1! - " " on, of coal per annum, said Sir William l t d th 1 k ' i, I ' , I "3,5, to take the place of the power fun" l Eted edprev 2:118 :geanersbon hm". t, ' , le. tiff-5:; nished by the Hydro-electric Com..': soan ' an urg P. t e rot erly ,, - "m" ErFd , . . . ve should continue. He was glad r . I a first: 'tleft,',',',; The total expenditure onI to see the Prime Minister accept, rr'" 1lltilll , "Ill llrditi t6"; sgslitltlleugveg October :'l.1, 1917,! _ the suggestion for an fyxtensiopr'ot, a" is W Iars The t t 1 "nine million dol.. [Parliament However, he regretted) . - . N -!_,_~;l' a; . - ' o a expense in the. last; that the Premier had not gone tsir-) I' , Illlltl, gelatin three years amounted to over forty- ! 'ther and agreed to call to the coiin- i' "a: i.. "-ralk, '. f one million dollars. This shows thatl ' *oils of the Province the Leader and ., I IIN rt oral A»! the Prm'mcg has. been going ahead) Iother members of the Opposie , 'r,,lg:'? $ilB'iitr under the Electric Power Commis-l u-tion and carry out the policy advo-' l ' 'ltrr allltritl, won by leaps and bounds. tated when supporting the Union' ' l A "tEr;'. ,';l"M In reference to Mr. Proudsoot'al Government. He believed that thel . if. 'llrb'jifii' t query as to whether or not the con- i 'policy enunciated by the Govern-l (. . 5'? '5',» templated Government bill dealing: lment at the last. session and 1'0" . o if; 'l .? 4,5,? , with the public service was to abol-,z !enunciated were 0f sufficient imfl _ CN, ' re" ji"t'.tiil,t ish patronage, Sir William said that', iportance to call Liberals into 'the "A Ie,,l' _ilqtS'il the Government's desire was tol iCabinet, even if not requiring en-l T ' Tllliirr' of; u, make the public service as perfect; 'it1orsatio.r, at the polls. Union Gov- "ri!,'.".),.: "$3,151,, as it possibly can be made. I lemming, It 1ti,dc, Em} alriwalfisb heal. _ Ile. Fcvi. lifting A: . . . _ accep e y lmse an , era " ' Itiir,r. "1"" Dealing with the offer of the - question o personne an p0 cy'on _ 'i1'd,i: r 's, I' 'r position Leader of an extensionogf the part. of the Government. . " i, r: '" _"',:, "g the life of the Legislature, Sir Wil- The nickel question was 1ealt with BP,;:,) .' _,' liam Hearst said that in the ordinary hrietiy by the speaker. Since the. '?t't"ir,ir" . _ . course of events this would hm. is}. last session. he said, the Government iir',ir, T last session oi' the present Legisla- has granted a, total .o.f 1,541 acres was ' . ture. and an election would be held to companies and individuals for use if"? in the not distant future. The offer as mines, and he said some declara- Irlt)irlll, of the Opposition Leader had placed ltlon was expected from the Gov- gll'ilir. a tremendous responsibility upon his ernment as to its with regard t'i,tli: . . shouldevs---otte of the greatest since {to protective legislation.., He Fir/il fig ' . he became Prime M1nitrter---but he lgested that Dy. Creelman should be 1,31,}. , had never shirked his responsibility, 'given a seat in the "House, probably 33" V i . and he did not intend to do so now. iNorth Oxford. so that a capable F?jirt) Sir William diverted for a moment agriculturist would be abl: to E; , 55;: or two to say that the policy of his A [iii'ii, the questions of mem era. :1 "iii; Government since the outbreak of Dewart regretted that there hat l." 'ilfii(" . ' the war had been to assist the allies been no mention of beett1',o,1.gig'ntt "31." I in every possible way.--He. realized patronage m the Speech romP e Bt;c, that to accept the offer of the Op- Throne. . The speaker asked the fa; H.373; position Leader for an extension Imiel' to implement what he had " IE:? would be. bad politics for the Govern- in his address so far as patronage Bri] ment and for the Conservative was concerned. l E5slr" . party, because if an election were , garb, . . . ' to be held in the near future the . Gleam" Ttcforms. ' Biiir . Conservative party would undoubt- I Dr. Forbes Godfrey '3'" he con- to? edly have an easy victory. Many of (sidered the report of Mr. Justice Mtt h . his followers would probably find) iHodginson the medical pttsteysio.r! lllrt fault with tho, action he was about, (i/di/y' fair. He believed that .111 IllR2, to take, but the fortunes of political; lwoqld have been better to appoint 'l, Kr,?" leaders and political parties were am such a man as Dr. McCullough. Pro- I 'kr dust and ashes in the balance when} [Vincial omcer of Health, to report ; IF. I the liberty of the world was at stake. i, l on venereal diseases. Dr. Godfrey l llris,' "I care nothing for the fate of my[ /iiiL/kih' that it would be betteiito _ 'tsc" . Government or for my own political;' .cstablish . an up-to-date recep 'll'. Biiri, fate if I can shorten by ever so, :hOSDiltal m Toronto .for'the treat; IK:,"; small a span the days of agonyl 'ment of temporary insane pa ten t Ilfrr'js'" _ through which this country must) ithan to send them to a permanen ItiEt," pass." The aims and objects of the; {institution . M if: _ Government had been to take every', , The debate was g,"tt,'111veg1uitg r. 1-"? step and adopt every measure that! Sam .Carter of South - e 32:32:; l .i't': , would 'assist in winning the war. 1 . who m the. course;1 ouUt"lr'rd"l,Q(i'll lEf, How tar they had succeeded they) speech .exr?r.esfe y , rt t fr;- . asked the people to judge of the decision of the two pa if .i,ii' " . I leaders to deter the general elec- KI ." Accepts Extension Offer. tion until after the war. Mr. Parties '53-, said this was a time when all shou 'lui--. _ . "In pursuance of the policy I put country before party and pon- - BtE, . have outlined, and in order that the lcentrate their energies upon 'war mp' . _ minds of the people should not be. winning- . _,' iilEii; o in any way diverted from the one The Address m replyttl? the 1tite, e: ' great object before us, and to pre- from the Ttyet, was 1u1i,'l'T,'llir' mfg; vent the introduction of any divid- ously carried and Sasha: Lieilten- t .lllr. . ing and disturbing elements among is to be preselg?' memberg tit/ the, 31 . ". our men and women, many of whose tp,1-J,',t.,v,.eJnl'li,,,tl'n 92'5- '". i r [iii" . hearts are breaking for loved ones Ex,t,fetiffro incial . Treasurer just) i ,. 5 ,who will never return. 1 have de.. b $02: threvHouse adjourned... inti-j " 'trr . lcided to accept the offer of the hon. meated that the onnuttl Budget: E . . 'Leader of t.he Opposition, made on speech would be delivered on Tues- ty ' . ibehait of his followers in the House day, . I _ ' I ' and his party in the country. (Loud . "rt-rr-rr-tre-err-er-er-F"-"-""- l . _ i (applause.) He and I can no doubt T .;agree on the details of a bill neces- ' . _ _ ésary to carry out the proposition. C C', s, , iThiS House has within itself the S . "lower to pass the necessary legisla- , t Etion. /pt course, the proposition ne- ' . . 5. , .cessarlly involves the cessation» ot I,"r, T ',r, {party activities and party hostili- ' . "':s1" "n.2,; ties. I don't mean exemption from 11,5145; -ctri','y proper criticism; we do not ask and " A 'iC'lr,_ ('i:ic:i,i" we do not want that. But we have V C, 'w,i,'i','it1i's,s,'y. vacant seats in the House that must ""h"i'(r'i)r:"i'i,iiiiffi,c,,_, *be fil!ed, seats that have beenleft - iiit'_,t'j'i:ii/'i"m':)g'ti!.s,'iil" open in expectation of an early elec- "-'grk'iyiriiEiieir tion. It would be senseless to post- /jiEaiC'ila'tii. pone a general election if' we are to _"ill!r,1llN f: have RTty.e?ntests in by-elections. - aik:'t% Bk': The object 1s to permit our people to yalltligtll Il I; devote their whole energies frto. the in: " K: prosecution of the war, forgetting iglltlMtE IE?, _ as far as possible party politics and' la" . $l F, every hindering influence." Egllll ' I ' 1N0 Great Issues " Stake. . . Ir-l. ' l _ . b" 3 The Premier said that, fortunate; _ , 3 ur, there was no great Provincial. ' ,. ' _ " thhich demanded the verdict . . V ' I l . Noble at-the present this,

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